The Consultant – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jul 30 2024

Episode 7 of "The Consultant" unfolds amidst the festive cheer of a Christmas party, years in the past, where Craig and Elaine's paths intertwine for the very first time. Their encounter sparks an instant connection, revealing a shared history that binds them.

As the festivities subside, Regus convenes a marketing summit aimed at reviving the game's popularity. He introduces a clock with a single minute's countdown, challenging the team to brainstorm innovative ideas. Elaine, amidst the hustle, casually proposes an audacious plan to liberate an elephant from the confines of the zoo. To Regus' surprise and delight, her whimsical suggestion captures the room's imagination. But wait, could this fantastical notion of an elephant wandering the city streets soon become a reality within this episode?

The Consultant – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Craig awakens to a cryptic message from Patti, inquiring about Pomona, sending a ripple of unease through him. Disheveled and barefoot, he strides straight to his office, oblivious to Regus observing him from above. Regus promptly summons Elaine to his chamber, fueling her creative fire with the promise of pursuing her daring elephant escape plan. He even hints at a future where Elaine might helm the reins, should he step aside, igniting a fire within her to see this through.

Craig's attempts to quell Patti's ire via phone are thwarted when he realizes it's Regus masquerading as her. Alarm bells ring in his mind as he wonders about Patti's fate – could she be in peril? Elaine, undaunted, turns to Patrice, an ex-beau, for assistance. She weaves a tale of a vintage circus in town, housing Jumbo, a 35-year-old elephant, ripe for an urban adventure by rerouting her transport route. Elaine secures funding and reveals Patrice's involvement, their shared past adding a layer of intrigue to the mission.

Meanwhile, Craig is put on the defensive by Dr. Grant, seeking answers about Patti's whereabouts. Lying through his teeth, he fabricates a tale of Patti's flu, all while Regus manipulates the situation from behind the scenes, responding to Craig's messages from Patti's phone, weaving a web of deceit.

As Elaine puffed on the pot in her car, she listened intently as he unburdened himself to her coworker, Amy, confessing his deceit towards Pattie. Patrice, emotionally swayed by Elaine's manipulative tactics, reluctantly agreed but demanded a larger sum. Regus, keen on maintaining fiscal prudence, tasked Elaine with negotiating with Patrice, instructing her to keep the budget unscathed.

Adding to her mounting troubles, Elaine stumbled upon Craig and Amy in a compromising position, deepening her distress. Despite Patrice's initial reluctance to accept the reduced payment, Elaine's persuasive prowess prevailed, securing his compliance.

However, tensions flared between Craig and Elaine as the former descended into his former destructive patterns, lashing out at Elaine for her involvement with Patrice. Regus blindsided Elaine by offering only half the agreed-upon amount, citing Patrice's untrustworthy past, promising the remainder once the "elephant" was in place. Furthermore, he cunningly suggested Elaine leverage her personal history with Patrice as compensation, leaving her feeling affronted yet with few alternatives.

Amidst the turmoil, Elaine appeared resigned to Regus's strategy. Amy, now high on excitement, mentioned Patoff's after-work sojourn to his home, prompting Craig's curiosity about his whereabouts. Leveraging spyware installed on Patoff's phone, Craig directed Amy to a secluded hillside frequently traversed by Regus.

Upon reaching the desolate location marked on the map, they encountered nothing but a solitary portable toilet, which Craig violently shoved aside, howling into the wilderness with Amy by his side. Patrice's anger simmered as he rejected Elaine's proposal of partial payment, threatening to abort the deal unless he received the full amount.

From his vantage point above, Regus observed the tense exchange, impressed by Elaine's ability to calm Patrice's fury, ultimately luring him into a drink with her.

That night, Craig, fueled by alcohol and despair, called Elaine, confessing his belief that Patti would never return to him. Elaine, with a hint of smugness, boasted about her persuasive prowess, piquing Craig's curiosity about how she procured the elusive "elephant."

Meanwhile, Regus made a curious lunchtime excursion, carrying half his meal to a hidden room within the store's depths. There, Patti sat, very much alive and typing away on a typewriter, her presence eerie and disconcerting, shrouded in an unsettling aura.

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