Amidst the thriving, lucrative heart of Canada's maple syrup industry, the premiere episode of Season 1 of "The Sticky," titled "Petiole," unfurls a gripping saga of avarice, deceit, and desperation. The episode meticulously orchestrates a multifaceted narrative centered around Ruth Landry, Remy Bouchard, and Mike Byrne, whose destinies are entwined in a daring and perilous heist.
The episode kicks off against a melancholic backdrop, painting a picture of the Canadian Maple Syrup Industry—a colossal, multi-million-dollar enterprise—tainted by a monumental theft that shook the nation in 2011. The narrative then pivots to Teddy Green and Don LeBlanc, who stumble upon a grim spectacle: Orval Steeks' head bobbing eerily in a maple syrup barrel. This macabre discovery stands as an ominous harbinger of the dark twist awaiting the industry.
Margo Martindale brings to life Ruth Landry, a woman confronted with the brutal reality of her farm's imminent shutdown by federal authorities. They not only seize her painstakingly harvested syrup but also label her an unlicensed operator, plunging her into an abyss of financial ruin. This serves as the cornerstone of Ruth's character—a resilient soul pushed to the very brink, ready to embrace desperate measures to salvage her cherished livelihood.
Elsewhere, Guillaume Cyr stars as Remy Bouchard, a man struggling to reconcile his loyalty to his family with his burning ambition. His father, Maurice Bouchard, played with conviction by Michel Perron, endeavors to celebrate Remy's 40th birthday with boundless enthusiasm. Yet, Remy remains engrossed in a pivotal work presentation, revealing the underlying tension between his familial bonds and professional aspirations. This conflict will continue to shape Remy's internal struggles throughout the series.
Chris Diamantopoulos embodies Mike Byrne, a man shrouded in a dark secret. He receives a cryptic call from a figure named Bo and subsequently engages in a contentious confrontation with Denis, who degradingly tasks him with retrieving payment from the grimy floor of a bar. This tense scene solidifies Mike's precarious standing within the shadowy criminal underworld and underscores his fervent determination to transcend his circumstances.
Ruth's encounter with Leonard Sr. is ripe with suspicion and anger, as she outright rejects his stingy offer for her cherished farm, her mind clouded with suspicions of his hand in the federal confiscation. This defiance only deepens Ruth's desperation and sets the stage for a series of drastic actions yet to unfold. Remy's presentation to Leo Gauthier meets with a cold shoulder, and his plea for extra security personnel falls on deaf ears. However, Remy's true colors come to light when he surreptitiously sells a barrel of the Association's syrup to Steeks, hinting at his entanglement in illicit deeds.
The episode reaches its zenith when, in a blind fury, Ruth chops down the oldest and most lucrative tree on her farm, a poignant symbol of her loss and the inception of her descent into a life shrouded in crime. Simultaneously, Remy uncovers Mike's connection to the Devaney Family, paving the way for a fate-sealing partnership.
Remy pitches a audacious scheme to Mike, proposing to swipe $150 million worth of unguarded maple syrup. Initially hesitant, Mike eventually caves in, driven by necessity and desperation. This alliance, forged in adversity, presents both men with a glimmer of hope to alter their fortunes.
The episode draws to a close with a string of harrowing and violent incidents. Seizing a fleeting moment, Mike uses Remy's abandoned mittens to eliminate Steeks, triggering a cascade of events with long-lasting repercussions. Despite his initial refusal to aid Ruth, Mike confides in her about Remy's scheme, marking a transformation in their relationship and the inception of a perilous alliance.