The Consultant – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jul 30 2024

It's March 24th, the fateful day when Sang's path crossed with Regus, marking the commencement of Episode 4 of The Consultant. With determination etched on his face, Regus approaches Rosie, heedless of her steadfast rule against unscheduled visitors. He perches himself, unwavering, as the world around him bustles with routine, his stillness an enigmatic paradox, captivating in its extreme form. Only Rosie's insistent voice jolts him from his meditative state, prompting him to ascend the stairs towards Sang's office.

Sang remains indifferent, his attention finally piqued when Regus whispers the tantalizing promise of a posthumous gift: "The gift of immortality," Regus quips, and Sang's gaze locks onto him.

The Consultant – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Flashing forward, Elaine, a recent smoker's relapse, shares her discoveries with Craig as a package addressed to Sang arrives at the office, deftly handled by Rosie. Craig's exhaustive research into Patoff and his company reveals a startling correlation: a doubling of revenues and amputation requests in Russia since Patoff's arrival. He illustrates this with the case of Milani, painting a grim picture.

Rewinding to the past, Regus introduces himself as a consultant, revealing CompWare's dire financial straits. He dissects the company's accounts, exposing a bleak reality: four months' worth of payroll left, products undervalued, and staff overpaid. Even Sang's suicidal thoughts, stymied by the fear of being forgotten, are no secret to Regus. But Regus' plan can only unfold after Sang's demise.

In the present, Elaine confronts a locked Patoff's office, Craig's search for Frank Florez yielding no digital trace. Patoff's sudden emergence, his frantic calls for Denise unanswered, leads Elaine to intervene. Inside, he rattles off names, each branded by Elaine as unavailable due to personal circumstances, inadvertently divulging CompWare's impending collapse in six weeks. Elaine relays this grim news to Craig, who harbors a strategy to buy them more time.

Back in the past, Regus presents Sang with a contract, a safeguard for his legacy, promising that Regus seeks no personal gain. Sang, intrigued, ponders the absence of financial incentive before inking his signature, sealing a deal that would forever alter the course of CompWare's fate.

Regus solemnly declares his imminent return in a fortnight's time, a pronouncement that hangs heavily over Sang like a death sentence, leaving him reeling in disbelief. With unwavering conviction, Regus underscores the urgency, insisting that the moment is now or forever lost. "This is not the culmination," Regus elucidates, "but merely the dawn of a new chapter." Astonishingly, he extends an offer to Sang, allowing him to metaphorically "schedule his own passing." Sang, numb with shock, acquiesces, only to be met with Regus's subtle request for a modest "facilitation fee."

Meanwhile, Elaine attempts to reenter the room, only to find the locks have been cunningly swapped, sealing her out. Craig, hesitant to divulge the truth about that fateful Friday evening to Elaine, finds himself at a crossroads. Unbeknownst to him, Elaine's world is about to be rocked by the revelation of a sunken yacht, a treasure trove that could fetch the company a lucrative half-million-dollar bounty. Seizing the opportunity, Craig pitches his brainchild, Upskirt Jungle, to Regus with renewed vigor, who, intrigued, hands over his phone, granting Craig the platform to install the game within its confines. The scene unfolds with a heightened sense of intrigue and drama, each detail painted with vivid strokes that bring the narrative to life.

Regus confronts Craig with unwavering intensity, their discussion echoing the unresolved mystery of that fateful night. Milani remains elusive, yet their exchange is curt and to the point. Craig, with a sense of urgency, dials Elaine's number, his voice laced with the hint of a breakthrough. He reveals that amidst installing the game, he inadvertently planted spyware, a digital Trojan horse that granted him access to Patoff's intimate network of contacts.

A poignant parallel unfolds as memories intertwine with present-day events—in one scene, Sang tenderly assists Regus down the stairs, their bond evident; in the other, Regus, with renewed determination, drags the mysterious crate up the same staircase. Elaine's voice crackles over the line, informing Craig that Florez, their elusive quarry, is the proprietor of a glittering jewelry store nestled in Ponoma.

With renewed vigor, they hatch a plan to embark on a weekend road trip, their destination the alluring yet potentially treacherous jewelry store. As they step back into the office, their eyes widen in surprise upon encountering a startling sight: perched atop the stairs stands a life-like nude statue of Sang, a stark reminder of their recent discovery, now proudly displayed as if it were a trophy. The contents of the crate, finally unveiled, add a new layer of intrigue to their already complex investigation.

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