In the gripping fourth installment of "The Sticky," titled "Teeth," the intricate web of deceit and peril surrounding the audacious maple syrup heist tightens its sinister embrace around our protagonists. The episode opens with Remy Bouchard, portrayed with adept skill by Guillaume Cyr, arriving at the warehouse to a startling revelation: Leo Gauthier, brought to life by Mickael Gouin, has taken Remy's warnings to heart and fortified their defenses with the formidable presence of Gary Montour, expertly embodied by Meegwun Fairbrother. This unforeseen twist complicates the heist, as Gary's ascension to the position of boss poses a formidable obstacle to the team's meticulously laid plans.
Remy, Mike Byrne (Chris Diamantopoulos), and Ruth Landry (Margo Martindale) convene in the dimly lit confines of a strip club, the atmosphere charged with palpable tension. Mike's ruthless proposition to eliminate Gary meets with staunch opposition, particularly from Ruth. Yet, after a relentless campaign of persuasion, Ruth eventually agrees to a revised plan that aims to neutralize Gary without resorting to lethal force, a decision that underscores the moral quandaries they face and the desperate lengths they are prepared to traverse to safeguard their heist.
With steely resolve, Ruth undertakes the perilous task of returning the stolen barrels, a mission that necessitates confronting Leonard Sr. (Guy Nadon) in his opulent office. Her audacious confrontation, challenging Leonard's integrity and his supposed commitment to supporting local farmers, is a masterpiece of cunning and bravery. Utilizing photographic evidence, Ruth skillfully casts aspersions on Leonard's motives, revealing her unyielding commitment to exposing those who exploit the industry for their own gain.
Elsewhere, Mike and Remy orchestrate the "Gary operation," with Mike leveraging Remy's bold demeanor at a bustling restaurant to extend an invitation to Gary for lunch. Gary's refusal sets the stage for Remy to seize the initiative, volunteering to assist with checking traps, a proposition Gary Accepts. This leads to a suspenseful sequence in the dense woods, where Remy's discomfort with Mike's inclusion of a firearm becomes starkly apparent, serving as a harbinger of the impending violence that looms on the horizon.
Back at the warehouse, Ruth efficiently unloaded the barrels, snapping photographic evidence that she would soon use as her ace in the hole to confront Leonard and compel him into taking swift action. The public spectacle of Leonard's employees hastily restocking the barrels served as a moment of resounding victory for Ruth, who stood firm, ensuring she witnessed the entire scene unfold with her own eyes.
Elsewhere, Remy and Gary inspected their traps, their conversation unearthing the intricate layers of their personalities and the stark contrasts in their respective lives. Remy's profound knowledge of the maple syrup industry and Gary's experiences as a peacekeeper added a humanizing dimension to their characters, making the eventual betrayal orchestrated by Mike all the more breathtakingly cruel. Unwilling to let Gary slip away, Mike opened fire, forcing Remy and Gary into a desperate flight, their once harmonious collaboration shattered by bullets and deceit.
The episode crescendos in the dense North Woods, where Mike's relentless pursuit of Remy and Gary concludes with his ammunition depleted. His futile attempt to bring Gary down in a hand-to-hand struggle marks a pivotal moment, revealing his sheer desperation and the disintegration of his meticulously crafted plan. Ruth's timely intervention, coupled with Gary's swift call to the police, sets the stage for a harrowing escape and a tense confrontation with Teddy Green (played by Gita Miller) and Detective Valerie Nadeau (portrayed by Suzanne Clement), who arrive to grill the two fugitives.
The episode concludes on a melancholic note, as Ruth returns to her home to discover Martin missing, leaving the audience with a chilling cliffhanger that sends shivers down their spines. "Teeth" is a gripping episode of "The Sticky" that delves deep into the motivations of its characters, the bonds they forge, and the treacherous machinations that threaten to dismantle them all. With the loyalty of each character put to the ultimate test and the stakes raised higher than ever, the episode leaves viewers eagerly anticipating the next thrilling chapter in this syrupy, suspenseful saga.