The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Jul 16 2024

Episode 6 of The Lincoln Lawyer commences with a poignant flashback, revealing Mickey receiving profound counsel from his father's wise words. The weight of those "big shoes" is palpable as the narrative shifts to the present, where Mickey grapples with the Trevor Elliott case, uncertain if the money Griggs mentioned was a bribe to a juror or a judge.

With mounting concern, Mickey visits Cisco and Lorna, urging caution in their investigation. However, Cisco's mind is elsewhere, drawn to the name Harold Casey on Mickey's calendar. Cisco recognizes him as a former biking companion, though he soon dismisses the notion. Meanwhile, Lorna reveals her clever ruse to test Judge Stanton's credibility by posing as a wedding couple sampling food at a restaurant he's affiliated with.

Remember Jesus Menendez? He was a case Mickey couldn't win, a defeat that has haunted him ever since. Now, Mickey seeks him out, pleading for a second chance. But Jesus is unyielding, forcing Mickey to depart empty-handed.

The Lincoln Lawyer – Season 1 Episode 6  1

Amidst his own cases, Mickey must also navigate Maggie's Soto matter. He meets Tanya, Soto's partner and fellow expectant mother. She initially worked for Soto but the relationship evolved, though she never loved him. However, Soto's generosity in buying her an apartment left her feeling indebted and obliged to stay. Mickey implores Tanya to jot down every detail she knows, from dates to names and times, anything that could aid the case.

The next morning, Mickey learns from Cisco's intel that the large sum of money wasn't a bribe after all. Their scouting of the restaurant suggests Stanton is above reproach, the money instead stemming from a second mortgage he took out for the building. It seems they're back to square one... or are they?

Mickey's intuition sharpens, realizing Trevor's true game. He confronts Trevor at his home, uncovering that the bribe was indeed intended for a juror—juror number 7. Mickey attempts to distance himself from the case, but Trevor's words chill his blood. If Mickey withdraws, both their lives are in peril. Jerry was the original one to bribe the juror, but when he filed for a continuance, he was murdered for it. Moreover, Trevor's entire enterprise is funded by a ruthless Russian millionaire, Kosevich. He seems to be the connecting thread in this intricate web, perhaps even the reason behind Trevor's wife's untimely death.

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