The Recruit – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Jul 12 2024

Episode 6 of The Recruit's inaugural season commences with Owen's escort to a fateful encounter with El Jefe. As the train chugged along, his gaze fell upon crates adorned with a sinister scorpion insignia. In the subsequent meeting, Owen deftly negotiated with El Jefe, pledging that Max would assist in securing Russian Mafia business upon her return. The transaction concluded smoothly, and Owen emerged with the funds in hand. He and Max boarded a plane, touchdown in Virginia, where Dawn awaited to collect Max.

Dawn requested a private briefing with Max, leaving Owen to fend for himself. As the car whirred away, Dawn attempted to reassure Max that her fate wouldn't be sealed unless she'd disclosed the secret to Owen. Max vehemently denied revealing her leverage, prompting Dawn to emphasize the importance of passing the headquarters' vetting process for reinstatement.

The Recruit – Season 1 Episode 6 1

Meanwhile, Owen tapped out a message to Not Bob, hinting at crucial information. He ventured out for drinks with Hannah and Terence, who introduced him to Linus, a Treasury official at the OFAC. Owen apologized to Hannah for his transgressions, assuring her that Max was merely an asset he needed to oversee, nothing more. Their conversation was abruptly cut short by the arrival of Secret Service agents, who ushered Owen into a waiting car.

Owen pleaded with Not Bob to intervene in his subpoena, urging Senator Smoot to back down. Not Bob agreed, but only if Owen revealed the source of the leak. Owen divulged that Xander was the culprit, though Not Bob expressed skepticism, given Max's involvement. Owen argued that Xander's involvement aligned with the attempt on his life after their Vienna encounter. Not Bob acknowledged his unfamiliarity with Xander but vowed to handle the matter. He further solicited Owen's services as a spy at the OGC, but Owen declined, citing his profound respect for Nyland.

Owen hastened to the office to aid Max in her verification process. Dawn and Max strategized on regaining access to the Russian mob and identifying those who must be neutralized. Dawn initiated the paperwork, probing Max with basic questions like her name and next of kin. Max faltered when asked about her child, but Owen intervened, deciding that Dawn needn't know.

Overwhelmed by the vetting ordeal, Owen sought guidance from Lester and Violet, but they turned him away. He approached Nyland, who confessed that they'd been testing him. Despite Nyland's counsel, Owen's anxiety persisted. He visited Dr. Hirsch, Max's psychologist, who revealed that Max would likely pass unless she made a spectacular blunder. Hirsch cautioned Owen to be wary of Dustin, the polygrapher, known for his rigor. Owen confessed his panic attacks but remained guarded with details.

Amidst his mounting anxiety, Owen retreats to the restroom. There, he encounters Dustin, who reassures him that if Max speaks the truth, all will unfold favorably. Attempting to engage in casual conversation, Owen's efforts with Dustin falter. As he departs, a memory of the scorpion drawing he saw on the train with El Jefe resurfaces. He presents the drawing to Janus, who reveals that the crates contain American anti-tank missiles. Janus's specialized operation team is clandestinely smuggling them out of the country to track their buyers.

Janus's concern grows as he fears this operation could spell the end of their careers. He confronts a member of his team, accusing them of making a deal with a drug dealer. The team member initially denies it, but under pressure, admits they did strike a bargain for distribution purposes, albeit with the rockets disabled.

Janus gravely informs Owen that if the operation goes awry and they're summoned to testify, it could lead to the largest scandal of their generation, implicating terrorists obtaining American rockets. Owen's panic intensifies, and he seeks refuge in the restroom once again.

After regaining his composure, Owen meets with Hirsch following her evaluation of Max. Hirsch opines that while Max could be a valuable asset, she cannot be trusted. Max appeals to Owen, pleading for his help in navigating the polygraph test. Owen confesses his helplessness, and Max warns that she will do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means sacrificing him.

As they observe Max undergoing the polygraph, Owen ponders over Dawn's claim of a fleeting encounter with Max in the past. A flashback reveals that Dawn had actually recruited Max twelve years ago, making her Max's first case officer.

Meanwhile, Dawn urges Nyland to remove Owen from the case, alleging that he has been compromised. She cites a photograph of Owen and Max checking into a hotel as evidence. Nyland seeks Amelia's opinion, and she advises against trusting the operation. Owen staunchly denies being compromised and accuses Dawn of misrepresenting her relationship with Max, arguing that she is the one truly compromised.

Nyland insists that Owen undergo a polygraph test, and he agrees. Under Amelia's supervision, Dustin poses intimate questions about Owen's relationship with Max. Owen concedes that he has seen Max naked but maintains that there has been no sexual contact. After the test, Amelia informs Owen that both he and Max have passed, but she terminates their relationship, citing his unpredictability. She advises him to be cautious with Dawn and Max.

After the successful vetting, the strategy shifts to orchestrating Max's reintegration into the Russian mafia. A crucial three million is needed to bribe a prominent Russian mafia figure. Max queries the possibility of unlocking a sanctioned Swiss bank account. Dawn affirms the possibility but highlights the necessity for Owen to navigate it alone.

Returning home, Owen sits down for dinner with Terence and Hannah. He seeks Terence's expertise in circumventing a sanctioned bank account. Terence divulges that the only subtle way is to have the account excluded from the daily updated list of sanctioned accounts. He directs Owen to Linus, the key individual for this task.

Owen meets Linus and artfully argues that his assistance is pivotal to a significant national security issue. Linus counteroffers, asking Owen to arrange a date between him and Terence. As a concession, Linus promises to grant access to the account for a brief hour.

Before departing for his mission, Owen meets Nyland and confesses the truth about Max's past as a mother. He reveals that the child passed away and deemed it irrelevant to the current case. Nyland questions why Owen hasn't leveraged this emotional information with Dawn. However, Owen's trust in Dawn remains tenuous. Nyland tasks him with procuring evidence of Dawn's compromise.

As the team gears up for their interstate operation, Dawn heads to Germany, while Owen and Max make their way to Geneva to withdraw funds from the sanctioned Swiss account. Dawn updates them that Xander will join them in Geneva to oversee the delicate mission.

Meanwhile, Nyland dispatches Violet and Lester to Geneva, their covert mission to safeguard the agency should anything go awry. He hopes Owen remains oblivious to their presence.

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