The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 1

Published: Jul 16 2024

Episode 1 of The Lincoln Lawyer commences in a dimly lit parking lot, late into the night. An assassin emerges from the shadows, executing a cold-blooded assassination of Jerry, a defense attorney. With swift precision, he snatches Jerry's briefcase and vanishes into the night. This shocking and abrupt introduction sets the tone for the intriguing tale that unfolds.

The camera shifts to Mickey Haller, a man who receives a call from Lorna, labeled as "Second Wife" in his phonebook. She informs him that the Chief Judge, Mary Holder, has contacted her about a potential case. Excited, Mickey abandons his beachside musings and hastily prepares to meet the judge. On his way, his first wife, Maggie, reminds him to pick up their daughter Hayley at precisely 6 pm. As the camera pans down, it reveals his license plate adorned with the cheeky phrase "NTGUILTY," eliciting a roll of the eyes.

The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 1  1

Mickey arrives at the meeting with the judge, where he learns that he was once known as the Lincoln Lawyer. Moreover, he had faced off against Jerry Vincent, a prosecutor who was not a personal favorite. To Mickey's surprise, Vincent had entrusted him with his entire legal practice, including the high-profile Trevor Elliot case, involving a tech mogul who allegedly murdered his wife and her lover. Holder informs him that while clients have the right to transfer cases, Mickey will now inherit the top spot on Vincent's client roster.

Here, we delve deeper into Mickey's backstory. Eighteen months prior, he had suffered a surfing accident that required multiple surgeries. Unfortunately, these surgeries led to a painful addiction to painkillers. Despite his rough edges, Mickey boasts that on his best days, he is the finest defense attorney in the city.

As Mickey and Lorna arrive at Vincent's law practice, they discover that the entire premises have been cordoned off by the police as a crime scene. Detective Griggs sternly orders them to leave, warning that they are "contaminating the crime scene." Mickey attempts to assert his legal authority, but inadvertently raises suspicion upon himself. The detective eventually relents and leaves them to their own devices.

Determined to get to work, Mickey decides to hire Cisco, his ex-wife's boyfriend, as an investigator. Cisco is a top-notch professional who would be invaluable, but he is currently tied up in court. Left to his own devices, Mickey jumps straight into the deep end. He manages to secure a continuance for a girl named Izzy until the next morning at 10 am. The suspects and their families are displeased, but Izzy confides in Mickey, revealing that she had stolen a necklace while under the influence of drugs.

Mickey slips back into his role as the Lincoln Lawyer, cruising around town in his car and meeting with various clients. Among them is Trevor Elliot, who is spotted playing basketball on the rooftop. Amidst the game, he complains about the delay in his trial, having waited for five long months. Mickey assures him that he is better than Jerry and will do his utmost to prepare for the case and ensure justice for Trevor.

Cisco eventually encounters Mickey and concurs to collaborate with him on the perplexing Trevor Elliot matter. As they delve into the details, Mickey realizes he's pressed for time and hastily rushes to collect his daughter. Maggie, though displeased with his impulsive actions, notes that this isn't the path to gaining joint custody of Hayley. Nonetheless, she's glad to see him regardless.

With just nine days to acquaint themselves with the intricate details of this case, the task seems daunting, especially for a trio. However, there's an even more ominous aspect that compounds the challenge. Detective Griggs appears, brandishing a file that highlights the gravity of Mickey's predicament. Griggs affirms that Jerry was deliberately targeted, and there's something within the laptop's depths that led to his demise.

Griggs warns Mickey that he's in danger and could be the next target, having unknowingly grasped a potentially lethal burden.

Mickey's initial focus is on the Izzy case. He boldly declares the necklace in question a counterfeit, bolstering his argument by bringing in a jeweler to authenticate his suspicions. In a swift move, the case is dismissed, and Izzy is set free. Mickey, seeing an opportunity, urges her to join his team as his new driver.

Now, with renewed vigor, Mickey dives into the Elliot case. He traverses Trevor's apartment, retracing the crime scene, feeling the echoes of what transpired.

According to Trevor, he was engrossed in his work, a maestro in computer programming, developing a photorealistic game. He had created a lifelike avatar modeled after his wife, Lara. Trevor had toiled over his creation for days, aiming for perfection. That fateful day, he decided to surprise her, but instead, he stumbled upon her lifeless body, immersed in a pool of her own blood. That grisly sight will forever remain etched in his mind.

Trevor's narrative seems sincere, and he confesses that he wouldn't have abandoned his wife, even after discovering her infidelity, for he needs her. Mickey, having heard enough, is convinced he can secure an acquittal for Trevor and formally takes on the case. However, as he drives away from the scene, a chill runs down his spine as he realizes he's being tailed.

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