Episode 5 of Tokyo Vice's second season opens with Jake, a horrified witness to Nakahara's untimely demise. Without hesitation, he rushes to call Emi, breaking the news of the tragic occurrence. Unable to confirm Tozawa's exit from the scene, the paper refrains from publishing a scathing article accusing him, yet Emi agrees to at least insinuate his involvement in the write-up.
Ohno, with a keen eye for detail, uncovers Samantha's ruse about snooping in his office. His unwavering composure perhaps encourages her to confess the truth. Alarmed by Samantha's mention of Yakuza's involvement, Ohno devises a strategy where Samantha coerces Jake to pen a story about the Shambashi station, the proposed site for a new complex. Meanwhile, Ohno offers Ishida an alternative location, ensuring his job security while Samantha secures her bargain.
Jake, privy to Samantha's tip, relays the information to Tin Tin, who has been at the mercy of Baku's incessant demands for more activity. Jake warns Tin Tin against revealing the station's identity to the ministry official he's set to interview, yet Tin Tin disobeys, revealing the information instead. The official, seizing the opportunity, makes a public announcement, sparking a storm.
Tozawa, poised to declare himself the new crime boss, is ecstatic, but Kazuko, his wife, brings him crashing down to earth. Nakahara was her uncle, and the family is enraged by Tozawa's actions. His blatant disregard for boundaries enrages him further. He strips Kazuko of the necklace he once gave her and drapes it around Misaki's neck, as they engage in a one-sided embrace. Misaki's face betrays only fear, yet her mood brightens when Tozawa promises to buy the house for her mother that Misaki has always dreamed of.
Amidst Tozawa's resurgence, Katagiri confesses to Nagata, admitting that he threatened the detective's family following Miamoto's demise. Nagata assures Katagiri that HQ will provide security to the family, enabling him to continue with the task force. She also initiates plans to take down Tozawa, wiretapping his suite and office.
Shingo divulges to Emi that Baku, the editor of the Meicho, has a penchant for right-wing nationalist groups. Tozawa's corporation is a significant donor to some of these groups, leading Shingo to speculate that Baku might choose to overlook matters that align with the group's interests, such as the recent fire incident.
Hayama and Sato, burdened with a heavy bag of money, had trudged through miles of terrain. However, the relentless pursuit of exhaustion and harsh weather conditions left them depleted, forcing them to seek refuge in a passing family's vehicle, heading back to Tokyo. Before boarding, the pair struck a bargain. Sato promised to keep Oto's demise a mystery from Ishida, provided Hayama vowed to abandon his vendetta against Kaito.
Sato, who had been stockpiling weapons in Club Polina, retrieved them and presented them to Ishida. Yet, the seasoned oyabun saw through the ruse immediately. However, he held his tongue until he was alone with Sato in the car. As the railway station announcement echoed, Ishida gathered Ohno and Samantha at Club Polina.
Meanwhile, Jake's investigation zeroed in on Tozawa, determined to uncover the reason behind his mysterious disappearance. He infiltrated a clinic, stealing medical records for Tozawa and other Yakuza members. The revelation was stark: Tozawa suffered from a severe "liver disease," colloquially known as the "trade's bane." He shared this news with Nagata, Katagiri, and Sato, who concurred that the illness was incurable but hinted at a Thai doctor who could extend a patient's life by six months. The question lingered: why would Tozawa risk so much for a mere six-month reprieve?
Amidst this turmoil, Sato's mother confronted him, deeply concerned about Kaito's transformation. Her words were heartfelt, confessing that she couldn't bear to lose both her sons. She begged Sato to safeguard his brother.
At Tozawa's grand meeting, he unveiled sweeping reforms, transforming the organization's structure. Everyone would now be shareholders in his corporation, earning dividends from a consolidated enterprise. This new framework aimed to legitimize their business operations, shielding them from legal persecution. The audience cheered and embraced the plan. But the episode's climax held an even more devastating surprise.
It unfolded at Club Polina, where Ishida convened with the duo. After some persuasion, the oyabun grudgingly approved the scheme, but only if the profits materialized. Suddenly, two masked figures entered the club, using the elevator as a covert entry point. They opened fire without hesitation. Ishida reacted swiftly, hiding behind a couch. Ohno, unfortunately, was not so fortunate; a bullet struck his head, killing him instantly. Sato fought back, but his inexperience with firearms hampered his efforts. Ishida urged him to "stay alive" as he charged the assailants unarmed. The attackers fled the scene, leaving behind a trail of questions: Who ordered the attack, and why?