The Åre Murders – Season 1 Episode 2

Published: Feb 10 2025

Episode 2 of "The Åre Murders" unfolds with a poignant scene where Hanna strides towards the ski lift, her determined strides signaling her temporary reassignment to Daniel's team. As they approach Amanda's lifeless body, Daniel informs Hanna that Viktor has been cleared of suspicion, his alibi being an evening of revelry with friends. Ebba, her eyes swimming with tears, cannot contain her grief upon hearing the news.

The Åre Murders – Season 1 Episode 2 1

A haunting flashback transports us to the festive atmosphere of the party, where Amanda's sharp eyes catch a glimpse of a familiar bracelet adorning Ebba's wrist. Amanda's insistent query about the bracelet's origin is met with Ebba's abrupt retreat, leaving an uneasy tension in the air.

Daniel and Hanna then embark on a heart-wrenching task: breaking the devastating news to Amanda's parents. Meanwhile, other officers canvas the party scene, interviewing Amanda's classmates and confiscating the phones of all attendees as potential evidence.

Inside Amanda's room, an enigmatic envelope filled with cash catches the officers' attention. Harald, Amanda's father, expresses bewilderment, stating that his daughter never dealt in cash. He also reveals a personal tragedy – the recent loss of their dog – and urges the police to explore any possible connection.

As Hanna and Daniel drive, the tension is interrupted by a call from Lydia, who, over speakerphone, gently scolds Hanna for prioritizing work over rest. Soon after, they meet with Ylva, the medical examiner, who delivers a chilling revelation: Amanda was murdered elsewhere and only later placed on the ski lift. Ylva's assessment suggests a brutal death by strangulation, with Amanda having passed away roughly 24 hours prior to her discovery.

Hanna's introduction to her new teammates, Anton and Raffe, further broadens the investigative circle. Separately, Daniel confronts Superintendent Grip with his lingering doubts about Hanna. She, unfazed, encourages him to conduct a thorough background check if his suspicions persist.That evening, a cozy gathering infused with the warmth of mulled wine unfolded, hosted graciously by Bosse and his wife, Annika. In a heartfelt gesture, Annika presented Bosse with a sleek Rolex watch for his birthday, amidst the delighted chatter of attendees. However, the celebration took a private turn as Bosse gently led her aside, their conversation tinged with worry over their financial constraints.

Meanwhile, Hanna toiled late into the night, immersing herself in a meticulous review of photos and videos sourced from her students' phones. A chance audio snippet of a passing car caught her attention in one of the videos, prompting her to hastily dial Daniel's number. Her urgency awoke not only Daniel but also his slumbering wife and baby. Realizing her mistake, Hanna swiftly apologized, promising to revisit the matter at a more appropriate hour. The vehicle in question had glided by at 2 am, mere minutes after Amanda's call to her father.

Daniel, eager to unravel the mystery, reached out to a contact in Stockholm regarding Hanna. He was startled to learn that she was under investigation for alleged harassment against a colleague. Seeking clarity, Daniel confronted Hanna, who clammed up tighter than a drum. She curtly instructed him to take his concerns to Grip if he desired her removal from their midst.

Elsewhere, detectives stumbled upon a video depicting a heated exchange between Ebba and Amanda. Intrigued, they interrogated Ebba, who fuzzily recounted being inebriated and unable to recall the specifics, insisting there was no conceivable reason for their spat. Hanna sensed Ebba was withholding crucial information but lacked the leverage to force her hand.

Lena, struggling to keep her composure, found her patience wearing thin when she discovered Zuhra, the same diligent cleaner who tended to Hanna's sister's cabin, preparing a meal for her children. Zuhra explained their hunger, but Lena, stressed, politely yet firmly asked her to leave. As Zuhra departed, she cast a covert glance around the house, seemingly searching for something unseen, before ultimately exiting empty-handed. Shortly thereafter, she climbed into a car alongside Bosse's wife, their departure marking an uneasy conclusion to a turbulent evening.

Harald and Mira's paths cross once more, with Harald inquiring about Fredrick, echoing Mira's earlier revelation of her fear towards him. He presses her on whether Fredrick harbors violent tendencies, but Mira remains silent, merely stepping out of the vehicle in response. Elsewhere, Daniel and Hanna revisit the party video, their eyes lighting up as they discern Amanda and Ebba referring to someone as a "Ken doll." They brief the fellow officers, who share their breakthrough: the logo of the rented car has been identified. Amidst the professional chatter, personal lives seep in, with Hanna confiding in her colleagues about her recent heartbreak. Meanwhile, Amanda's teacher, Lasse, lurks outside Ebba's residence, keeping her under surveillance from his parked car.

The following morning, Hanna bids Zuhra farewell as she exits the cabin, but something amiss catches her attention, prompting her to return. Zuhra, surreptitiously retrieving a concealed phone from a cabinet, makes a frantic call to her mother, revealing that her boss holds her passport ransom and demands more money for her release. Noticing a bruise on Zuhra's cheek, Hanna expresses concern, only to be met with evasive answers and an abrupt departure.

While skiing, Harald encounters Fredrick, who warns him against seeking solace from his wife. Stirred by suspicion, Harald heads to the police station to confess his affair, casting Fredrick under a cloud of suspicion for his daughter's demise. The authorities then interrogate Fredrick, who claims to have spent the night at his brother's place, feigning ignorance about the affair until further probing prompts him to request a lawyer.

At a bustling market, Lasse, Amanda's teacher, confronts Ebba, insisting on a private conversation. His tone grows insistent, uttering cryptic words about being "in this together" before forcefully ushering her into his car and speeding off. The officers soon learn that the rented car belonged to none other than Lasse, prompting Hanna to theorize that he could be the "Ken doll" referenced by the girls. With tension mounting, the team hastily sets out to locate Lasse, bringing The Åre Murders Episode 2 to a cliffhanger.

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