Episode 1 of AppleTV+'s captivating series "Time Bandits" commences with an enchanting introduction to Kevin, an avid 11-year-old historian whose passion for the past knows no bounds. It's his birthday, yet his dreams of embarking on an adventure to Woodhenge meet with little enthusiasm from his parents. His birthday gift, ironically, seems destined to be met with skepticism and even ridicule from his family, including his sister, Saffron. Their teasing adds to Kevin's isolation, already palpable at school where he finds himself a solitary figure.
Undaunted, Kevin finds solace in his hobbies – strategizing Risk battles and meticulously painting historical figures. But a sudden, earth-shaking rumble emanating from his closet shatters the tranquility of his late-night pursuits. Cautiously, he swings open the door and steps through, finding himself transported to a breathtaking beach – yet, curiously, situated amidst the tumultuous landscape of Medieval England, where Vikings and Saxons clash in a fierce feud.
Stunned, Kevin rushes back to his room, slamming the closet shut, but not before a Viking Warrior finds himself stranded in Kevin's world. Desperate for understanding, Kevin seeks out his dismissive parents, only to be met with indifference. Frustrated, he stumbles back upstairs, colliding with the wall in a dizzying blur, and inadvertently following the Viking's trail into unconsciousness.
As the night deepens, the closet doors creak open once more, unleashing a flurry of extraordinary beings – the Time Bandits, led by the intrepid Penelope, accompanied by Alto, Judy, and Widgit. They clutch a map, their quest to evade the ominous Supreme Being who relentlessly pursues its return. Amid the ensuing chaos, a hidden passage reveals itself, and Kevin, now intertwined with the Bandits' fate, flees alongside them.
Their breathless escape down a precipitous slope culminates in a harrowing journey aboard a ship, where the Bandits' surprise at Kevin's presence quickly gives way to acceptance. They dismiss the notion that he might be a replacement for Susan, their former comrade, but soon recognize the invaluable asset his encyclopedic historical knowledge proves to be. Together, they find themselves in Macau, 1810, amidst the throes of a monumental battle between the British Navy and the formidable Madame Chung, embarking on an adventure that defies the boundaries of time and imagination.
As arrows whizzed towards them, the group instinctively ducked for cover, seeking safety amidst the chaos. Kevin yearned to be a part of this tight-knit unit, acutely aware that his place in 1810 was no longer tenable. A glimmer of hope shone on the horizon—a portal, some fifty miles distant, according to the map reader's meticulous calculations. Yet, their immediate concern lay with Madame Chung, who emerged from the ship's depths, her presence a menacing shadow over the Bandits.
In a flurry of Cantonese, she confronted the group, and a translation cap was hastily passed to Kevin, granting him access to the intricate dance of words. He ventured a suggestion, urging Chung to alter her course, a deviation that would not only evade the relentless Navies but also lead them to the portal, nestled serenely amidst the waters' embrace. It seemed Chung had anticipated this very move, her strategy aligning perfectly with their destination's serendipitous location.
The portal spat them out into a bygone era, where Stonehenge rose majestically, a testament to ancient ingenuity. Kevin's curiosity ignited, and he eagerly scrambled to learn more from the enslaved laborers who whispered tales of other Henges—Woodhenge, Peoplehenge—yet none possessed the elusive key to their purpose. Even amidst such grandeur, a quaint gift shop stood, a quirky reminder of humanity's resilience.
As night fell, Kevin joined the Bandits' huddled council, their diverse skills and personalities weaving a tapestry of resilience. Penelope, their de facto leader, remained tight-lipped about her lost love, while Judy, the master psychologist, surveyed the group with a keen eye. Alto, the master of disguise, Widgit the invaluable map reader, and Bittelig, a behemoth whose strength surpassed seven mortal men, completed their formidable line-up. They were fugitives, fleeing from the very being who once commanded them—the Supreme Being. Their daring theft of the map had set them on a treasure hunt, with a promise to return Kevin to Bingley in 2024 echoing like a distant beacon.
But their actions had unwittingly stirred the depths of evil. Word of the stolen map, the blueprint to the universe itself, reached the twisted mind of Pure Evil, the Wrongness. He summoned Fianna, the Huntress, her mind a weapon honed for the chase. Yet, the Time Bandits remained several steps ahead, their trail leading inexorably to Bingley in 2024.
Unaware of the looming threat, the Bandits ventured through the portal's veil, emerging in the heart of Troy. Their target: the Trojan Horse, a ruse they were about to unwittingly become a part of. A skirmish with the Greeks preceded their stealthy entry into the wooden beast, their next portal hidden within its belly.
As they neared their escape, Kevin's path crossed with Cassandra, a Trojan woman blessed with the gift of prophecy. She whispered of his future, a destiny where he would regale kings with tales of adventure. Before parting ways, Kevin imparted a secret, confirming Cassandra's vision—the horse was indeed a trap. With that, the Bandits vanished, leaving behind a city forever altered by their brief, yet profound, intervention.