Episode 5 of The Chair's inaugural season commences with Ji-Yoon under intense scrutiny due to her association with Bill. Bill's image falters significantly; he arrives at the university with female students, appears intoxicated in class, and even displays inappropriate videos to his students. Consequently, Bill's disciplinary hearing now stands on the precipice of permanent dismissal.
Ji-Yoon attempts to deflect the blame onto sexism, but Larson shrewdly challenges the blurry boundaries between Ji-Yoon's personal and professional life. After all, Ji-Yoon has consistently favored Bill throughout the season, leaving her loyalty in question.
Switching to Bill's perspective, we find him in a state of utter chaos. He pops pills outside as students hurl insults at him. Meanwhile, Ju-Ju encounters Bill on her way to a birthday party and persuades her grandfather to allow him to tag along. At the party, Ju-Ju indulges in soju with the Korean men while the women chatter. However, during the festivities, Bill takes offense to the Korean traditions, and his pills spill on the floor, perilously close to a one-year-old child. Fortunately, the child is rescued before she can grab the pills, leaving an awkward silence that engulfs the entire room.
Concurrently, Ji-Yoon heads to David Duchovny's residence. As they discuss his work, Ji-Yoon realizes that David is merely using this opportunity as a springboard to return to his academic pursuits. Ji-Yoon is displeased and voices her dissatisfaction, arguing that this position should be reserved for someone genuinely passionate about it.
To rectify the situation, Ji-Yoon offers David an alternative. She encourages him to inform Pembroke of his change of heart, and in return, they will endow a chair in his name, specifically "The Dr. David Duchovny Chair in English Studies." While this news is welcome, Ji-Yoon's spirits sink when she learns that Yaz has been offered a lucrative position at Yale, with a higher salary and superior benefits. Undeterred, Ji-Yoon decides to match Yale's offer, hoping they can afford the wages and retain Yaz within their ranks.