The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jul 16 2024

Episode 5 of The Lincoln Lawyer opens with Mickey sternly reminding Trevor Elliott that his every move is being scrutinized. He sternly advises Trevor to drive a regular car to court, but the latter stubbornly refuses. Even more strangely, Trevor refuses to have a jury consultant, despite the apparent benefits. With limited resources, Mickey embarks on a solo mission to recruit a woman to be his undercover informant, all without Trevor's knowledge. Additionally, Mickey's suspicions are piqued by the enigmatic Anton Shavar, rumored to have a shady past as an ex-Mossad agent.

Lara, on the other hand, is embroiled in a scandalous affair with her yoga instructor, Jan Rilz, who turns out to be a serial adulterer with a penchant for wealthy married women. One of his victims is Neema Shavar, Anton's ex-wife. Anton, who runs a private security firm, seems to have a mysterious background that aligns with Lara's affair. Adding to the intrigue, Rilz had filed a restraining order against Anton before his mysterious death.

The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Lorna, however, is more fascinated by Carol Dubois, the woman who provided Mickey with Shavar's name during questioning. She senses something amiss about Carol but can't quite put her finger on it.

The real drama, however, unfolds during the jury selection process. Mickey prefers to go it alone, but Trevor insists on having a say in the matter. Golantz, too, plays his own game, leading to a tense exchange between the defense and prosecution as they narrow down the jury pool. Meanwhile, Mickey's undercover informant has been carefully observing the jury and Trevor's every move, providing Mickey with crucial insights.

Earlier in the episode, Cisco provokes Anton by approaching Neema, which leads to a confrontation at Cisco's garage. Anton threatens Cisco, brandishing a gun, and vows to make him pay if he approaches Neema again. Unbeknownst to Anton, Cisco has been recording the entire encounter.

Later that night, Griggs visits Mickey and alerts him to a large amount of missing money from Jerry's account. Additionally, the police have found a burner phone in Carlin's apartment, which, though inconclusive, paints a damning picture. It seems Jerry made a delivery on the same day he withdrew the cash. Could that money have been used for a bribe? The mystery deepens.

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