Episode 3 of "The Åre Murders" kicks off with an intimate scene where Lasse, passionate and covert, plants a kiss on Ebba's lips in the sanctity of his home. He whispers urgency into her ear, cautioning that their secret must remain concealed from prying eyes. Just as the air thickens with tension, the rhythmic pounding of Hanna and Daniel's arrival at the doorstep interrupts the moment. Lasse's demeanor instantly shifts, his suspicion landing heavily on Ebba, accusing her of summoning them. His tone darkens, hinting at dire consequences, comparing her fate to Amanda's tragic end. Ebba's piercing screams pierce the night, drawing the police's swift and forced entry, resulting in Lasse's immediate apprehension.
In the confines of the patrol car, Ebba's eyes search Hanna's for reassurance. "Did Lasse kill Amanda?" she inquiries, her voice trembling. Hanna offers a hesitant reply, shrouded in uncertainty. A mental snapshot flashes back to the festive party, revealing Amanda's recognition of the bracelet, a token of Lasse's affection. Ebba confides in Hanna, detailing how Lasse's innocent requests for photos snowballed into a sexual relationship, a revelation that clearly irritates Amanda in her memory.
Returning to the present, Ebba repeats her narrative, painting a picture of Lasse's unexpected declaration of love post-party, followed by their intimate encounter. Another memory jumps to Lasse's solitary vigil in his car during the party. His eyes track Amanda as she exits the house, prompting him to tail her discreetly.
In the interrogation room, Daniel grills Lasse, who sits opposite them with an enigmatic calm. The discovery of a luxury watch in an envelope at Lasse's residence, adorned with a 'Merry Christmas' stamp identical to the one containing cash found in Amanda's quarters, adds another layer of intrigue. Lasse manufactures a tale, claiming to have overheard whispers about Amanda peddling watches, jewelry, and liquor. He asserts he caught her red-handed and confiscated the items, explaining their presence in his home and his possession of the bracelet.
Amongst themselves, the officers deliberate the convoluted scenario. Hanna voices her intent to reinterview Lena, only to be interrupted by a call from Stockholm PD's HR department, informing her that the investigation has been wrapped up and she is cleared to resume duty in February. Meanwhile, Bosse uncovers a troubling reality – his wife, Annika, has been concealing debt collection notices from him. Her frustration boils over, labeling him a controlling lackey who never ceases to scrutinize her actions.Lena, Amanda's beleaguered mother, finds herself in an unending battle. She retreats to the bathroom, her hands shaking as she swallows a handful of pills in despair.
Hanna's call interrupts her dark descent, but Lena's voice, weak and broken, merely whispers that she can no longer bear it before the line goes dead. Harald, too, grapples with his turmoil, seeking solace in violence, storming into Fredrick's workplace and assaulting him with a nail gun. The police swiftly intervene, informing Harald that Fredrick's alibi checks out. Just as Harald turns to leave, Fredrick, with a hint of malice, confesses to poisoning Harald's beloved dog.
Hanna rushes to Lena's home, her heart pounding with dread. She discovers Lena unconscious, the telltale bottles of pills scattered nearby. Instinctively, Hanna forces Lena to vomit up the pills and quickly dials for emergency assistance. While at Lena's, Hanna notices Zuhra, the housecleaner, and Lena mentions that Amanda held her in high regard. Further investigation reveals that Annika owns the cleaning company employing Zuhra.
Determined to uncover more, Hanna heads to Bosse's residence in search of Annika. Recognition strikes like lightning; Bosse is the same man who led the search for Amanda. Unfortunately, Annika is absent. Bosse, sensing urgency, hastily calls Annika after Hanna's departure. Meanwhile, Hanna relays her suspicions to Daniel about Zuhra's bruises and her connection to Amanda. She also mentions the cleaning company's use of the same "Merry Christmas" stamp found on the envelope in Amanda's room, weaving a web of intrigue.
Daniel assures Hanna they will delve into the matter the following day, urging her to return home for safety. But Hanna, driven by curiosity and concern, decides to visit Zuhra instead. Zuhra confides that she came to this country with promises of lucrative work but now finds herself trapped, her passport confiscated and her wages withheld. She was coerced into stealing from clients, a crime Amanda unwittingly witnessed and subsequently aided Zuhra in, helping her sell the stolen goods to send money home to her ailing mother.
A memory from a past party flickers in Hanna's mind, where Amanda receives a frantic call from Zuhra. Zuhra's voice, tinged with panic, reveals that their boss has discovered their scheme, and they must cease immediately, adding a layer of drama to their already tangled narrative.All of a sudden, the air is shattered by the forceful pounding of a fist against the door. Bosse stands there, a gun clutched in his hand, casting ominous shadows over Hanna and Zuhra. His voice is a menacing growl as he threatens them, but Hanna, with quick thinking and agility, manages to disarm him. Bosse flees, and without hesitation, Hanna leaps into her car, hot on his trail while urgently requesting reinforcement.
Bosse weaves his vehicle erratically off the main road, setting a perilous chase. He tailgates Hanna relentlessly until, with a jolt, he rams into her car, forcing it off a precipice. Seizing a crowbar from his trunk, he sets out with grim determination to end Hanna's life once and for all. Miraculously, she manages to drag herself into the safety of the surrounding foliage, concealing herself just in time. Frustrated by his inability to locate her, Bosse abandons his search and speeds away, only to find his escape route blocked by a wall of flashing police cars. As officers apprehend him, Daniel arrives on the scene, discovering Hanna near her crumpled vehicle, barely clinging to consciousness.
With gentle yet firm insistence, Daniel strives to keep Hanna awake, probing her about the Stockholm case. She reveals a harrowing tale: a woman was brutally murdered, and her suspicions fell upon her husband, a fellow policeman. Despite her accusations, his comrades provided him with an alibi, and in her quest for justice, she faced retaliation in the form of harassment charges.
The following morning, Daniel interrogates Bosse about his involvement in the trafficking of individuals like Zuhra. Bosse confesses that Annika's mismanagement plunged their cleaning company into deep financial distress, prompting him to embark on the treacherous path of human trafficking to alleviate costs. However, the endeavor spiraled out of control.
A memory resurfaces, vivid and haunting: Amanda storms into Bosse's home post-party, confronting him head-on, demanding Zuhra's passport. She wields the threat of exposure for his heinous trade as her leverage. Though he forces her out, he doesn't relent; trailing her in his car, he coaxes her into getting in, promising a ride home. Instead, he veers in an opposite direction, insisting they talk—a conversation fraught with ominous undertones.
He readily concurs to hand over her passport, contingent upon Amanda's silence. However, she firmly refused the offer and attempted to leave the vehicle. At this moment, he intervened, and the two got into a fierce struggle, and Bosse brutally strangled her. In the present day, Daniel visits Hanna in the hospital and reveals to her that Boss has confessed. To make sure Amanda was found in time, he moved her into the elevator. Later, at the end of Season 3 of Åre, Daniel asked Hanna what she thought about staying in Åre for a little longer.