As Episode 4 of "The Diplomat" unfolds, the morning aftermath appears eerily serene, a stark contrast to the drama's tumultuous tides that have now settled into a dusty lull. But this tranquility is but a fleeting illusion, shattered by Eidra's entrance, bearing ominous tidings: Britain's advisory to evacuate its citizens from Iran, and whispers of a potential exodus of non-essential embassy staff.
Trowbridge, eager to fan the flames of the "Iranian specter," seeks to prolong the fear, whereas Stuart counsels Kate to leverage the gala, mingling with the British elite, as a platform to address the issue. Eidra presses Kate to verify the rumors through her Whitehall contact, but Kate, unconvinced, dismisses the notion.
Meanwhile, the US prepares to issue a trade-related statement, a strategic maneuver designed to entice Iran into dialogue. "The Diplomat" delves deep into the intricacies of geopolitics, offering insights rarely glimpsed on television's silver screen.
Kate's reluctance to accept the VP nomination becomes clearer; the prospect of remaining tethered to Hal looms as an insurmountable obstacle. Their marriage, seemingly beyond repair, hangs precariously as the Wylers grace the gala's grandeur. With the official statement released, anticipation hangs heavy in the air.
Stuart, hoping to mend fences and further Kate's VP aspirations, orchestrates a dance between Hal and Kate, capturing the moment in a photograph, convinced that their differences can be ironed out for the sake of the VPship. His defense: patriotism, rooted in Kate's undeniable qualifications for the role.
Trowbridge's impassioned speech, a pointed rejoinder to Kate, touches upon America's policy reversal, igniting a firestorm of controversy among the British press. The air between Trowbridge and Rayburn is thick with tension, their relationships strained, apologies sought, but only through the formalities of diplomacy.
Kate, once again, clarifies to Stuart that her marriage to Hal stands as a formidable barrier to her VP aspirations. Stuart, ever the schemer, proposes a "professional partnership" as a workaround, piquing Kate's curiosity... until it's revealed she was merely toying with him. But the question lingers: Why should Hal be the sole impediment to Kate's VP dreams? Can preparation truly outmaneuver the complexities of Hal Wyler? Kate, it seems, doubts it deeply.
Her ire ignites when she discovers that Secretary Dennison, defying protocol, has secretly engaged with the Iranian ambassador. Summoning him would be a public rebuke, yet Dennison astonishingly claims innocence, leading Kate to a stark realization: the Iranians have received their message loud and clear.
The Iranians, seeking a veil of secrecy, insistently demand a rendezvous with the British, prompting the whisper that Dennison had contacted their Ambassador to surface. Kate, carrying this tidbit, presents it to Eidra, whose suspicions are further fueled by the Ambassador's reluctance to mention Dennison's name. This confirmation solidifies in Eidra's mind that Dennison is indeed Kate's covert source, the one she couldn't disclose in their previous encounter. Encouraging Kate, she urges her to approach Dennison directly, with the aim of summoning the Iranian Ambassador, and Kate acquiesces.
Arriving at the Foreign Office, Kate strategizes her entrance, choosing not to divulge her intention upfront. She desires a subtle yet overt approach, ensuring her presence remains "cloaked yet discernible." Delivering her message to Dennison, Kate insists on being present when the Ambassador is summoned, her determination unwavering.
Stuart's displeasure is palpable when Eidra reveals Kate's intention to wear a hidden camera to the meeting. As they await within the confines of their vehicle, Stuart relentlessly presses Kate to accept the Vice Presidency, revealing his and Billie's past as campaign managers, with Billie's resurgence into the fray while he remained on the sidelines. His sole objective now is to pave the way for Kate's ascension.
Kate, however, remains preoccupied with the notion that Hal is the coveted choice, and Stuart's attempts to dissuade her fall on deaf ears. She vows to inform Billie of her intention to dissolve their marriage, contingent upon their continued interest in her—sans Hal. Stuart, in turn, pleads with Eidra to reconsider her Cairo posting, expressing his desire for her to stay.
Just as the conversation takes a turn, Ambassador Hajjar arrives, his demeanor betraying his displeasure at Kate's presence. Dennison swiftly intercedes, explaining Kate's role in defusing the situation. Hajjar, in a fit of trust, divulges the name of Roman Lenkov—the mastermind and financier behind the attack, a Russian mercenary. This revelation underscores a complex web of alliances, with Russia and Iran's friendship casting a shadow over Iran's predicament as they're unfairly blamed for Russia's aggression. Their status as Iran's foremost trading partners leaves them helpless in the face of this dilemma.
Hajjar, with a heavy heart, incinerates the note, his breathing labored. Kate, sensing his distress, offers him tea, both of them assuring him that the Russians will never trace the information back to him. Suddenly, Hajjar's condition takes a turn for the worse, as he begins to choke and collapses. Wyler rushes out, while Dennison swiftly brings in the Deputy Ambassador who accompanied Hajjar, and miraculously, Hajjar regains consciousness.