Episode 8 of "Them" opens with a haunting scene of Lucky, trapped in a mental institution, desperately clinging to her sanity. The traumatic events of the past season have taken a toll on her mind, and she is now confined to these walls in a bid to restore her fragile mental state.
Henry arrives to visit, but her doctor sternly admonishes him, urging him to focus his attention on aiding the girls instead. After all, the sight of their deceased baby brother in that suitcase must have left an indelible psychological scar on them.
The family, minus Lucky, returns to their home, resolved to pack up their belongings and flee. Henry casts a longing glance around the room as boxes litter the floor, a poignant reminder of the life they are leaving behind. His attention is suddenly drawn to a newspaper article detailing the death of Sergeant Bull.
In the shadows, Marty lurks, waiting for his moment. When Henry's gaze turns away, Marty steps out of the darkness and delivers a brutal blow to his face with a baseball bat. The attack is swift and vicious, leaving Henry dazed and disoriented.
Meanwhile, George continues to exert his perverse control over Betty. Sedated and imprisoned in his underground bunker, Betty desperately searches for a way to escape. Finally, seizing an opportunity when George lets his guard down, she lashes out with a hidden weapon, stabbing him in the neck.
But her efforts are in vain. George, unfazed by the attack, brushes aside her pleas and locks her back in the vault, leaving her trapped once again.
As Henry slowly recovers from the assault, he finds himself tied to a chair in the living room, with Marty holding Gracie at gunpoint. Marty is desperate to know where Betty is hidden, and he believes Henry holds the key. While Gracie is forced to remain in the basement, Ruby is pressed into service, cooking for Marty and Earl under Earl's watchful eye.
Henry, trapped and helpless, is forced to reveal the truth about what transpired in North Carolina. His confession is enough to stave off further blows for the moment, but the situation remains tense and dangerous.
Marty, enraged and frustrated, grabs a pair of scissors and forces Henry to keep his hand open. With a cold and calculated precision, he cuts off Henry's finger and then strings him up by the neck in the basement. The girls, forced to watch the horrifying spectacle, are overwhelmed by screams and terror.
Back at the mental institution, Epps appears before Lucky as she lies motionless in bed. He confesses his role in the events that have unfolded and warns her that there is no happy ending in sight for any of them.