Season 2, Episode 3 of "The Empress" unfolds with Elisabeth and Franz poised at the brink of their royal journey through the kingdom. Elisabeth's heart beats with anticipation to traverse the realm and engage with its people, yet she harbors a clandestine plan for Milan, one she keeps hidden from her spouse.
Napoleon, privy to their voyage through a newspaper clipping, confesses to having underestimated Elisabeth. It appears she is aiding Franz in stifling the independence movement. Consequently, he arranges a confrontation with the Prime Minister of Piedmont. During their encounter, the Prime Minister implores France for military aid to fuel their revolution, promising Napoleon credit for his assistance once independence is secured.
Meanwhile, Alexander confides in Leontine that he has dispatched a letter to her father, proposing marriage and inviting him to Vienna. She beseeches him to pen another, retracting his previous letter. Alexander is perplexed, believing her family's opposition was the reason behind her refusal. Little does he know! She coldly informs him that her declaration of love has never crossed her lips and departs to join Elisabeth on her royal expedition. Prior to their departure, Sophia counsels Elisabeth to seize this opportunity to conceive.
The royal journey begins on a promising note, with the media extolling Elisabeth's virtues. Franz swells with pride for his wife, acknowledging her endeavors. They reconnect, yet concur that they are not yet prepared for another pregnancy. Throughout the trip, Leontine and Charlotte seem to concur that the young ladies-in-waiting must be guided by duty rather than emotion.
A few days into their journey, the royal contingent arrives in Milan, where trouble brews. The police forcibly coerce the populace to greet the royals at the station. However, instead of cheering, the people drop their flags and flowers, casting disdainful glances. This unnerves Elisabeth and incenses Franz. They proceed to the Viscount's residence for dinner, where they are to meet Maxmillian and his fiancée.
Back in Vienna, Sophia dives into her duties. She and Alexander scrutinize the Cardinal's proposal. Following his recent heartache, Alexander's patience wanes, and his words to Sophia become harsh. They clash over most of the Cardinal's demands, making collaboration challenging.
Concurrently, Sophia prepares to spend more time with Frienchen. Margarete brings along some of Sophia's childhood toys from her home, along with an aged painting of Sophia and her twin sister. The artwork seems to haunt Sophia, evoking dark memories she has been striving to forget.
At the Viscount's elegant abode, Maximilian introduces Marie to his brother Franz and his sister-in-law, knowing that Franz's consent is paramount for their union, lest Marie's father withdraw his blessing. As conversations flow, Maximilian unexpectedly encounters Buol, who steadfastly refuses to acknowledge his part in the abortive coup d'état when confronted by Maximilian.
Franz, curious about Marie but mindful of Maximilian's proximity to Elisabeth, finds himself in a delicate position. During dinner, the discourse revolves around the warmth of the locals and the existence of external encouragement. Maximilian, increasingly inebriated, ventures to propose that the people of Milan be granted the freedom to speak their mother tongue and access to education. Elisabeth echoes his sentiments, prompting Franz to lose his composure and shout that such decisions are solely within his purview. He further threatens Maximilian, hinting that his nod for the couple's marriage might be forthcoming. Marie, disturbed by Maximilian's conduct, fears he is striving to impress Elisabeth, but he reassuringly clarifies that his heart belongs solely to her.
Post-dinner, Elisabeth confronts Franz for his outburst, sternly warning him against repeating such behavior. She reveals her plan to visit Adolfo's family to offer condolences, disregarding Franz's forbidden order. The next morning, as Leontine assists her in preparing, Franz unexpectedly decides to accompany her.
Together, they journey to Adolfo's village, posing as officials dispatched by the Empress. Adolfo's father, a proud military man, rejects his son's actions, believing the youth are being misled. Conversely, Adolfo's younger brother, Gino, stands in solidarity with his sibling. Gino has witnessed the military's oppressive tactics against those daring to speak truthfully. He recounts an incident where police brutalized him for refusing to greet the royals in their language on their visit. Elisabeth and Franz listen intently, vowing to bring their plight to the Empress's attention. They offer financial assistance, which the family respectfully declines.
After their departure, Gino's girlfriend, observing their changed demeanor, is astonished that the visit has altered Gino's perception of the royals. She cautions him that the Empress will not shield them; they must protect themselves.
Franz, moved by the experience, expresses gratitude to Elisabeth. Returning to the Viscount's residence, he has a heartfelt conversation with his brother, forgiving Maximilian despite the pain and appointing him the new Viscount. He also bestows his blessing upon Maximilian and Marie's union. As the entourage journeys back home, Elisabeth rushes to embrace her children, remembering the wisdom imparted by Adolfo's mother. She also ignites Leontine's spirit, urging her to seek happiness and follow her heart. Upon arrival, Elisabeth hastens to Alexander and accepts his proposal.
The episode concludes with Napoleon glancing at the newspaper, discovering Franz's appointment of Maximilian as the new Viscount of Lombardy-Venetia. His displease is palpable.