The Old Man – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Sep 19 2024

As we witnessed the pivotal instant when Harper's realization dawned that Angela was the mole, and moreover, Dan's daughter, Episode 5 of The Old Man exquisitely reaffirms this revelation in its opening salvo. Ensconced in a plane bound for an uncertain destination, Angela and Harper finally confront each other head-on, a moment fraught with tension. Angela's flippant jest serves as the chink in the armor, revealing all. Harper is left feeling betrayed, declaring that the familial bond he once cherished has vanished. Angela endeavors to reassure him, claiming that her essence remains unchanged, yet her divided loyalty struggles to reconcile with her dual roles as "daughter" to Dan and "surrogate father" to Harper.

The Old Man – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Their uncertainty echoes through the episode, mirroring our own perplexity as to their next moves. The Afghanistan flashbacks transport us to a poignant scene where a shadowy figure of the elder Abby engages in a heart-to-heart with Dan, their discourse weaving in references to Zoe's predicament in the present.

Shifting focus to the dinner table, the contrast is stark. Zoe's demands meet with an unexpectedly placid Dan, who acquiesces without hesitation, his rationale profound. For him, the well-being of his family transcends all, rendering monetary considerations insignificant in the face of his unwavering commitment to protect them.

He unveils the dire peril Emily finds herself in, a revelation that compels him to embark on a journey to ensure her safety, with Morocco as his ultimate destination. Zoe, undeterred, vows to accompany him on this perilous path. Flashing back, Hamzad and his sister stand poised, yet to crack Pavlovich's resolve, but brimming with confidence that their next few "sessions" will yield the desired outcome.

Abby, in a quiet moment, draws Dan aside to impart a grim prophecy. She, a spy within the Soviet ranks for Hamzad, warns that Pavlovich's keen eye will instantly recognize her treachery, exposing her alliance with the Soviets. Her rationale, both profound and strategic, echoes through the air: When the Soviet shadow fades, a void of power will yawn open, and she yearns for Hamzad to fill it, guiding their nation towards a brighter future. Yet, she confides in Dan the reason she keeps the secret of an unparalleled mineral deposit, known only to her, from Hamzad's grasp—fearing that such power might corrupt him beyond redemption.

This hidden treasure fuels Hamzad's relentless pursuit of Dan. Meanwhile, Zoe grapples with the role of Marcia as envisioned by Dan, her resolve wavering.

The scene shifts to the plane, where Angela's fury towards Harper's revelation about her mother from the previous episode simmers, Shawkat's performance imbuing every word with profound emotion. Harper probes deeper, challenging Angela to confront the question of identity that now haunts her.

In a poignant farewell, Dan surrenders his beloved Rottweilers, Dave and Carol, to the care of strangers, entrusting their return to "Dixon" to a future uncertain. His words to Zoe hint at an absence that may never end, yet within those hints, I sense a glimmer of hope—that Zoe, with her uncanny presence in his life, holds the key to a different narrative. Her arrival was no mere coincidence; it was the prelude to a greater purpose, one that will gradually unfold in the tapestry of this episode.

Waters' phone rings, disrupting his routine, and on the line is Morgan Bote, a voice that carries the weight of authority. Waters' superior, without hesitation, orders him to comply with every wish of Bote, questions be damned. He tasks Waters with joining a clandestine operation—to reclaim Harold Harper from whatever shadows may hold him captive.

As Julian enters the parlor's hushed ambiance, Bote, an aged figure, endeavors to clear his conscience over the Dan debacle, insisting it was not a misstep of his own making. Then, in a twist of revelation, he confesses to planting a traitor within Harper's ranks, justifying it as an act befitting "a good father." Yet, when he affectionately refers to Harper as his own son, the metaphorical veil becomes all the more blurred, leaving one to ponder: Is Bote, indeed, Dan's patriarch, or is the term but a poignant allegory?

Bote's chilling command to Julian—to inflict pain upon his "sons"—serves as a cryptic prologue to a finale fraught with unexpected twists. Recall Angela's enigmatic words about her "fathers," a clue that whispers of deeper family ties twisted by fate.

Meanwhile, Dan and Zoe's visit to Zachary's abode unfolds with Zoe's determination to bridge the gap between Dan and his estranged friend. Before her return, Dan is haunted by Abby's ghostly whispers, his heart still chained to her memory, unwilling to release her from his emotional prison. Within him, a trove of emotions and experiences awaits liberation, their release contingent upon Zoe's gentle intervention.

Her triumphant smile upon returning signals success in swaying Zachary's heart. As for Harper and Angela, their journey leads them to the sands of North Africa, where Hamzad has devised a test of epic proportions—to locate a needle in a haystack, specifically, the manifest of a 1987 flight that carried Dan and Abby to safety. Hamzad's intricate knowledge stems from his orchestration of their escape, but even this revelation falls short in Nina's eyes. A damning memorandum, crafted by her team, threatens to unravel Harper's very existence.

Angela, ever the strategist, plots a daring countermove—eliminating Hamzad and crafting a narrative that would exonerate Harper. As the episode draws to a close, Zoe and Dan engage in a poignant dialogue, their words weaving a tapestry of understanding and empathy. Zoe illuminates the humanity within Dan, the tender, caring soul that lies beneath his stoic exterior. She is the anchor he needs, reminding him of the essence of who he is, beyond the shadows of his profession.

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