In the captivating episode titled aptly, "The Crown" Season 6 Episode 2, we are ushered into the world of two photographers, Mario Brenna and Duncan Muir. Mario, when queried about his aspirations, reveals a dream of attaining the same level of fame as the celebrities he captures behind the lens. In stark contrast, Duncan exudes a sense of stability and reverence, admiring Queen Elizabeth with profound praise.
The narrative then pivots to a royal family gathering, where they uncover the potential romance brewing between Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed. Suspicions arise as Mohammad Al-Fayed, eager for British citizenship, might be involved in the liaison. The royals concur that Diana's actions could spell trouble for the monarchy.
Subsequently, we witness Diana in the glitz and glamour of Saint-Tropez, rendezvousing with Dodi. Rumors swirl that Mohammad Al-Fayed has inquired about the status of their relationship from his staff, to which the assistant offers a confirming nod. Determined to seal the deal, Mohammad commissions Mario Brenna to clandestinely photograph Diana and Dodi on a yacht, aiming to make their union public. Mario's stealthy efforts culminate in a striking image of Diana and Dodi embracing in a passionate kiss, splashed across the media.
Days later, amidst the royal entourage headed to Balmoral Castle in Scotland, Diana indulges in joyful moments with Princes William and Harry. Amidst this bliss, Dodi reaches out with a warning, alerting Diana of the impending media frenzy surrounding their leaked photos. Yet, Diana remains unperturbed, unwilling to let the buzz dampen her time with the young princes.
Diana steadfastly demanded a heartfelt hug from William and Harry before their departure. William, despite his apparent reservation towards Dodi, was unable to sway Diana's staunch defense of him as a kind-hearted soul. As she dropped off the princes, Diana engaged in a profound conversation with Charles. He suggested they embrace the positive aspects of their split and find a way to coexist harmoniously. Diana concurred, and the two shared a tender moment of mutual comprehension.
Days later, Diana ventured to Bosnia, determined to make a difference in the landmine-ridden region. However, her efforts were overshadowed by the leak of intimate photos of her and Dodi, which became the sole topic of conversation. Upon hearing of the leaked photos, the Queen felt a fleeting pang of sympathy for Diana, yet her lingering resentment prevented her from feeling too deeply for her former daughter-in-law.
Charles was dismayed by the news of the leaked photos, having recently patched things up with Diana. However, his press secretary capitalized on the situation, urging Charles to pose for pictures with his sons in Balmoral, in a bid to distance himself from his wayward ex-wife. Still agitated with Diana, Charles reluctantly agreed.
Subsequently, Duncan Muir was summoned to Balmoral to capture the heartwarming moments of Charles spending quality time with his sons. Muir snapped a picture of Charles and the boys posing gracefully by the river, a stark contrast to Diana's tumultuous life. As the episode drew to a close, Diana was spotted aboard a yacht, dressed in a serene blue ensemble, lost in the serene beauty of the sea.