In the fifth installment of "The Sticky," titled "Blade," the serene sanctum of Mike Byrne's lakeside hideaway is abruptly disrupted by the arrival of a perilous guest, paving the way for an episode laced with mystery and treachery. The episode kicks off with Mike, portrayed with nuanced subtlety by Chris Diamantopoulos, basking in the tranquil beauty of his poolside retreat. However, this idyllic scene is shattered by the blaring honk of a horn, plunging his serenity into a whirlpool of tension. With quick reflexes, Mike retrieves his silenced pistol, steeling himself for an uninvited visitor.
The suspense thickens as he throws open the door to confront Bo, portrayed with menacing charm by Jamie Lee Curtis, who stands brandishing a knife. Instead of culminating in a blaze of gunfire, the confrontation results in a stabbing that leaves Mike wounded, setting the stage for a labyrinthine plot filled with unexpected twists and turns.
Elsewhere, Teddy Green, played with fervent intensity by Gita Miller, and Detective Valerie Nadeau, Suzanne Clement's stoic character, grill Remy Bouchard, ably enacted by Guillaume Cyr, at his abode. The interrogation takes a sudden detour from the woodland attack to the murder of Orval Steeks. Remy's frustration boils over as he realizes he's under suspicion, thanks to his father's incriminating mittens. Despite his vehement protests, Nadeau remains unconvinced, prompting Remy to eventually usher them out with a mixture of defiance and desperation.
Meanwhile, Ruth Landry, embodied with powerful emotion by Margo Martindale, confronts her own dilemmas at the hospital. She receives the shocking news that she cannot bring Martin Landry, played convincingly by Joseph Bellerose, home. Matters take a turn for the worse when a social worker steps in, prompting Ruth to accuse Florence Russell, vividly portrayed by Vickie Papavs, of betraying her trust. Ruth's accusations and suspicions further fray her relationships, adding to the episode's mounting aura of tension.
Back at the precinct, the rift between Teddy and Nadeau widens. Nadeau's unwavering suspicion of Remy compels her to request a search warrant for the Bouchard residence, despite Green's conviction that Remy lacks a motive. This decision triggers a cascade of events that leaves Remy, already on the brink of despair, packing his bags as the noose tightens inexorably around his neck.
The episode orchestrates a dramatic twist when Bo, dispatched to terminate Mike but mercifully sparing his life, unveils his minor role in the criminal hierarchy—a revelation that sends shockwaves through Remy and Ruth, who are further astounded as Bo abruptly reverses the entire heist blueprint, shifting the blame onto Ruth's shoulders and casting Remy in a heroic light.
At the Gauthier Warehouse, the confrontation between Leo, alias Mickael Gouin, and Leonard Sr., Guy Nadon, over the acquisition of local farms escalates tensions. Leonard's fury and confession bare the greedy ambitions and power struggles underlying the industry, enriching the episode's narrative tapestry.
The atmosphere simmers to a boiling point during Bo's grilling session with Mike, Ruth, and Remy. Remy's loose lips inadvertently expose their operation, sparking a confrontation where Bo inadvertently exposes her hand. Meanwhile, Green's response to the missing license plate tip leads her to Mike's neighbor, ratcheting up the suspense as Mike confesses to slaying Orval to safeguard Remy.
In a breathtaking climax, Ruth spills the beans about their heist to Bo, who, though unimpressed by the payoff, finds the plan's simplicity intriguing. Bo's attempt to wield control over the situation takes a dramatic turn for the worse as her cane snaps, causing her to tumble down the stairs in a chaotic spectacle.
"Blade" stands as a masterful episode, delving deep into the characters' motivations and the perilous stakes of their criminal escapades. With each character's loyalty put to the test and the specter of exposure hovering, the episode leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next thrilling chapter in this gripping series.