In the gripping eighth installment of Season 1 of "The Believers," titled "Miracles Only Happen to Those Who Believe in Them," the narrative takes an exhilarating turn, as the perceived miraculous powers of the amulet plunge the storyline into a tempestuous vortex of faith, deceit, and escalating peril. The episode kicks off with the astounding recuperation of truck driver Pairach, who, in defiance of all medical prognoses, miraculously regains his ability to walk following a catastrophic accident. Convinced that the amulet is the driving force behind his remarkable recovery, Pairach's tale captivates the media, thrusting the amulet into the spotlight and skyrocketing sales to unprecedented heights.
As the trio behind the amulet—Win, Dear, and Game—revel in the burgeoning success of their venture, they swiftly grasp the immense power of belief and the lucrative business opportunity it presents. They broaden their product line, introducing a myriad of amulet models to cater to the surging demand, both in cyberspace and brick-and-mortar stores. However, the amulet's alleged divine intervention is not universally accepted; Game's father remains steadfast in his conviction to acquire one, leading to a fiery altercation that underscores the amulet's polarizing impact on interpersonal relationships and families.
Monk Dol's disillusionment with the temple's commercialization deepens considerably when his confidante and potential romantic interest, Dear, fails to attend their podcast recording. His subsequent visit to the office unveils a deeper rift in their bond, as Dear subtly hints at abandoning the temple, potentially signaling the demise of their partnership. In the meantime, Tang, the treacherous associate, resurfaces to extort Game, demanding money and menacing his safety. Fearful for his life, Game complies and conceals Tang within his family's factory, thereby entangling the web of deceit they've spun even further.
Detective Kritsanaphol intensifies his scrutiny, confronting the truck driver with bold accusations of drug trafficking and delving deeper into the enigmatic claims surrounding the miraculous amulet. His unyielding pursuit propels him to grill the driver about a possible collaboration with Win and Dear, hinting at a far-reaching conspiracy beneath the surface. Meanwhile, as Game bears food to Tang, the latter's paranoia spirals into a frenzy, his imagination conjuring imminent doom. Despite the group meeting their sales target, Win's insatiable greed pushes him to broaden their operations, much to Dear's dismay, who harbors a longing to abandon their illicit endeavors.
Win's visit to the lawyer to liquidate their debts marks a crucial juncture. Not only does he settle their financial obligations, but he also confronts the lawyer with his awareness of the latter's misconduct. Impressed by Win's cunning, the lawyer extends his card for future aid, hinting at a potential partnership. Game's quest for enlightenment regarding Tang's connections leads him to Father Kwi and Monk Ekachai, yet he finds no comfort in their words, as both remain mute to his inquiries.
In a poignant scene, Win's mother accompanies him to Phummaram Temple, expressing her yearning for a visit and her fervent hope for the return of Win's father. When Win suggests his father might be deceased, his mother's swift slap serves as a stark reminder of the emotional turmoil tied to the amulet and the temple's murky activities. Monk Dol's confession of love to Dear marks a pivotal moment for both, as Dear, startled and unprepared for such a revelation, flees the scene. Her escape is cut short by Kritsanaphol's arrival, brandishing a warrant for Win and Dear.
The episode concludes with a harrowing discovery: Game stumbles upon Tang's lifeless body, his的恐惧 now materialized into a grotesque reality. The terror in Game's eyes mirrors the gravity of their predicament, as the repercussions of their deeds start to unfold. "Miracles Only Happen to Those Who Believe in Them" is a masterpiece of suspense, leaving viewers perched on the edge of their seats as the characters' fates hang in a delicate balance, and the truth behind the amulet's power remains shrouded in a veil of mystery.