Episode 1 of "Two Weeks To Live" unfolds in the northern reaches of England, where our protagonist, Kim, strides confidently into a diner, her hand clutched around a substantial wad of cash. Little does she know, she's about to be lured into a cunning trap, exchanging her hard-earned money for a meal and the privilege of using the restroom.
Upon her return, a shocking sight greets her: Mandi, the waitress, discovers her husband sprawled on the floor, brutally beaten, with the mocking words "oink oink" scrawled across his forehead. Kim's handiwork is undeniable, and without a backward glance, she speeds off towards the South Coast, driven by a cryptic clue hidden within an envelope.
Arriving outside a quaint pub, Kim stumbles inside, her heels clicking against the floorboards with urgency. In her haste, she inadvertently topples the drink of a stern-faced patron, but regains her composure to take a seat at the bar. Coincidentally, Jay and Nicky, two young men, have just made a wager: the next person to enter the pub would be the girl Nicky would bravely ask out on a date. Fate, it seems, has a mischievous sense of humor, as that very person turns out to be Kim.
At the bar, Nicky engages in conversation with Kim, who reveals a surprising list of to-dos before the apocalypse—for she is the daughter of a Doomsday Prepper, convinced that the end of the world is imminent.
Meanwhile, in the serene Scottish wilderness, a woman sits amidst the trees, brushstrokes painting a tranquil scene on canvas. But tranquility is fleeting as she locates her prey and, without hesitation, delivers a fatal shot. This woman is none other than Kim's mother, Tina. Inside their secluded cabin, Tina finds Kim's absence jarring, accompanied by a heartfelt apology and a promise of safety scribbled on a note, a testament to Kim's impulsive flight into the unknown.
Returning to the bustling South Coast, the duo of lads cordially extend an invitation to Kim, luring her into the depths of their cozy apartment. Amidst a haze of smoke and the gentle sway of liquor, Kim finds herself compelled to swallow a pollution pill, a grim reminder of the toxic world outside.
As their conversation flows, Jay surreptitiously slips away, fingers dancing across the keys of a computer, delving into unseen realms. A fleeting glimpse into Kim's psyche reveals a maelstrom of nightmarish memories, her father's life extinguished by a brutal stab, haunting her every waking moment.
Jay, with mischievous intent, abruptly snaps the veil of reverie, weaving a web of lies that entangles Kim in a false prophecy – the world, he claims, stands on the precipice of annihilation, mere weeks from its fiery demise. Nicky, however, harbors doubts, questioning whether Jay's jest is truly the path they ought to tread.
Convinced that the end is nigh, Kim embarks on a precipitous course of action, her companions in tow. This fateful journey leads them to the threshold of a resplendent mansion, where Kim, pistol in hand, its silencer whispering secrets, executes a strike with ruthless precision, dispatching one of the loyal guards. Her quarry, none other than Jimmy, a notorious crime lord who, by the twisted hand of fate, may very well hold the key to unlocking the mystery behind her father's untimely demise.