The Scandal of Chunhwa – K-drama Episode 5

Published: Mar 10 2025

Episode 5 of "The Scandal of Chun-hwa" kicks off with Jang-won valiantly shielding Hwa-ri from harm. Subsequently, Hwa-ri, sensing an opportunity, nudges Hwa-jin towards courting Jang-won. With a heartfelt letter in hand, Hwa-jin ventures to meet him in private, only to receive a courteous but firm rejection. Their encounter is serendipitously witnessed by Hwa-jin's brother, Hwa-ing, who, seized by an idea, proposes their union to their mother. However, she swiftly dismisses the notion.

The Scandal of Chunhwa – K-drama Episode 5 1

Elsewhere, the dark underbelly of Prince Hwa-ing's character comes to light—a history marred by assaulting women, with his days often spent preying upon the vulnerable. One fateful night, his deplorable actions culminate in the rape of a palace maid.

Meanwhile, Jang-won's bond with Hwa-ri deepens with each passing meeting, as tender feelings gradually blossom within him. Parallel to this, Hwa-ri finds solace in painting alongside the royal artist, Kim Min-hong, who harbors ambitions of becoming the prince consort himself.

In a poignant moment, Hwa-ri seeks clarification from Choi Hwan, inquiring if his heart beats in harmony with hers. His inability to provide a definitive answer awakens within her the realization that she yearns for a relationship rooted in love. With this epiphany, she gracefully exits his presence, seeking a love that mirrors her own depths of feeling.

Meanwhile, Crown Princess In-jeong, acutely aware of the prince's mother's intention to introduce a fresh concubine into the crown prince's life, subtly urges him to embrace more companions in the hope of producing an heir. This proposal搅扰 his peace, prompting him to seek solace by visiting his uncle's abode to reunite with Hee-Ryeon, the woman who had once stolen his heart.

Elsewhere, Jang-won, driven by deep-seated affections, confesses his heart to Hwa-ri and gently encourages her to take her time in getting to know him better. As they depart, they chance upon a palace maid attempting to end her life by hanging, and barely manage to rescue her in the nick of time. Their subsequent investigation unearths a distressing truth: Hwa-ing has been preying on vulnerable women within the palace walls. Enraged, Jang-won confronts Hwa-ing head-on, demanding accountability for his despicable deeds. Seeking retribution, Hwa-ing retaliates by lodging a formal complaint, falsely accusing Jang-won of fraternizing with Hwa-jin, the princess betrothed to another.

Jang-won seeks out Hwa-jin to gauge her sentiments, but she, adhering to her mother's counsel against entering an unloving, one-sided union, resolves to marry the general's son as arranged and bids Jang-won a poignant farewell.

Meanwhile, another installment of Chun-hwa's tales hits the shelves, this volume drawing inspiration from Hwa-ing's real-life misdemeanors. The scandal blazes through the court like wildfire, as his uncle frantically endeavors to uncover the anonymous author to safeguard the family's tarnished reputation. The episode concludes with a bombshell revelation: Choi Hwan stands revealed as the mastermind behind the publishing house.

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