The second installment of Season 2 of "The Diplomat," titled "St. Paul's," kicks off on a poignant note, plunging both the characters and the viewers into the heart-wrenching aftermath of a devastating bombing. The episode unfolds with a solemn funeral at the iconic St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, an occasion that stands not merely as a tribute to Merritt Grove but also as a stage backdrop for the intricate political theater that is soon to unfold.
The appearance of Margaret Roylin, expertly portrayed by Celia Imrie, at this funeral marks a significant turning point, given her mysterious absence since the tragic event. Her presence is no mere happenstance but a deliberate maneuver orchestrated by the CIA, who have cunningly interspersed doubles among the mourners to divert attention and shield Roylin from potential threats.
The interaction between Kate Wyler, vividly embodied by Keri Russell, and Eidra Park, skillfully enacted by Ali Ahn, intensifies as they seek crucial information from Roylin in exchange for her safety. Roylin's insights and her fears are instrumental in unraveling the labyrinthine conspiracy that the team is investigating.
The funeral also acts as a spark that ignites a pivotal revelation in Kate's personal life. Hal Wyler, played with nuance by Rufus Sewell, confronts Kate about her rumored affair with Austin Dennison, adding a layer of poignant complexity to the narrative tapestry.
As the episode progresses, the tension among the characters spirals upward. The swift extraction of Roylin from the funeral by the CIA and her subsequent conversation with Kate and Eidra unveils a shocking revelation: it was British citizens, Merritt Grove among them, who hired Roman Lenkov to assault the HMS Courageous.
This startling revelation sends ripples of shock through the team, as they grapple with the far-reaching implications of such a treacherous betrayal. The intricate personal dynamics among the characters become even more strained, particularly between Kate and Hal, as they navigate the aftermath of the bombing and the speculative whispers of an affair. Stuart Heyford's return to work post-bombing injects another layer of emotional complexity into the mix. His relationship with Eidra remains fraught with lingering, unresolved tensions, and his confrontation with Hal brings the underlying team tension to a boiling point.
The episode reaches its climax in a dramatic COBRA meeting, where Trowbridge's accusations against Russia are met with a wall of skepticism, especially in light of the bombshell revelation that the bomb was British-made. This stunning twist turns the accusing finger towards the British government, deepening the enigma and posing more questions than it provides answers. "St. Paul's" stands as a masterpiece of political intrigue, personal drama, and the labyrinthine complexities of international relations. It sets the stage for a season that promises to be both thrilling and thought-provoking, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next thrilling chapter in this gripping saga.