Episode 2 of Season 2 of "The Night Agent" commences with a nostalgic flashback to nine months prior, when Peter, fresh from his operations in Germany, crossed paths with Catherine. At that juncture, Peter harbored the misconception that Catherine was his handler; however, she revealed herself to be his case officer, briefing him on an impending mission in Thailand. Night Action was hot on the trail of a potential leak in Bangkok, necessitating utmost discretion to avoid alerting the traitor.
Peter was taken aback when Catherine exhibited reluctance in deploying him into the field. Yet, he was steadfast in his determination to prove her reservations wrong. Catherine then introduced Peter to his new supervisor, Alice, who immediately issued a stern warning: to sever all ties with his past relationships, Rose inclusive. In the end, Peter resolved not to rekindle his connection with Rose and swapped his phone, heeding Alice's advice that entanglements could prove perilous and risk Rose's safety.
The narrative then loops back to the cliffhanger of the previous episode, with Peter and Rose fleeing from an armed assailant. Tragically, they found themselves outgunned by an influx of Bangkok gunmen. Despite their valiant efforts to fight their way to safety, they eventually hailed an Uber and returned to the locale where Peter had parked his truck while trailing Ethan's father.
Rose, understandably curious, peppered Peter with questions once they reached his hideout. However, Peter was more preoccupied with how Rose had traced him, anxious to ascertain whether his location had been compromised. Upon hearing Rose's explanation, he breathed a sigh of relief, yet harbored ambivalent feelings about her arrival. He was thrilled to see her but apprehended the potential peril her presence posed. Rose persisted in her quest for answers, to which Peter offered a cursory briefing. They concurred to rest and devise a plan the following day.Meanwhile, we are introduced to Noor, an employee at the Iranian embassy. The ambassador, Abbas, expresses his anxiety about the impending General Assembly, issuing stern warnings to the staff about adhering to protocol and hinting at dire repercussions for any deviations. As his words resonate, Noor and Javad, the head of security, engage in a subtle and playful flirtation, exchanging glances laden with unspoken intentions. Soon afterward, another colleague, noting the evident chemistry between them, encourages Noor to consider pursuing a romantic relationship with Javad.
Elsewhere, Peter awakens to find Rose engrossed in her efforts to track down Ethan's father, Warren, using Adverse. She has tinkered with the code but to no avail, still unable to pinpoint Warren's exact location. Peter expresses surprise that Rose hasn't ventured into starting her own company and is upset about the ten months during which they lost touch. He offers an apology, endeavoring to explain his circumstances and the reasons behind his current secrecy. They reconnect, reliving old memories and discussing Peter's experiences as a Night Agent, likening it to being a vital yet insignificant gear in a complex machinery.
As their conversation unfolds, they catch sight of movement at Ethan's house, signaling that he is on the move. Without hesitation, Peter and Rose spring into action, despite Peter's initial hesitation about Rose joining him. She insists that she is safer by his side and can be of assistance. They trail Ethan to his school game but arrive moments too late. In a harrowing turn of events, Warren manages to convince Ethan to leave with him, resorting to violence against his stepfather.
Peter and Rose rush to Ethan's mother, desperate for any clues about Warren's intended destination. They piece together a hint suggesting that Warren might be heading towards a small airport in Long Island. Given his background as a pilot, it's plausible that he intends to flee with his son. With determination etched on their faces, Peter and Rose vow to rescue Ethan and identify themselves as FBI agents, ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead. On the far side of the town, despite her jam-packed schedule, Noor makes time to meet with a CIA officer, offering him a cache of Iranian intelligence. Alas, the information turns out to be as useless as a screen door on a submarine. The agent firmly asserts that they require genuine, invaluable intel if they are to assist Noor and her family in their defection. Driven to despair, Noor spills the beans that Abbas has been holding clandestine meetings with an American affiliated with the intelligence community. Regrettably, she is sans any tangible evidence, realizing she must unearth proof if she hopes to enlist the American's aid.
Desperation gnawing at her, Noor sneaks back to Abbas’s office, attempting to eavesdrop. Javad almost catches her in the act, but Noor talks her way out of the tight corner with her silver tongue. Their conversation blossoms, revealing a shared bond – they both hail from the same Iranian hometown. Javad then offers to escort her home, where Noor engages in a video call, catching up with her family back in Iran.
Switching gears to Ethan's plight, Catherine shows up unannounced to converse with Ethan’s mother. She is taken aback to learn that Peter and Rose were also present and searching for Ethan. Meanwhile, Peter and Rose intercept Warren just as he is about to leave with Ethan. A scuffle breaks out between Peter and Warren, while Rose hastily whisks Ethan to safety.
Ultimately, Peter successfully apprehends Warren, but Ethan feels a knife twist in his heart upon discovering Peter’s true identity. Peter grovels for forgiveness, pledging to ensure Warren’s safety. He entreats Rose to escort Ethan back home while he transports Warren to the safe house. Rose beseeches Peter not to torture Warren and makes him swear not to let his quest for revenge consume him. She further informs him of her plans to return to California. Peter urges her to take a safer, alternate route home. They bid each other farewell, and Rose drops Ethan off at his residence.
Meanwhile, Catherine receives an urgent call from Deputy Director Mosley and Director Gedney, who reveal that an individual of Iranian descent might possess classified information pertinent to her case. With anticipation, Catherine stations herself outside Ethan's residence and takes up the trail of Rose, tailing her to Chinatown, where she is expected to catch a bus bound for Boston.
Elsewhere, Peter escorts Warren to his concealed sanctuary but refrains from resorting to torture. Instead, he exploits Warren's yearning to justify his actions to Ethan against him. Under Peter's probing, Warren eventually caves in and divulges the existence of a buyer named Arthur, though he insists that Arthur is merely a pseudonym for the middleman and not the true purchaser. Regrettably, Warren's interaction was confined to Arthur alone, leaving him unaware of the identity of the actual buyer or any involvement in Night Action, nor does he have any accomplices.
Fortunately, he enlightens Peter about the intelligence he brokered concerning an obsolete program named Foxglove, which had been decommissioned years ago. Foxglove was reportedly concerned with an experimental chemical weapon. However, before Warren could delve into the specifics, a sniper's bullet cuts him down. Peter swiftly ducks for cover, evading the line of fire. As he conceals himself, Warren's phone incessantly rings, prompting Peter to seize it. The episode concludes with Rose on her way to the bus station, as Peter, now in possession of Warren's phone, ponders his next move.