The narrative unfolds on the crisp evening of January 5th, 2010, in the bustling city of Malaga, marking the inaugural chapter of "The Snow Girl." At the heart of this tale lies Amaya Martin, a vibrant six-year-old whose world is turned upside down during a local parade. Accompanied by her proud parents, Alvaro, a renowned illustrator, and Ana, a dedicated fertility clinic doctor, Amaya's excitement knows no bounds as the city square teems with eager spectators.
As dusk descends, a gentle drizzle commences, painting the scene in hues of melancholy. Amaya, perched high on her father's shoulders, her eyes sparkling with wonder, catches sight of a captivating balloon. Her heart set on owning one, Alvaro gently sets her down to negotiate with the vendor, only to find himself embroiled in a disagreement over the price. Meanwhile, Amaya's gaze falls upon a toy abandoned on the ground, drawing her away in a fleeting moment of curiosity. She chases after it, vanishing into the throng of people, never to be reunited with her family that fateful day.
Enter Miren Rojo, an ambitious journalism student interning at the esteemed Diario Sur. Her world is rocked by the news of Amaya's disappearance, and she throws herself into the story with unwavering dedication. Paco, the no-nonsense editor of Sur, charges his team to delve deep into the case, demanding regular updates. Eduardo, a seasoned senior editor who doubles as Miren's guardianly figure, accompanies her to the police station, where the investigation is led by the shrewd Detective Belen Millan. Their encounter reveals a hint of familiarity between the detective and Miren, as she acknowledges her lack of direct involvement in Miren's cases.
As Ana and Alvaro prepare to address the media, their hearts heavy with grief, Ana's plea to the unknown captor echoes through the air, a desperate cry for their daughter's safety and return. David Luque, a steadfast friend of the family, rallies the community with flyers, and Miren joins the fray, determined to uncover every nuance of Amaya's world. The parents' powerful connections become evident, with Ana's father, Paco Nunez, a hotel mogul, and his friendship with Felipe Ramirez, a prominent Urban Planning Councilman, suggesting a web of influence that might just hold the key to Amaya's whereabouts.
Miren, driven by a sense of duty, offers her business card to Ana, entrusting her to reach out should any vital clues surface. Little does she realize, this gesture propels her into a whirlwind of trouble. As Belen and her partner, Chaparro, delve deeper, they interrogate a tenant residing in the same building where Amaya's vibrant yellow raincoat was discovered by the police. Torres, the woman in question, recalls witnessing two men hovering outside the entrance, with Amaya in tow. One of them ventured in, stealthily depositing the raincoat within.
In the midst of Miren's heartfelt conversation with Rosa, David's grieving spouse, a sudden call from Ana disrupts the solemnity, causing David to react violently, shoving Miren aside. He hurls threats of legal action against the newspaper, leaving Paco seething with anger. Yet, Eduardo, ever the stalwart, steps forward to shield Miren, urging her to exercise caution. Furthermore, she's reminded to attend to her mother's calls, her anxiety palpable through the line.
The police's investigative net widens, encompassing Juancho, the affable balloon vendor, though his testimony yields little fruit. Still, suspicion lingers around him like a persistent mist. Meanwhile, Miren remains haunted by a personal tragedy that engulfed her life two years prior, rendering her hyper-aware of male scrutiny and prone to paranoia. Her heart races as she mistakenly assumes a car full of strangers is tailing her, only to realize it's Eduardo.
As the community rallies around Amaya's memory, a vigil is held, and the police meticulously scrutinize the backgrounds of her closest associates and relatives. Among them, David Luque's history of sexual misconduct against a young girl stands out as a chilling revelation.
The narrative then leaps forward, skipping six years to 2016, where Miren, now a part-time journalist at Sur, receives a mysterious package containing a VHS tape. The tape's contents unravel a stunning revelation: Ana and Alvaro have parted ways, but Amaya's 12th birthday celebration serves as a backdrop to a video that confirms she's not only alive but thriving, her laughter echoing as she plays with her beloved dollhouse. The parents, summoned to the police station, are met with a ray of hope that illuminates the darkest corners of their hearts.