Them – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jun 03 2024

Episode 4 of Them opens with Henry stepping out of his abode to a startling sight. Countless dolls, hung by nooses, dangle ominously on the front porch, their lifeless faces staring blankly. Among them, a jack-in-the-box stands guard, its lid ajar to reveal a ghastly black-faced clown peering out.

It's day 6 of our hellish relocation, and Henry, for now, manages to maintain a facade of calm as he chauffeurs the girls to school. Meanwhile, Lucky storms over to Betty's abode, ready to confront her about the recent antagonistic behavior. She stands her ground firmly, her words sharp as daggers, eventually leaving Betty shaken and waving a venomous farewell over her shoulder.

At work, Henry finds himself a pariah among his fellow engineers. They're all invited to a work "shindig," but Henry's name is conspicuously absent from the guest list. His boss dismisses his absence with a wave of the hand, claiming he wouldn't enjoy it anyway.

Them – Season 1 Episode 4 1

But Henry isn't one to be deterred. He shows up regardless and learns that the engineers are to receive a percentage of the profits from securing the Pentagon project they've been toiling over. Henry's initial jubilation is quickly quashed when Stu informs him that he won't be sharing in the spoils. Determined to prove his boss wrong, Henry introduces himself to the Director and trades war stories, hoping to carve out a place for himself.

Meanwhile, at school, Doris spots Ruby at lunch and urges her to descend to the basement. Curious and adventurous, they creep down the stairs and spy a pair of students locked in a passionate embrace. The girls scramble away, giggling all the way, their hearts pounding with excitement and a newfound sense of adventure.

Alone in the dimly lit closet, Doris's voice filled the air with encouragement as she coaxed Ruby to apply a bold stroke of lipstick and unbutton her shirt, revealing a glimpse of her youthful skin. Her words flowed with adoration, as she gushed over the girl, declaring her the most beautiful student and woman she had ever laid eyes on.

But then, the unexpected sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, and the janitor's curious face appeared around the door. He queried Ruby about her unusual activity, but before she could respond, Doris vanished without a trace. It was a revelation that left Ruby dazed and confused, realizing that Doris had been a fleeting vision all this time.

Elsewhere, Lucky ventured out to visit Mrs. Johnson, the other African American woman who had bravely moved into the predominantly white neighborhood. This lady too had been subjected to horrific racial abuse, leaving her with scars that were both visible and invisible. As they sat together, sharing stories of resilience and struggle, the conversation suddenly took a startling turn when her husband, Roland, unexpectedly appeared.

Despite the absence of both legs, he valiantly propelled himself into the living room, his shirt drenched in sweat from the exertion. As he struggled, Lucky's mind began to wander, hallucinations creeping in and stealing her grasp on reality. She saw blood splattered across the kitchen, a gruesome vision that sent her heart racing. Panic gripped her, and without hesitation, she dashed out of the house.

In stark contrast to her fortunes, Betty unexpectedly reappears at her parents' doorstep, seeking a favor. However, the reception she receives is anything but warm, especially when she asks for a loan. Her parents reject her outright, with her mother even expressing a wish that Betty had never returned home. The chilly atmosphere is palpable, leaving Betty feeling more alone and dejected than ever.

When Henry returns from a tough day at the office, he finds Lucky waiting for him. She immediately demands he drive to the Johnson household where Lucky’s frightening vision is confirmed to be just that – a vision. Henry apologizes tentatively to the pair as he drives Lucky home. After putting the kids to bed, the pair make love.

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