The narrative begins with a stark contrast, declaring that this tale is far from the enchantment of traditional fairy tales. Rebecca Godfrey, portrayed by Riley Keough, offers a profound insight into how the perils of these stories echo the harsh realities of life. As she recounts, the events that unfolded in November 1997 would cast a long shadow over the island, haunting its inhabitants for years to come.
It was the 14th of November, 1997, and Reena Virk, brought to life by Vritika Gupta, stood amidst a flurry of chatter as her peers spoke around her, waiting impatiently for her ride home. Her uncle, Raj, played by Anoop Desai, arrived and inquired about her school day. Reena explained that she'd only attended for half the day, loathing the gym uniform shorts that were part of the morning's routine.
Angered by her uncle's admonition to prioritize family over friends, Reena stormed out of the car and made her way to the Seven Oaks provincial home, where she met her friend Dusty, portrayed by Aiyana Goodfellow. Inside, they encountered Josephine Bell, brought vividly to life by Chloe Guidry. As Reena listened, she heard tales of Josephine's reckless behavior, including an incident where she had assaulted a girl at a party and stolen her locket. In this unfamiliar environment, Reena felt like a fish out of water.
The girls' mood brightened as Josephine presented Reena with a gift - a Biggie Smalls CD. They sang along, enjoying the music, until Reena's sudden leap onto Josephine's bed provoked a fierce reaction. Josephine barked, ordering Reena to get off before she broke the bed. The hurtful jab about Reena's weight cut deep, leaving a lasting mark. Josephine then departed with Dusty and her roommates, leaving Reena behind with a stark reminder that she was not welcome. Angered and hurt, Reena stole Josephine's diary before storming out.
Rebecca Godfrey is eagerly making her way back to Saanich, her hometown. Upon arriving at her parents' cozy abode, she finds Charles and Elizabeth Godfrey (played by Paul Jarrett and Glynis Davies) in their usual domestic bliss. Her mother has been busy in the kitchen, cooking up a storm for the entire week, while her father is eagerly anticipating a glass of wine to unwind.
Elizabeth insists that Rebecca reconnect with her old friends, but Rebecca is keen on avoiding the spotlight of her return. She insists that she needs a moment of solitude and doesn't fancy the idea of socializing. After all, she reminds her parents, she's home to focus on writing her book.
Charles, the peacemaker in the family, tries to mediate between the two women. He suggests a fun idea: breakfast for dinner. However, Rebecca quickly corrects him, reminding him that it was dinner for breakfast and that it was Gabe's, her brother's, thing, not hers.
Meanwhile, Reena Virk is plotting revenge at home, targeting her former friend Josephine Bell. Having stolen Josephine's personal notebook, which contains all of her contacts, Reena is busy insulting her supposed 'friend' and spreading malicious rumors. She calls Josephine every name imaginable and then some, until her mother Suman (portrayed by Archie Panjabi) knocks on the door, curious about her daughter's antics.
Reena then decides to take her revenge to the next level. She calls Connor Fields (Jared Ager-Foster) and asks him out, claiming that Josephine had given her his number. Josephine, unaware of Reena's scheme, shows up at Connor's place to get drugs and starts to learn about the numerous phone calls Reena has made.
Later, at a family dinner, Reena faces the third degree from her parents about her makeup. Suddenly, the phone rings, and Reena answers. It's Josephine, inviting her out to a party. Thrilled by the invitation, Reena eagerly departs, promising her parents that she'll be home by 11 pm. The scene ends with Reena's excitement and anticipation, setting the stage for what's sure to be an evening of drama and revelations.
Confronted by Josephine at the lively party, the girls frantically chased after Reena. She found refuge at a payphone, but it was only temporary. Surrounded and suddenly grasped by her friends, she was dragged beneath the shadowy bridge. As she was yanked under the bridge's arch, Reena's gaze was captivated by an explosion in the sky, a fiery burst that lit up the night. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the community, Rebecca Godfrey, smoking leisurely on her parents' deck, stared at the same awe-inspiring explosion. The cause of the explosion was a Russian satellite reentering Earth's atmosphere, an event that drew the attention of the entire town.
Elsewhere, Cam Bentland, alias Lily Gladstone, was engaged in rigorous training with her father Roy, portrayed by Matt Craven, and her brother Scott, played by Daniel Diemer. Cam inquisitively asked her dad if he had heard any news regarding her referral to the major crimes unit in Vancouver. Roy replied sagely, advising her that it would be more beneficial for Cam to earn the transfer on her own merits rather than rely on her father's recommendation.
