In the gripping season finale of "The Sticky," titled "Apex," the complex tapestry of deceit, unwavering loyalty, and criminal undertakings converges into a climactic and breathless denouement. The episode kicks off with Mike Byrne, masterfully portrayed by Chris Diamantopoulos, immersed in a cocktail of panic and desperation following the tragic demise of Bo, vividly enacted by Jamie Lee Curtis. His frenzy is almost tangible as he wrestling with the daunting challenge of disposing of Bo's remains and making a hasty escape, all while dodging the impending arrival of Charlie, skillfully played by Mark O'Brien, and his formidable Boston associates.
Ruth Landry, brilliantly essayed by Margo Martindale, digs her heels in, insisting on adhering to the original, daring blueprint, while Remy Bouchard, sensitively depicted by Guillaume Cyr, finds himself torn between the allure of the heist and the welfare of his beloved father, Maurice Bouchard, played with depth by Michel Perron, amidst the looming harvest. Mike's struggle with Bo's lifeless body, as he consigns her to the icy depths of a freezer, sets the stage for Ruth's audacious, swift-thinking counterplan. Her resolve and rapid-fire ingenuity lure Mike back into the fold, paving the way for the final, fateful chapter of their daring caper.
At the warehouse, Leonard Gauthier Sr., vividly brought to life by Guy Nadon, tenders his resignation to Leo Gauthier, sensitively portrayed by Mickael Gouin, during the Harvest Party. His sole stipulation is the completion of the Visitor's Center before handing over the reigns, a request Leo readily concurs to. In the meantime, Ruth is propelled into an emotional tornado at the hospital, convinced that Martin Landry, convincingly enacted by Joseph Bellerose, is on the precipice of death, until he squeezes her hand, a fleeting gesture that ignites a spark of optimism within her.
Mike returns to his abode to confront Teddy Green, dynamically performed by Gita Miller, and Detective Valerie Nadeau, subtly portrayed by Suzanne Clement, who grill him about Bo's vehicle and her ties to a notorious crime family. Their intrusive search of his property, with a particular focus on the freezer, pushes Mike to the brink of exposure, yet they depart empty-handed, someone having anticipated their moves and spirited the body away. As Leo prepares for the Harvest Day Party, Mike ventures into the forest to retrieve a baseball bat that could incriminate him, only to be abruptly summoned by Ruth.
At the warehouse, as the last farmers depart, Mike and Ruth embark on the final, perilous leg of their heist, with Remy standing vigilant as their sentinel. The tension mounts to fever pitch when Maurice unexpectedly storms the scene and discovers their audacious theft. Despite his initial shock and fury, he elects to remain mum, his silence a shield to protect his son.
As Leonard stands before the farmers at the Harvest Party, laying the blame for corruption squarely on Leo's shoulders, the farmers' tempers flare, driving them towards the warehouse with the singular intent of reclaiming their syrup. Mike and his team, in the midst of filling the second tanker, are abruptly halted by Remy's anxious concern for his father, sparking a confrontation that is abruptly halted by the encroaching mob. In a moment of desperation, Ruth buys them precious time by crafting a Molotov cocktail and igniting the Visitor's Center, transforming it into an inferno.
As flames engulf the Visitor's Center, Remy devises a plan to fill the tanker with donated syrup containers, cleverly opening the bottom spout to stage a fortuitous accident. Meanwhile, Green and Nadeau arrive at Maurice's residence with a search warrant, uncovering a bat smeared with traces of blood, prompting Maurice to confess his guilt in Orval Steeks's demise.
The episode draws to a close with Ruth checking on Martin's condition, finding him in a stable coma, his brain unscathed by the ordeal. Despite the dangers and moral dilemmas that permeated the heist, Ruth, Remy, and Mike are left with a cargo worth millions, but this victory comes at a steep cost. "Apex" serves as a fitting climax to "The Sticky" Season 1, delivering a thrilling resolution to the interwoven fates of the characters. The episode stands as a testament to the high stakes involved in the heist and the profound personal sacrifices made in pursuit of greed and survival. As the characters' journeys culminate, the episode leaves viewers with a sense of finality and the lingering question of what repercussions lie ahead.