Episode 3 of Tokyo Vice Season 2 unfolds amidst the dimly lit ambiance of Club Maralina, nestled in the bustling Kabakuchi district. Despite Yabuki's stern warning against coercing the owner for funds, the two men brazenly demand a check. Upon returning to their base, Yabuki, temporarily steering the reins of the gang in Tozawa's absence, forces one of them to retaliate physically against the other. The gang's recent losses of territory to Chihara-kai have left its members agitated and uneasy, yet Yabuki remains resolute in maintaining the current status quo.
Meanwhile, Jake and Misaki's budding romance has stealthily unfolded, almost unnoticed by the world, over the past month. Their bond grows stronger, yet Misaki's awareness of the dangers lurking in the shadows and Tozawa's men keeping a watchful eye keep their relationship a secret. Jake yearns to make their relationship public, but Misaki's caution seems justified.
DS Nagata's elite task force embarks on its maiden mission, her eyes set on dismantling a Yakuza gang each week. This week, the spotlight falls on Hishinuma-kai. The gang's member, Hiroshi, having been apprehended for a stabbing, becomes the perfect bait for Nagata and Katagiri to ensnare his boss.
At Club Polina, Samantha and Ohno's bond deepens, yet she hesitates when he invites her to his abode. Hayama and his cronies stir up trouble, but Sato, their watchful guardian, refrains from intervening as Hayama commands a higher rank. It's only when Erika intervenes that the commotion comes to an end.
Each night, Sato dutifully escorts Erika back to her abode. The two are clearly smitten with each other. Erika invites him in for a late-night meal, and as the chatter continues, Dai-chan, her young son, awakens. He insists that Sato reads to him before bedtime, and Sato obliges, revealing a softer side that further impresses Erika. As he prepares to leave, they share a tender kiss, signaling the birth of a newfound relationship.
To address Hayama's incessant troubles, Samantha seeks refuge at Jake's abode. She begs him to intervene with Sato, choosing to stay in the shadows. Jake advises her to approach Sato as a friend, if nothing else. The following day, Jake, Tin Tin, and Trendy receive invitations to a soirée at the US Embassy from Emi, tasked with networking for potential story leads. Emi's relationship with Shingo also remains undercover, as he urges her to break free from constraints, yet she believes the time is not ripe. Jake extends an invitation to Mistuki under an alias, and she gracefully accepts.
Samantha heeded Jake's counsel and encountered Sato, despite her reluctance to engage intimately with Ohno. Sato divulged the urgency, revealing that the Yakuza had planted Claudine in the club as a mole. Ohno, the mastermind behind a new urban development project centered around a shopping mall, was tasked with uncovering the identity of a railway station. Claudine's mission was to discover the station's name, allowing Ishida to amass surrounding properties. Once the announcement was made, the real estate value would skyrocket. Samantha remained hesitant, yet Sato emphasized the gravity of her decision.
Nagata, Katagiri, and their team prepared to storm the Hishinuma stronghold, employing a modified version of the Obstruction of Police Duty law. Their strategy relied solely on provoking the foot soldiers to make physical contact. As Hishinuma's forces dwindled, they sought to align with the Chihara-kai, but the police intervention and Nagata's plan thwarted their union. Katagiri narrowly escaped after a foot soldier isolated him and seized his revolver. The team celebrated their triumph, though Katagiri was agitated by his familial estrangement.
At the celebration, Jason Aoki, a diplomat from the Embassy, flirted with Trendy, perhaps a hint of his sexual preferences. Miotsuki enjoyed the festivities until she spotted a familiar face from Tozawa's circle. Fearing the unknown, she fled the party in a panic. Hayama took a liking to Kaito, Sato's youthful brother, admiring his computer proficiency. In Sato's absence, he escorted Kaito to a brothel.
Jake learned from Chika, Tats' sister, that her brother had been arrested. His groundbreaking article on the biker gang had garnered immense praise, but the consequences were dire. Tats fell into police custody, and Jake vowed innocence, insisting he had not betrayed them. Now, he faced a daunting task to safeguard Tats' safety. Emi concurred that Tats' situation was dire, and Jake sought Sato's assistance. Their first encounter since their Onyx altercation was devoid of grudges. Sato agreed to shelter Tats within his facility, asking for a favor in return.
The episode culminated in two pivotal moments. Samantha arranged a direct meeting with Ishida, presenting a proposal. She consented to spy on Ohno, bargaining for sole ownership of the club and barring Chihara-kai's entry. Ishida acquiesced after Samantha's unwavering stance, compelling the elderly man to commend her courage. Misaki was escorted back to the Tozawa Hotel, where it was revealed that the crime boss had returned to Tokyo!