Episode 6 of "The Leopard" unfurls in October 1862, where Fabrizio battles silently with declining health, shrouding his condition in secrecy. It marks the final gala of the season, a crucial juncture for the remaining sisters in their quest for suitable partners. Fabrizio meticulously ensures that Cesco, his heir apparent, is impeccably attired and conducts himself with dignity.
Concetta's betrothed, Bombello, arrives on the scene and seems to have garnered the family's approval. However, his desire to hold the wedding in Milan does not sit comfortably with Fabrizio. Stella, sensing his distress, gently reminds him that this is Concetta's wish, her heart set on escaping the confines of Sicily. To lift Fabrizio's spirits, Stella revisits memories of their inaugural ball, prompting an affectionate embrace and a whimsical dance together, albeit awareness lingers that her own ballroom days are forever behind her, as she mourns the loss of Paolo.
On their journey to the ball, Fabrizio playfully scolds Bombello, though his wry smile betrays that his critique is all in good humor, driven by a father's unwavering devotion. Meanwhile, Calogero Sedara has ascended to the rank of senator, yet finds himself struggling to fit into his new social milieu. Fabrizio also observes Russo's emergence as Calogero's trusted confidant.
The ball gets off to a rocky start as Concetta's attention is instantly captured by Tancredi's arrival, accompanied by Angelica. Her siblings, meanwhile, face an uphill battle in securing suitors. Cesco hides in cowering, and fear at the possibility of making a mistake. Fabrizio, feeling dizzy, sighs deeply and urges Cesco to embrace his true self. On the dance floor, tensions escalate as Tancredi's disdain for Bombello leads to a heated dance-off between the two couples, casting a shadow over the evening's festivities.
Concetta attempts to flee as Angelica corners her, acutely aware of the shackles of her humble origins and the unspoken truth that Tancredi harbors feelings for her. The weight of her circumstances bears down upon her, prompting her to bolt from the scene. Tancredi, sensing her distress, pursues her, and she ponders whether he pines for their Sicilian homeland. He reveals that it is she whom he misses deeply, leading to an impulsive kiss shared between them. Meanwhile, inside, Angelica and Bombella exchange knowing glances, noting the absence of their respective partners.
Leonforte is privy to Fabrizio's orchestration of Russo's theft and subsequent devaluation of his land. Russo, with designs on acquiring it, and Fabrizio come to realize Calogero's involvement in the scheme. Leonforte, desperate, begs Fabrizio to repurchase the land, but Fabrizio confesses his financial constraints. The once mighty Sicilian nobles are descending into poverty, while figures like Calogero and Russo ascend.
Despite this, Fabrizio confronts Calogero, scathing him as bourgeois vultures. Calogero, unperturbed, retaliates by reminding the assembled nobles of their complacency towards their wealth. He stands firm in his self-worth, justifying his opportunistic actions. As Calogero staggers away, Angelica commands Fabrizio to waltz with her, underscoring the Sedaras' burgeoning clout. All eyes turn to them as they sweep across the floor in a graceful waltz. Calogero watches, a hint of envy flickering across his face, while the Salinas look on with pride, their regal father the center of attention. Fabrizio, lost in the moment, believes he is dancing with Stella.
The dance concludes, and Fabrizio retreats in shame, while Concetta joins him in silent companionship. He unburdens himself to her, painting a grim picture of the nobles' impending downfall. Once, they were leopards and lions, but soon, they will be supplanted by jackals and hyenas. Yet, they share a common thread: the unwavering belief in their own authenticity.
As Fabrizio and Concetta made their way back home, he opened his heart, confessing that he would consent to hold their wedding wherever her heart desired. Yet, her expression remained troubled. In an attempt to lift her spirits, he led her to the garden, where he proudly showed her the first blooms of their roses. However, his joy was cut short as he suddenly fainted. The subsequent diagnosis from the doctor, revealing Fabrizio harbored a brain tumour, shattered their family's peace. They gathered around his bedside, their hearts heavy with sorrow, until Tancredi's arrival brought him back to full consciousness. Tancredi offered Concetta solace, while Stella's smile tried to lighten the grim atmosphere.
Bombello's visit was met with Concetta's heart-wrenching decision to end their engagement. Though he understood her reasons, she reassured him that she had once genuinely intended to marry him. Fabrizio, growing weaker by the moment, drifted into memories of joyous times shared with Tancredi, whose sorrow was palpable. Upon Concetta's return, Tancredi sought clarity about their shared future, acknowledging that they both knew it was no more. They sat together, Tancredi vowing to always prioritize her well-being above all else.
As the other children offered up their prayers, Fabrizio entrusted Concetta with the responsibility of guiding the family. Cesco, designated as the heir, would lead, but Concetta was to be the guiding light. Following Fabrizio's passing, a solemn funeral unfolded, with Cesco presiding with dignity. Angelica, as always, caused a scene, while Concetta noted Calogero's intense gaze directed at Cesco.
In the wake of their loss, Cesco and Concetta orchestrated a strategic move, purchasing Leonforte's land at an inflated price using funds that technically belonged to Calogero, via Angelica's possessions. Russo was livid, having harbored dreams of owning the land himself. Concetta's sisters faced different fates: Chiara married, while Caterina found solace in the church.
Calogero, determined to curry favor with Garibaldi, groveled at his feet, with Russo as his unwitting accomplice. Angelica pursued her affair with Ambassador Charroux, though her heart seemed elsewhere. Tancredi, isolated in Paris, found his thoughts constantly drifting back to Concetta. She, meanwhile, assumed the mantle of running the Salina estates in Sicily with unwavering determination.
The final scene of The Leopard Episode 6 painted a vivid picture of Concetta, astride a horse, riding through a tenant farm, embodying both resilience and the promise of a new dawn.