At the police station, Reena's uncle Raj and father Manjit, portrayed by Ezra Khan, anxiously awaited any information regarding their daughter's disappearance. Their inquiries were met with indifference by Scott, while Cam observed silently as the two men relayed what they knew about Reena's mysterious disappearance. Cam assured them that the police were not being unhelpful; she explained that missing girls, especially those skipping school, were a common occurrence. Curious if Reena had ever done this before, her uncle and father reluctantly admitted that it had happened in the past, but Reena had always kept her uncle informed of her whereabouts. The only clue they could offer Cam was that Reena had been talking to Connor Fields on the phone the night she vanished.
Rebecca, smoking and gazing out to the vast ocean, began to record her thoughts about the teenagers in her community. She had a desire to borrow her father's car to visit some of the girls at the Seven Oaks Youth Home. Her father reluctantly agreed, admitting that he never thought he would have to hear about that place again. (Rebecca's backstory promised to be intriguing.)
At the Seven Oaks Youth Home, Rebecca entered the facility, eager to speak with the girls. However, she was swiftly dismissed by the person in charge, who explained that the girls were under government care and could not have any outsiders visiting. Josephine and Dusty interrupted her conversation, asking for the newspaper. They expressed concern for Reena and wondered if there was any news about her disappearance. When Dusty asked if she was a cop, Rebecca introduced herself as someone writing a book about the misunderstood girls in their community. She left her card and encouraged the girls to reach out to her.
Meanwhile, at the Virk household, Suman, Reena's mother, was enraged and began packing away all of Reena's belongings. She assumed that Reena had run away, as she had expressed a desire to leave home. Unable to bear the sight of her daughter's things any longer, Suman's anger was palpable. Manjit, however, pleaded with his wife not to give up on their daughter. Suddenly, the phone rang, and a voice on the other end inquired if Reena was present. The tense atmosphere in the household intensified as they awaited the caller's next words.
Cam arrives at Conner Fields' house, where the blaring music and suspicious activity greet her. Her senses are immediately on alert as she spies empty kegs of beer strewn across the yard. Approaching the front door with caution, she knocks firmly, her heart pounding.
Connor appears, and Cam wastes no time in demanding to know who he's been talking to. Connor's lame excuses fall flat, and Cam presses him further, asking if he's heard from Reena Virk. Connor's irritation is palpable as he explains the rumors of a fight under the bridge and Josephine's chilling words about never having to hear from Reena again.
Back at the police station, Cam gathers her father and brother, her face grim as she lays out the details of the CMC and her belief that the Sannich police may be facing a potential homicide. Scott laughs it off, assuming Cam is angling for attention from Vancouver to boost her job prospects. But Cam is serious, her voice firm as she tells them Reena has been missing for three days and she fears the worst.
Relenting, Scott allows Cam to lead a team to search the waterways for Reena. He warns her that she's staking her reputation on a hunch and hearsay, but Cam is determined.
Meanwhile, Suman Virk paces anxiously in her daughter's room, her heart heavy with worry. She prays fervently for Reena's safety, begging the heavens to protect her child.
Outside, the high school students watch in silence as Cam leads the search team through the gorge waterway. The tension is palpable as the dive team reports they've found something.
Back at the Virk household, Cam holds out a piece of clothing, asking if they can identify it. Suman's face falls as she confirms it belongs to Reena. The parents demand to know what the police know, but Cam is reluctant to speculate, her heart breaking for their loss.
Suman's tears flow freely as she tells Ranjit she thinks Reena is gone. Ranjit tries to comfort her, assuring her that the police are doing their best, but the pain in their eyes speaks volumes.
In the bustling city of Saanich, the police were busy arresting members of the notorious Crip Mafia Cartel. Inside the police station, the atmosphere was tense as the young detainees were grilled about the mysterious disappearance of Reena on that fateful night. Josephine, fraught with worry, frantically tried to reach her mother, but to no avail. As panic spread among the parents of the detained children, Cam turned to Josephine, asking if there was anyone else she could call for support.
Meanwhile, Rebecca was unexpectedly interrupted by the ringing phone, notifying her of the urgent situation at the Saanich police department. Without hesitation, she hurried to the station, persuading the desk clerk to let her in to see Josephine. As Cam was shown the CCTV footage from the bus stop, the entire department watched in horror as the chase unfolded and Reena was dragged under the bridge. Cam, noticing the kids fleeing the scene, was instructed to wait and watch the rest of the tape.
Rebecca entered the processing area, walking past the cells where the detained children were being held. Her heart went out to Josephine as she approached the teenager. Josephine, her voice trembling, asked the writer if she could keep a secret. Back at her desk, Cam's heart skipped a beat as she watched the tape reveal a miraculous sight - Reena emerging from under the bridge, bloody but miraculously alive. The tense atmosphere in the police station was momentarily replaced by a glimmer of hope, as the mystery surrounding Reena's disappearance began to unravel.