Episode 2 of AppleTV+'s captivating series, "Time Bandits," kicks off with the mischievous crew landing amidst the frigid expanse of the Ice Age. Their initial confusion over Kevin's whereabouts morphs into a heated debate, yet ultimately they concede, realizing they've stumbled upon the wrong era. This frozen landscape also harbors Fianna, lurking in the shadows, on a sinister mission orchestrated by Pure Evil to reclaim the elusive map.
A swift leap forward in time propels the Bandits to the vibrant heart of North America's Mayan Empire, where Kevin's voice rings with caution, detailing the gruesome rituals the tribe was infamous for. Their encounter with the Mayans, however, couldn't be more contrasting—a warm embrace of feasting, libations, and lavish gifts. Yet, Kevin's instincts remain sharp as razors, fearing they've been chosen for an unspeakable fate atop the towering temple. His companions, on the other hand, are blissfully unaware.
Presented before the majestic Mayan Queen, Lady Sak, the Bandits are showered with even more hospitality. Penelope's curiosity piques over potential plunder, while Kevin, relegated to the children's table, eavesdrops on whispers of the Queen's "numerous sacrifices" for her beloved. This sparks an alarm within him, sensing the familiar pattern of VIP treatment preceding a grim end. Penelope, finally grasping the gravity of the situation, attempts to steer them away, but their fate seems sealed.
As they ascend the temple's steps, a breathtaking revelation dawns—it's all a colossal misunderstanding. This ceremony, they learn, is merely a harmonious ritual of sharing fruit and admiring the sunset's splendor. The Bandits lambast the skewed accounts Kevin had relied on, chastising the distorted tales spun by outsiders. The truth emerges: the Mayans do not harbor hatred for strangers, but for bandits—the very ones they deem worthy of sacrifice.
Recall Penelope's earlier inquiry about potential loot? As they search her bag, finding nothing more nefarious than fruit (a fortunate turn of events), her innocent queries go unmentioned. This misadventure serves as a humorous reminder of the pitfalls of preconceived notions and the power of firsthand experience in unraveling the mysteries of time travel.
The group finally bids adieu and plunges through the portal's shimmering veil, hurtling back to the familiar environs of Bingley in the year 2024. Fianna, a timeless presence lurking since the dawn of civilization—50,000BC—erupts from her stony slumber in the garden, her emergence a foreboding omen.
As they materialize in Kevin's bedroom, mere instants after their precipitous departure, they narrowly skirt the Supreme Being, its towering form receding into the shadows of the closet like a phantom. The Bandits exchange heartfelt farewells with Kevin beneath the open sky, yet the tranquility is shattered as Fianna materializes, her wrath unleashed upon his unsuspecting parents, transforming them into lifeless mounds of coal. Yet, their souls linger, promising a future reversal of fate, though the path to restoration seems fraught with uncertainty.
Realizing the peril Kevin faces in this realm, the Bandits swiftly gather him under their protective wing, and they dash through yet another portal, venturing into realms unknown and unmapped.
And in a testament to the inimitable style of Taika Waititi, the auteur himself graces the screen with a cameo, embodying the enigmatic Supreme Being. Amidst his clandestine endeavors, a clandestine listener lurks, hinting at intrigue and espionage within the highest echelons of power.