The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 2

Published: Jul 16 2024

Episode 2 of The Lincoln Lawyer commences with Izzy losing sight of the trailing vehicle and hastily retreating to the office. There, Mickey introduces her to the dynamic team. As he delves deeper into the Elliot case, Mickey realizes the paucity of evidence beyond a few statements. It seems the laptop's contents from the previous episode could be a crucial trove of evidence for Trevor Elliot's defense.

Mickey's court appearance is imminent as he is slated to defend Terrell Coleman, accused of assaulting a police officer. Terrell adamantly proclaims his innocence. After listening intently to his account, Mickey strategizes a continuance. He approaches the Chief Judge, outlining the gravity of the situation, including the imminent threat to his own life. Mickey intends to compile a list of potential clients who posed threats to Jerry, which he labels as "red flags" and plans to submit to the LAPD. Though this typically breaches client confidentiality, the imminent danger justifies Mickey's decision.

The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 2 1

Cisco uncovers intriguing details, revealing Jerry's odd behavior in the weeks preceding his death. Did he know he was being watched? Lorna gains access to Jerry's business accounts, uncovering suspicious transactions like "salary advances" transferred to his personal accounts. Alarmingly, Jerry never shared the details with a ballistics expert.

Mickey hastily visits Griggs, offering a list of potential threats to Jerry's life. In return, he seeks information on Jerry. Griggs reveals Jerry's routine of commuting between home and work but mentions a visit to Athena's Temple in LA. It transpires that Jerry's affairs weren't just with Lara; there could be another enraged husband seeking revenge.

As the Trevor Elliot case gains momentum, Mickey fetches Hayley from school and accompanies her to court, where she watches him defend Coleman. The officer's credibility is questionable as he wasn't wearing his body camera that day. However, an ATM camera clears the air. Before Mickey can present the evidence, the officer panics and begs them to desist. This suffices to dismiss all charges.

Later, Mickey reveals he had been bluffing, suspecting the officer's duplicity. That evening, Lorna discovers pivotal information. Jerry had printed a motion for continuance in the Elliot case on the day of his death but never filed it, implying it was on the laptop. However, Mickey interprets this as a sign that Jerry lacked substantial evidence for the trial.

When Mickey requests a continuance from the judge, Trevor Elliot is enraged. He has signed a deal for his company's acquisition, and any delay could jeopardize the deal, leading to significant losses for him and the investors. Mickey has no choice but to comply. He then turns his focus to Jerry's assistant, suspecting a deeper "personal relationship" with his late colleague. She reveals that Jerry had found a "magic bullet," hinting at crucial evidence. This spurs Mickey's resolve to uncover the truth, unaware that his car has been bugged by sinister forces, eavesdropping on every word.

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