The episode kicks off with an intriguing encounter between Adilah and a shadowy delivery man lurking in the stairwell of the apartment complex they share with Imogen. In a deft maneuver, Adilah swaps clothes with the man, slipping away unnoticed under the radar of surveillance.
Imogen awakens to a startling realization - Adilah has vanished. Frantically, she alerts the various intelligence agencies staking out the apartment, disclosing Adilah's escape. The news of Adilah's disappearance like a wildfire ignites a furious response among the American agents, particularly Max. He decides that the time has come to break some rules in pursuit of Adilah.
Imogen, determined to track down the mysterious delivery man, manages to covertly swipe his phone in a clever collision. She nearly succeeds in coaxing him to reveal Adilah's whereabouts, but the situation explodes into violence as French intelligence agents intervene, fatally shooting the man.
Elsewhere, Emir confronts Adilah, expressing doubts about her loyalty. Adilah assures him that her allegiance remains steadfast, explaining that her association with Imogen is solely for protection. However, Emir demands proof of her loyalty - by eliminating Imogen.
Max's desperation escalates to dangerous extremes. He proposes a radical plan to the French and American intelligence agencies - kidnapping Adilah's daughter as leverage to coerce her into spilling all she knows about their mysterious plan. Unbeknownst to Max, Adilah's daughter and aunt are already being smuggled to safety by operatives loyal to Imogen.
In a surprising turn of events, Imogen and Adilah finally reunite. Instead of following Emir's orders to eliminate Imogen, Adilah chooses to ally with her, a shared goal of safeguarding the well-being of Adilah's daughter.