The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 1

Published: Jul 03 2024

Episode 1 of The Sandman kicks off with a captivating narrative from Dream, accompanied by a visually stunning spectacle. As the sovereign of dreams weaves a tale about the intersection of reality and dreams, his raven gracefully soars through the air, ultimately arriving at his majestic Castle.

Embarking on a quest to capture a rogue Nightmare, Dream, donning his mask, sets out to confront Corinthian, utilizing his ethereal powers to neutralize his own creation.

The narrative shifts to 1916 England, where Dr. John Hathaway arrives at a colossal mansion in search of Roderick Burgess, alias Magus. Their encounter is filled with warmth and a shared sorrow, as Hathaway presents the Grimoire - a tome holding the secrets to resurrecting the dead and imprisoning the Angel of Darkness.

The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 1 1

As the Order commences their ritualistic chant, Dream vanishes, narrowly escaping Corinthian's capture. However, he is soon apprehended by Magus and his allies, stripped of his mask and clothes, rendered powerless and imprisoned in the waking world.

This capture wreaks havoc on London, as the "sleepy sickness" plagues nearly a million inhabitants, spreading its tentacles across the globe. Corinthian appears, offering his assistance to Magus in keeping Dream imprisoned, revealing that with Dream's ruby and mask, Magus can harness some of Dream's powers. Furthermore, he advises on the necessary tools - a glass cage and stimulants to keep the guards vigilant - ensuring Dream's confinement.

Magus confronts the Lord of Dreams, proposing a bargain - Dream's freedom in exchange for bringing back his son. However, Dream remains patient, biding his time.

A decade passes, and Dream remains imprisoned, yet his ruby, sand, and mask have bestowed youth and prosperity upon Roderick and his allies. The rest of the world, however, suffers. Alex, the young boy who has grown into a man, approaches Dream with genuine concern, apologizing for Magus' actions and pleading for Dream to abide by Roderick's wishes. Little does he know, Dream is listening from the shadows, as Roderick, blinded by paranoia, tasks Alex with eliminating Jessamy, the raven who continues to hover around the estate.

Jessamy, unwavering in her quest, tracked her master deep into the murky basement, relentlessly pecking at the glass imprisoning Dream. Her efforts, however, were cut short by Alex's harsh bullet, splattering blood across the cage. Tears stung Dream's eyes as he condemned the world marred by mankind's brutality.

Roderick's downfall, ironically, stemmed not from a man but from a woman. Ethel Cripps, to be exact. Upon learning of her pregnancy and Roderick's insistent demand for an abortion, she fled with Dream's prized possessions: his ruby, the Grimoire, and a staggering amount of $200,000 in cash. Left with few options, Roderick attempted to broker a deal with the Lord of Dreamers, but Dream remained silent. In a scuffle with Alex, Roderick struck his head against the cage, blood spilling from his wounds. With his dying breath, he cursed Dream, vowing he would never escape.

Nine months later, Ethel Cripps gave birth to a son, Johnny. As she gazed lovingly upon her newborn, the dancing flames of the fire in the background seemed to promise that nothing would stand in the way of their greatness. Yet, all this while, Dream remained confined within his glass prison.

As the years passed, Alex, now a frail old man, made one final offer to bargain for Dream's freedom. He brought Paul, his lover, down to the prison and promised their safety in exchange for Dream's release. But after the murder of his raven, Dream's heart was hardened against forgiveness.

As Alex's wheelchair was wheeled away from the circle, the yellow lines that had once enclosed it were broken. This was the opportune moment Dream had been waiting for. The security guard, yawning, fell asleep, allowing Dream to materialize on a beach in Majorca. He coerced the guard into firing a shot at the cage, shattering it and finally releasing the Lord of Dreams from his chamber.

With a score to settle, Dream granted Alex a gift: the gift of eternal sleep. With Dreams and Nightmares now running wild, Dream's awakening signaled his return to power. Part of his plan involved tracking down Corinthian, who remained at large. But the long confinement had weakened Dream, and Lucienne urged him to retreat to his castle. Upon returning, however, he found his realm transformed into a desolate wasteland, a stark contrast to the once-thriving Kingdom. With a solemn promise, Dream vowed to restore his world and remake it according to his vision.

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