As Episode 6 of "The Consultant" unfolds, Craig and Patti find themselves amidst the solemnity of the church. Amidst the hushed prayers during mass, an unsettling scene transpires: Regus rises stealthily and begins to wander, his gaze eventually locking with Patti's as he approaches the confessional booth. Patti hesitates for a fleeting moment, her curiosity piqued by his alluring stare, before impulsively rising to her feet and making her way towards the booth. With rapid, agitated breaths, she pulls aside the curtains, her eyes blazing with a mix of profound temptation and anticipation as she steps inside.
The tranquility of the moment is shattered as Patti and Craig are jolted awake by the sudden crash of breaking glass, echoing through their home. Craig conducts a thorough search but finds no sign of an intruder, leaving the incident shrouded in mystery. The following day, Patti's uncharacteristic absence from work, disguised as an illness, puzzles Craig, who remains a blurred silhouette in the backdrop as Patti's sinister transformation takes center stage. Her demonic grin, coupled with the fierce tearing of something unseen, echoes Florez's dire warning to Craig: "Do not let him take her away from you."
Meanwhile, Elaine grapples with the reality of her new surroundings, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events that led her here. She pores over the report for "Upskirt Jungle," a game that has captivated audiences, anticipating the satisfying confirmation of its popularity at day's end. Craig's arrival at the office brings him up to speed on this success, along with an unexpected twist: a new office policy banning shoes within the premises. To add insult to injury, the game has been rebranded as "Mr Sang's Jungle Odyssey," a name that Elaine insists was the result of collective creativity and relentless effort.
As Craig peruses the impressive figures, Regus discovers a hidden camera surveillance feed on Elaine's laptop, igniting a spark of suspicion. Craig confronts Elaine about the game's transformation, but she counters with a hint of skepticism, suggesting that he may be hiding something about the lack of media coverage surrounding the Pomona robbery. The air is thick with intrigue, and the intricate web of deception begins to unravel.
Craig solemnly recites a passage from Ezekiel 37, an enigmatic revelation that might unravel the true identity of Regus, leaving us intrigued yet cautious in our speculations. Meanwhile, Regus, his ears pricked by the surveillance cameras, eavesdrops on Craig's heartfelt conversation with Elaine, capturing their intimacy in a screenshot, a digital testament to their vulnerability. He knows precisely how to wield this image, anticipating Patti's reaction with calculating precision.
Elaine, her conscience pricked, urges Craig to confront Patti with the truth, but Patti's silence on the other end of the phone line speaks volumes. The report arrives, a tangled web of opinions, controversial yet potentially groundbreaking, according to Elaine. She offers to sacrifice a Saturday, her perceived status in the office buoying her resolve, to ensure the game's marketing approval under Regus's watchful eye.
When Elaine's fib is uncovered by Regus, their confrontation simmers with tension. Elaine laments the domestic strife with Patti, while Regus deftly weaves a lie, feigning insight into Patti's doubts about the wedding and advocating for a temporary separation for clarity. Elaine's heart skips a beat as he casually mentions her forgotten computer, realizing too late that Patoff might have had unrestricted access to the surveillance feeds.
Craig's desperation leads him to Father Stollen's door, seeking sanctuary in the form of exorcism. He confesses his belief that Patoff, his employer, harbors sinister intentions towards him, but finds himself powerless to thwart the looming threat. That night, his dreams turn into a chilling simulation, where he finds himself trapped in the office, the gun in his hands discharging towards Patoff in a twisted act of self-preservation.
Amidst this turmoil, Regus embarks on a journey to meet Tokyo, traversing to the facility where the latter resides, his motives shrouded in mystery.
As we witness, Tokyo's canvas comes alive with bizarre depictions of demons and angels, his brushstrokes weaving a tale of the surreal. Regus hands him a phone, a portal to a new game, urging him to embark on this digital journey. Elaine, meanwhile, engages in lively discourse with members of the focus group, each sharing their insights.
Tang, a dedicated gamer who had immersed herself for a marathon seven hours, recounts her frustration. She reached a stagnant point at level 316, where her fate seemed preordained: a sprint for the elusive golden egg, the ground trembling beneath the weight of a colossal elephant, and ultimately, failure and demise—a recurring nightmare. Her desperation etched on her face, she collided with the patio window, leaving a testament to her struggle.
Elaine's conversation with Kyle, another player stranded at the same impasse, echoes Tang's tale. Kyle, too, had resorted to pounding his fist against glass, a testament to their shared desperation. Craig, another unfortunate soul, finds himself in the same quagmire, trapped at level 316. Regus, noticing Patti's reaction to the image he sent, can't help but feel a sense of unease.
At the office, Dana offers Regus a plate of homemade shortbread, a fleeting moment of warmth amidst the chaos. But Elaine's heart sinks as she discovers her son, Timmy, has suffered an injury playing the very same game, reinforcing the ominous pattern.
She presents her findings to Patoff, hoping for acknowledgment and action, but meets with denial. Patoff's stance appears calculated, a ploy to stir up anger and fuel the game's success. The stakes are high; CompWare's survival hangs in the balance. He gives the green light for the launch, heedless of the potential consequences.
Patti, fueled by rage towards Craig's plight, confronts Patoff, her voice laced with fury. As Elaine exits the office, Patti storms in, her destination clear—Patoff's sanctum.
Craig, standing at a crossroads, ponders his next move. Regus stands tall, anticipation etched on his face, waiting for Patti's arrival. With a sudden burst of anger, Craig shatters the front window, a violent act that may have echoed through the night before, a symbol of their shared struggle against an insurmountable challenge.