The Curse – Season 1 Episode 10

Published: Jun 27 2024

Episode 10 of The Curse kicks off with a frosty opening on the bustling sets of The Rachael Ray Show. Amidst the commotion, Vincent Pastore, a renowned actor from 'The Sopranos', joins the celebrity chef as she prepares delectable meatballs from The Wise Guys cookbook. Meanwhile, Rachael introduces the so-called "green queens," Asher and Whitney, to the studio audience and television viewers. Their eager faces beam on the screen, yet Rachael's enthusiasm remains tepid. The awkward exchange hints at the show's uncertain fate with viewers, yet it manages to secure a second season.

Whitney strategically positions her hand on her stomach, seeking attention in a subtle yet obvious manner. Yet, Rachael remains unperturbed, never mentioning the pregnancy. After the interview, Whitney vents her frustration to Asher, who echoes her sentiments.

Later, during dinner, Whitney's accidental joke about the Holocaust falls flat, but Asher's response takes it to an offensive level. He presents Whitney with a gift, but her eagerness wanes as he unwraps a miniature model of Questa Lane and begins to explain. "I'm giving this to Abshir," Asher says, much to Whitney's confusion and ultimate disappointment. He claims to be "doing it for her" because she finds joy in making others happy, revealing his blindness to Whitney's selfishness.

The Curse – Season 1 Episode 10 1

Asher's bizarre take on the Holocaust encapsulates the eccentricity of the show. "We thought it was a sad thing, and indeed, it is, but there's humor to be found in it too," he muses. "Art is about... sometimes you have to go to extreme lengths to make your point."

The next day, when the couple attempts to execute this unconventional idea, the situation spirals into chaos. Abshir assumes they've come to evict him and opens the door with suspicion, refusing to let them in. He speaks of involving his cousin, a lawyer, and his concerns about the financial responsibilities of owning a house are palpable. His first question: "Who will pay the property taxes this year?" His distrust and suspicion are understandable, yet Asher and Whitney struggle to ease his fears, handing over spare keys with little success.

Asher confidently assures Abshir that the payment shall originate solely from his own funds, anticipating a moment of weakness or emotional outburst. As predicted, Abshir breaks down, tears welling up, only for Whitney to sharply notice. Yet, Abshir swiftly dismisses her observation, blaming it on dust in the air. The conclusion is unexpectedly lackluster, leaving the couple to lament the absence of the dramatic twists and turns of Reality TV.

Moving on, the couple embarks on renovations to their abode, relinquishing their passive certification to accommodate the new addition to their family. Consequently, they install a temperature-controlled unit in the nursery, a thoughtful gesture. However, the workman offers a crib gift, which Whitney returns promptly upon spotting the "Made in China" label.

Later, in a moment of tender intimacy, Whitney lies on the bed, her burgeoning belly exposed. Asher directs a beam of light onto it, speaking to the unborn child, remarking, "Another Asher resides within you." Whitney's expression is vacant, a reflection of her eight-month imprisonment. Soon, there will be "two of them." Could her plight worsen? Alas, it does.

The following morning, Whitney awakens to a startling sight — Asher suspended against the ceiling. He is oblivious to his unusual position, unaware that he is no longer on the bed. Panic grips Whitney as she struggles to bring him down, yet the pressure in the house seems to pose no obstacle. Why is she unaffected by this strange phenomenon? For reasons unknown, gravity defies Asher. Concerned for her safety, Asher urges Whitney to exit the house.

In a surreal scene, Asher attempts to crawl across the room, his movements reminiscent of a "real-life apparition." Unable to descend, he requests Whitney to fetch the Dyson vacuum. Kneeling on the ground, she struggles valiantly, her labor pains intensifying. Through grit and determination, Whitney manages to hand Asher the vacuum, but his attempt to retrieve his phone fails. The contractions become more frequent as Asher counts the seconds between them. Whitney retrieves the phone and rushes outside, calling Moses, their doula, despite Asher's initial request to call Dr. Brown.

Moses informs her that the delivery must occur in Espanola, shocking Whitney momentarily. How many ironies will this episode entail? Since the masks have fallen, chaos has reigned supreme. Asher, now outside by the doorframe, insists on driving her despite the impending delivery. When the doula arrives, Asher begs for assistance to descend, but as soon as his legs leave the ceiling, he is inexplicably pulled upwards.

As Moses loosened his grasp, Asher was poised to soar into the air like a balloon, escaping the grasp of gravity. It was a moment fraught with terror, the stakes悬浮在"sky high." Unable to restrain himself any longer, Moses relinquished his hold, and Asher collided with the branch of a tree, clinging to it for dear life. In the midst of this chaos, he calmly reassured Whitney, urging her to "focus on herself," as if she needed a reminder of such a basic instinct.

Moses summoned Dougie to stand in their stead and then sped away with Whitney in tow. The bewildered locals gazed skyward, trying to piece together the mysterious scenario. Dougie soon arrived, even bringing his cameraman Remy to document the spectacle. Assuming Asher's ascent was a manifestation of his "fear of embracing fatherhood," Dougie, whose own father had abandoned his family, clung to this theory.

Dougie remained unperturbed, dismissing Asher's frantic pleas that he was being lifted skyward. A fire truck was summoned, yet its crew was equally dismissive of Asher's claims. They instead opted to position a giant inflatable pillow on the ground. Asher frantically pleaded for them to install a net over him, to prevent his inevitable flight, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Meanwhile, Whitney learned at the hospital that she would undergo a c-section surgery. Back at the tree, Dougie relentlessly filmed the rescue operation, utilizing a microphone and a drone. But as a rescuer sliced through the branch, Asher was catapulted into the heavens, while the severed branch crashed to the ground with a deafening thud.

Incredulity prevails... even among us. As Asher ascends into the heavens, leaving the mortal realm behind, Asher Jr enters the world, innocent and unharmed. Whitney clutches the newborn close, tears streaming down her face yet a radiant smile adorning it. This is the first glimpse of pure, unselfish joy we've witnessed in her eyes. Asher continues his upward journey, ultimately breaking the bounds of Earth's gravity. His departure is final, irreversible. Dougie crumples in disbelief, his apologies to Asher echoing incessantly — perhaps for the curse, or for the loss of another cherished soul.

As the credits roll, spectators near the house murmur about the show being a mere "television stunt." The Curse concludes with the curse itself being lifted, but the intricacies of this ending are vast, too numerous to enumerate. At its core, The Curse revolves around Whitney, though the narrative doesn't unfold through her eyes. Her troubled marriage ensnares her with a man who worships her yet clings too tightly. Their union is strained, and the cracks widen as the season progresses. The finale grants Whitney the fresh start she desired. Recall the line from Episode 9: "I'd be gone, and you wouldn't have to say it. I would feel it, and I would disappear." Perhaps this is why Safdie and Fielder deemed it unnecessary to explain Asher's bizarre fate. Whitney whispered a wish, and it was granted.

The firefighters' neglect to place the net beneath Asher holds a deeper meaning. While it wouldn't have altered the outcome, it's a poignant metaphor for the hollow promises made to the Espanola community and the hollow reality they faced. This facade of security undermined the show's essence. Asher was indeed the curse, Whitney's insurmountable obstacle. His obsession with the curse led to its fulfillment, marking the end of his journey. I firmly believe that since Asher Jr was born "Breech," there's a possibility of rebirth. And once again, Whitney is trapped. Will this be too jaunty a narrative for Season 2? Time will tell.

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