The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jul 03 2024

Episode 7 of The Sandman plunges us into the year 2015, amidst the bustling landscape of Cape Kennedy, Florida. Here, a tumultuous family feud unfolds, leaving Jed and Rose Walker, siblings, torn apart in the aftermath of their parents' divorce. The sight of Rose fighting back tears is nothing short of heart-wrenching.

Meanwhile, Desire and Despair are brewing a sinister plot, convinced that a new vortex has emerged. Little do they know, it is Rose Walker herself who stands at the vortex's center. This news ripples through Dream's castle, casting a shadow over the tranquility.

Lucienne informs Dream that over 11,000 entities hover nearby, but three of the Major Arcana are missing: Gault, the shapeshifting nightmare; the Corinthian; and Fiddler's Green. Dream blames himself, yet dismisses the rumors of a vortex, reasoning that Rose poses no imminent threat. Thus, Lucienne dispatches Matthew to keep an eye on her.

The Sandman – Season 1 Episode 7 1

As we rejoin Rose's story in 2021, she remains in search of her brother, her financial situation dire. Her mother's extravagant spending has left her unemployed and penniless. Then comes a ray of hope—an interview opportunity in London, where Rose would recount her family history, earning £250 per day for seven days. It's a lifeline for a woman with few options.

Rose arrives in Sussex with Lyta Hall, where they visit an elderly care home to meet Unity. Nestled in her room is a dolls' house, a gift she never got to play with, having spent her 12th birthday asleep. Remember, she was one of the dreamers entrapped while Morpheus was imprisoned.

Now, awake, Unity shares momentous news. While slumbering, she conceived and gave birth to a baby girl named Miranda Walker. In a twist of fate, Unity is revealed as Rose's great-grandmother.

Elsewhere, a convention for serial killers looms, with whispers of the Corinthian's possible attendance. He is among the most notorious killers, yet no one has succeeded in drawing him out. To lure him in, one of the women proposes a series of copycat killings, stealing the eyes of their victims as a calling card.

The Corinthian's interest in Rose Waler is profound. He relentlessly prowls her apartment, seeking her out. As her life hangs in the balance, the Three materialize in her dreams, their voices urgent, their warnings resonating in her soul, admonishing her to be vigilant. Rose, however, finds herself with a new opportunity from Unity, a job that hinges on locating Jed. She also encounters her downstairs neighbors, Ken and Barbie, as well as her upstairs neighbors, Chantal and Zelda. The narrative remains faithful to the comics, even down to Matthew's watchful gaze as Rose endeavors to uncover Jed's whereabouts.

It is not long before Rose crosses paths with Gilbert, a mysterious figure from Hal's attic, who intervenes to save her from a pair of menacing thugs lurking in the alley. Matthew, observing from afar, relays this information to Lucienne, who realizes the enigmatic absence of Jed from both the waking world and the realm of dreams. Lucienne hypothesizes that Jed might have been abducted during his last nightmare encounter with Gault.

However, their deliberations are cut short by Rose's sudden appearance in the Dreaming, her presence as inexplicable as it is startling. The Corinthian arrives as well, but his intentions are not focused on Dream or Rose. He has witnessed the copycat killings and is summoned by the serial killers, who entice him to join their convention and deliver the keynote speech. Corinthian desires to bring along a special guest who can "elevate their shared dreams to unprecedented heights" — none other than Rose, the vortex herself.

As the episode draws to a close, we glimpse Jed, alive but hardly unharmed. His guardians are unforgiving, and after he attempts to flee, they swiftly apprehend him, confining him within the car's trunk.

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