In a seemingly disconnected segment of the narrative, we observe Stacy and the ATF unit engaged in a desperate attempt to apprehend a mysterious figure known as Mr. Dumont. However, the situation is further complicated when a man named "Keel" is apprehended, yet he acts as a catalyst for disaster, provoking Dumont to detonate the house, taking his own life in the process. Meanwhile, Dwight sits idly in a nearby café, transfixed by a solitary white horse named Pilot, who wanders aimlessly. The waitress remarks that the horse has been a fixture in the area for quite some time, residing nearby. She adds, with a touch of wisdom, "Not all horses find solace in the confines of a pasture." Dwight, sporting a crooked smile, continues to practice his driving skills, preparing for a crucial test that day.
Tyson, inquisitive as ever, probes Dwight about his aspirations and future plans, wondering where he might find himself five years hence. Dwight attempts to dissuade Tyson from following in his footsteps, suggesting that perhaps college would be a more prudent path. Yet, Tyson is steadfast in his determination to work under Dwight's guidance. Their conversation shifts to Bodhi's shop, where they discuss the commercial potential of nitrous oxide. Dwight sees it as a lucrative business opportunity, particularly for the upcoming Ogallala-Land music festival. He pitches the idea to Mitch, outlining how they could potentially earn a substantial profit of over a hundred thousand dollars. Mitch agrees, mentioning that he can procure nitrous in bulk for his restaurant's needs.
Unbeknownst to them, Armand lies in wait, trailing Dwight's car. When Dwight collects Paul, his driving instructor for the upcoming test, Armand emerges from the shadows, firing shots at the vehicle. Dwight acts swiftly, narrowly saving Paul from harm, and engages in a high-speed pursuit. However, they are eventually apprehended by the police, but Armand manages to evade capture. Due to his past criminal record, Armand is interrogated rigorously, but Stacy arrives at the station and secures his release. Later, we witness Armand destroying the car, while Dwight remains tight-lipped, refusing to divulge any information to the police. He is determined to confront the assailant himself.
Over dinner, Stacy and Dwight bond over their shared sense of isolation and turmoil, leading to an intimate night spent together. Stacy is both embarrassed and charmed by the encounter. Dwight informs Chickie about the shooting, and the Capo vows to uncover the truth behind the attack. Knowing that Vincent is not the culprit, they realize that someone else must be pulling the strings. Stacy rewatches the footage of the men from the exploded house, searching for clues.
The narrative then introduces several new characters, each with their own unique role in the unfolding drama. Caolan Waltrip, alias "Keel," is revealed as the leader of the Black Macadam, a motorcycle gang composed of individuals with criminal backgrounds. The gang has recently begun to arm themselves heavily, drawing the attention of the ATF. Edgar Dumont, the man who perished in the explosion, was once a cellmate of Caolan's. Robbie Trucotte and Carson Pike serve as the gang's henchmen, with the latter also acting as Caolan's personal bodyguard. Lastly, we are introduced to Rochelle "Roxy" Harrington, a munitions expert who holds a close bond with Caolan.
In Stacy's immediate future, her attention is riveted on three individuals. Dwight, with a bouquet in hand, visits Paul in the hospital, where he recuperates from minor wounds saved by Dwight's quick thinking. The sinister figure offers Paul a wad of cash, seeking details about the vehicle involved. Paul divulges the model, make, and the first four digits of the license plate. Meanwhile, Dwight offers Tyson a "golden handshake," releasing him from his duties. He ponders on the terror his family must have felt upon seeing that car and the wrath they would've felt if the assailant had mistaken him for Dwight.
Despite Tyson's adamant desire to remain a part of this "world," Dwight concedes, reminding him that the choice to stay was his own and he must face its consequences. He instructs Tyson to acquire a new vehicle, but one that differs both in model and hue.
Stacy, having rescued a stray dog from a nearby house, prompts Dwight to investigate the charred remains of the vehicle. They trace it back to a worker at the Fennario Ranch, a locale nearby. Dwight positions himself strategically on the ranch, biding his time until the workers depart. Tyson, meanwhile, practices his menacing monologues for work, unaware that his father is eavesdropping, head bowed in despair and dread.
Dwight trails the man home, but his face remains a mystery. Just as he prepares to emerge and confront him, he spots Armand's son rushing out to greet the stranger, causing Dwight to halt his action and rethink his plan.