The Perfect Couple – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 4 of The Perfect Couple kicks off with a flurry of anxiety as everyone scrambles to locate Will and Chloe, their disappearance casting a pall over the proceedings. At the police station, Henry's skepticism lingers thick as Amelia divulges that Tag had bestowed the bracelet upon Merritt, who subsequently confided in him her pregnancy news. Will's concealment of this revelation, coupled with the labyrinthine NDAs, fuels Amelia's conviction that the entire clan is orchestrating a cover-up for Merritt's untimely demise.

The Perfect Couple – Season 1 Episode 4 1

However, Henry's suspicions point in another direction—Shooter, whom he suspects holds the key, citing his formidable connections. This revelation jolts Amelia, albeit for an entirely different reason, stirring memories from a bygone winter.

In a poignant flashback, Benji had meticulously planned an excursion to the family's idyllic estate, inviting Amelia and Shooter along for the ride. But fate intervened, delaying Benji's arrival, leaving Amelia and Shooter to forge an unexpected bond as they embarked on their solitary journey to Nantucket. Shooter confided in Amelia, sharing the heartache of losing his mother at the tender age of 14 and the steadfast companionship Benji had provided since. An eerie familiarity lingered between them, though Shooter struggled to place where their paths had previously crossed.

As they strolled along the serene shores, Shooter's carefree spirit led him to a skinny dip, a spontaneous invitation Amelia couldn't resist joining.

Back in the present, the children are miraculously discovered, and Carter's reprimand to Will echoes through the air, chastising him for jeopardizing Chloe's safety. Will's sincere apologies hang heavy in the air, but Carter's inquiry about Merritt's bracelet prompts a revelatory narrative from Will.

He recounts the fateful evening, when, amidst a haze of alcohol by the beachside with Chloe, he overheard Merritt's heart-wrenching confession to Tag—her pregnancy. Tag's joy was palpable, yet Will's attempt to intervene, warning Merritt of the immutability of her parents' union, fell on deaf ears. Will's offer of assistance was met with a resolute hug and Merritt's determination to handle it alone.

Later, as the night deepened, Will's eyes once more caught sight of Merritt, her anger palpable as she hurled her bracelet into the darkness. Overcome with a sense of duty, Will retrieved it, only to inflict a painful cut on his hand while indulging in an oyster. Carter's probing question about Greer's awareness of these events elicits a resolute denial from Will, his conviction unwavering.

As he trudges towards his home, the Winbury clan swarms around him, their curiosity piqued, eager to uncover the details of Carter's inquiry. Despite his insistence that the conversation revolved solely around Chloe, their skeptical gazes betray their disbelief. Amidst the commotion, Broderick's call rings out, and Abby, amused by his clandestine nature, answers with a grin. Her announcement of his name to Greer elicits a collective gasp, only to be met with Greer's feigned ignorance as she denies any acquaintance, while Gosia observes the scene with keen interest. Abby promptly ends the call.

Elsewhere, Amelia confronts Shooter, confronting him head-on about his attempted escape. He stammers an explanation, claiming a fit of panic over imagined police pursuit for unpaid debts. When Amelia probes about Benji possessing Merritt's photographs, Shooter hedges, suggesting Benji must have had his reasons. Unconvinced, she confronts Benji directly, who reveals that Merritt entrusted him with the photos to paint her portrait, intending to surprise Amelia. Benji's revelation of discovering Tag and Merritt's affair during a golf weekend adds a layer of complexity. He had urged Amelia to end it, which inadvertently led to her avoidance of his calls. Reluctant to be compared to his father's shortcomings, Benji vows to keep no more secrets, and Amelia embraces him, forgiveness in her eyes.

Flashing back to a wintry memory, Shooter and Amelia's camaraderie shines brightly. As he accidentally spills an entire packet of M&M's, the colorful candies scatter like confetti. Amelia, without hesitation, joins him in the makeshift scavenger hunt, echoing a similar scene where they had helped a hawker gather scattered beads on a bustling train. Just as Amelia is about to speak, Benji's arrival interrupts the moment, leaving the sweetness of their shared memory hanging in the air.

Currently, Shooter and Benji embark on a jog, their conversation weaving through the tumultuous tale of Tag, Merritt, and Greer. As they ponder, they discern amidst the chaos a genuine affection between Tag and Greer, a bond that transcends their tumultuous drama. However, Benji's stance is unwavering; he declares that if Amelia ever strayed, he couldn't fathom turning a blind eye.

Meanwhile, Amelia finds herself lost in memories of Merritt, sharing her thoughts with her parents. They soothe her with words of reassurance, urging her not to bear the guilt, for she was a loyal friend. As Amelia departs, Karen surreptitiously consumes more pills, her struggles hidden from view.

Elsewhere, Tag endeavors to mend fences with Greer, who remains engrossed in her work, her demeanor distant. Frustrated by her apathy, he challenges her threats of making a scene, professing his undying love and desire for her. Undeterred, he gently caresses her, and their passions ignite, leading to a night of intimacy. Rejuvenated, Greer returns to her writing, but her thoughts stray to a pivotal moment during the rehearsal dinner. In a slip of the tongue, she reveals Tag's reputation as a serial dater, casting doubt on his commitment to Merritt. Merritt's expression betrays her shock, and just then, Abby arrives with drinks, only to find Merritt declining and Greer's bravado faltering as she realizes the truth: Merritt is with child.

Greer, now armed with newfound resolve, presents Carter with the bracelet's receipt, her eyes also scanning the toxicology report, revealing the presence of sedatives in Merritt's system.

Elsewhere, Benji stumbles upon Thomas and Abby indulging in the wedding cake, a sight that stirs his ire. He implores them to desist, but they taunt him, taking a bite regardless. The playful teasing escalates into a chaotic cake fight, with Benji chasing Thomas and the two exchanging blows amidst flying pastry. Abby, initially amused, eventually intervenes to quell the escalating fracas.

A winter flashback flickers, recalling Amelia's accidental encounter with Shooter in the shower. In the present, she approaches him, offering an apology for her earlier brusqueness. She acknowledges the unspoken connection between them but insists they cannot act upon it. Yet, their resolve falters as they succumb to a tender kiss. The moment is shattered when Benji, aghast, stumbles upon them.

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