Episode 8 of The Umbrella Academy's thrilling third season opens in the year 1918, painting a picturesque yet eerie scene of Reginald Hargreeves gracefully gliding through boundless cornfields, his every step echoing with a sense of purpose. With a flare soaring into the heavens, he appears to have discovered the perfect sanctuary, summoning a legion of workers to erect the majestic Hotel Obsidian. The very air around this edifice whispers of an anomaly, a secret that the enigmatic White Buffalo Suite only hints at, concealing something far more colossal.
As time hurtles forward, the grand structure rises from the earth, a testament to the relentless efforts of Hargreeves and his team. Armed to the teeth, they ascend the stairs with military precision, their mission clear: to breach the other side and eradicate whatever lurks within. "We'll be back in a jiffy," the lead soldier vows confidently, only to return moments later, his words muffled by the echoes of gunfire. "They're all gone," he mutters grimly to Hargreeves.
Now, in the present day, the frayed remnants of the Umbrella Academy seek shelter within the walls of Hotel Obsidian, as the Sparrow Academy lies in ruins and the fabric of the universe threatens to unravel into oblivion. Klaus and Reginald remain elusive, their absence adding to the mounting chaos. Amidst this chaos, Sloane and Luther stun everyone by announcing their sudden engagement, vowing to make it official at 6 pm sharp, with Viktor taking on the role of best man. The revelation sends shockwaves through the group, their disbelief heightened when Klaus and Reginald unexpectedly materialize, Klaus boasting of his newfound immortality. Reginald, too, heaps praise upon Klaus, declaring him the sole voice of reason amidst the madness. The others can only exchange incredulous laughs.
Klaus, determined to soften Reginald's steely demeanor, leads him to the mysterious White Buffalo room, turning it into a makeshift arena for practicing compliments. He also urges his father to attend the wedding, to pay his respects to Luther. And so, the festivities commence, a whirlwind of dances, drinks, and laughter, all the while, the world teeters on the brink of destruction. Yet, amidst the revelry, there's a fleeting moment of drama as Reginald makes a surprise appearance at the party, casting a shadow over the festivities.
As Lila and Reginald cross paths for the very first time, facilitated by Diego's gracious introduction, Reginald finds himself heaping praises upon Diego, declaring that he would have excelled as a father figure. Meanwhile, Ben drowns his sorrows in a sea of alcohol, nursing his bruised ego from being sidelined during the bachelor festivities. Amidst his melancholy, Viktor approaches Allison, seeking absolution for his deception. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" he pleads. But Allison, her patience worn thin from being repeatedly taken advantage of, scoffs, "No, I don't think I will." She severs their bond, leaving no room for reconciliation. Wait, one wonders, why is Viktor the one apologizing when Allison's actions seem more deserving of reproach? This season, Allison's transformation into a complex antagonist is undeniable.
As Reginald delivers a speech, subtly branding Luther as sufficient but nothing more, he exits the scene, making his way up to the enigmatic White Buffalo Room. There, he engages in a clandestine deal with a mysterious figure, their handshake sealing an agreement shrouded in secrecy. Unbeknownst to them, Five, stumbling away from the revelry, catches a glimpse of his father's shady dealings. However, fate intervenes, and Five collapses in a drunken stupor, leaving the last two episodes a tantalizing cliffhanger, leaving viewers to speculate wildly about the paths that lie ahead.