In the third installment of "The Road Trip," titled "Pulled Over," the group's journey across Spain takes an unexpected detour as they grapple with the formidable language barrier and the strict enforcement of the law. The episode kicks off with the aftermath of an intimate encounter between Dylan (Laurie Davidson) and Addie (Emma Appleton), where Dylan subtly probes into Addie's summer plans, hinting at his lingering desire to foster a deeper connection. Her agreement to stay in touch sets the scene for a lingering tension that simmers between them.
A week into Addie's summer break, she finds herself struggling to recall her students' names, yet her conversation with Deb (Isabella Laughland) reveals that her teaching gig is progressing smoothly. However, her relationship with Dylan seems to have stagnated since their hasty departure. Conversely, Deb's relationship appears to be blossoming until she unexpectedly confesses her love to her partner, casting doubts on their dynamic.
Dylan's professional life is equally turbulent as his father grills him about the risk capacity report on the Harman account. Fortunately, Marcus (David Jonsson) comes to his rescue, covering for him. Meanwhile, Addie sends Dylan a cryptic text message, leaving him puzzled and unsure of how to respond. Dylan's father further complicates his personal life by insisting that he join the account holders for dinner.
In the meantime, Marcus attempts to engage the group in a lively game of 'Would You Rather,' but the mood takes a turn for the awkward when Rodney (Angus Imrie) makes an inappropriate remark about Deb. Deb's decision to ask Addie to pull over triggers a chain of events that brings hidden secrets and tensions to the surface within the group.
Dylan's attempt to apologize to Addie for not sharing the driving duties backfires when she discovers that she never removed him from her insurance. As they continue their journey, a mysterious girl on a motorcycle trails them, adding to the mounting tension. Marcus and Deb argue over who the girl might be chasing, and Marcus's phone dies before he can use a dating app to identify her. Dylan refuses to let Marcus use his phone, leading to a moment of boredom-induced mishap when Marcus consumes something that ignites his mouth. In a desperate bid to ease the burn, he takes a swig of Deb's breast milk, resulting in a chaotic scene where the milk is hastily thrown out the window, hitting the girl on the bike and prompting the group to be pulled over by an undercover cop, Agent Dolores Cabello (Olaya Lopez).
The episode veers off into a nostalgic tangent, unveiling a surprising twist: Dylan had unexpectedly invited Addie to a work excursion, springing the news on her at her arrival. The evening unfolds as a night of heavy drinking and intimate confessions, with Marcus standing as Addie's steadfast companion. Elsewhere, Deb ventures to her girlfriend's place to mend fences over her impetuous declaration of love, but her heart sinks upon learning of her partner's pregnancy, adding another intricate layer to their bond.
Marcus indulges Addie with a glass of whiskey, delving into her life's tapestry with curiosity, remarking that she far outshines Dylan in intriguing facets. However, their soul-baring chat is abruptly halted by Dylan's intervention, prompting Addie to storm away in a huff. Yet, after some persuasion, she relents and joins him for another round at the bar. There, Addie demands Dylan foot the bill for her and Deb's drinks, and Deb breaks the news of her girlfriend's pregnancy. This revelation triggers Dylan to confess that he himself was an unwanted child, a poignant moment that fosters a deeper connection between them.
Switching back to the present, Addie bolts from the scene, abandoning the group amid a fiery spat with Dylan, who pins their relational woes on her. Addie then drops a bombshell, revealing that Marcus has kissed her, stunning Dylan to silence. The episode draws to a close with Addie reboarding the van and abandoning Dylan, Marcus, and Rodney, setting the stage for future episodes brimming with emotional confrontations and resolutions.
"Pulled Over" is a thrilling ride of emotions, misplaced assumptions, and heartfelt revelations, underscoring the intricate tapestry of human relationships and the repercussions of our deeds. The characters' odyssey through Spain transcends mere physical travel; it is an emotional odyssey, as they traverse the bumpy terrains of their pasts and presents, seeking clarity and fostering connections.