Episode 15 of "When The Stars Gossip" unfolds with Kang-su in a frenetic race against time, meticulously erasing every trace of incriminating evidence, fully aware of the impending storm that threatens to engulf Ryong. His urgent mission is cut short by a summons to the MCC, where he firmly reminds Go-eun of their imperative to align with the MCC's directives. Compliance, he stresses, is the only path to salvaging the MZ Group from the impending collapse that Ryong's predicament promises to trigger.
Elsewhere, Eve engages in a delicate negotiation with Tae-hui, proposing a bold plan: to confess that she herself had destroyed the morula prior to their arrival on Earth, thus explaining its mysterious absence. Meanwhile, Ryong's voice echoes through the corridors, a defiant tirade on ethics and the morula's miraculous survival, but his words fall upon indifferent ears as the team continues their grim task of eradicating the last vestige of potential life.
At the brink of disposal, Eve intervenes with a swift decision, whisking the morula away in a portable freezer instead of consigning it to the trash. This audacious move signals her and her compatriots' resolve to aid Ryong by crafting a narrative that places the blame solely on him for smuggling the morula aboard and disposing of it in space—a tale tailored to spare him the harshest judicial wrath.
With the morulas vanished, Ryong grapples with the heart-wrenching decision to inform the family of their loss, only to be persuaded otherwise by Kang-su, who emphasizes his role as the scapegoat and the family's understandable reluctance to see him now. Undeterred, Ryong confronts the Chairman, who vents his fury with both words and blows upon learning of the failed experiment.
Go-eun, moved to compassion, expresses her desire to secure legal aid for Ryong, but he gently declines, acknowledging his own unworthiness of her support and kindness. Elsewhere, Eve's commandership at MCC is stripped away, her fate hanging in the balance pending the commission's decision. For now, her mission at the Station remains her lifeline, a slender thread of hope granted amidst the turmoil.
Two months hence, we leap forward in time. The endeavor to mend the space station presses onward, and Eve soaks in the vistas, convinced that this will be her final glimpse of Earth from such a celestial perspective. The scene then shifts to Ryong's court proceedings. Condemned to two years behind bars, his sentence is conditionally suspended for four years upon the finalization of the verdict. Furthermore, he is slapped with a 140 billion won fine and stripped of his medical license. Meanwhile, the MZ Group emerges unscathed, whereas Eve's fate is less fortunate; her dismissal looms on the horizon.
Kang-su arrives to taunt Ryong, even proposing to foot his fine in a bid to win Eve's affections and restart their lives together. Ryong, furious, storms off in disdain as Kang-su settles his tab. Unbeknownst to Kang-su, Eve harbors a secret—she is with child. Aboard the space shuttle, meticulously monitored by the MCC around the clock, she undergoes an ultrasound, beholding her baby for the first time.
After reassuring herself of the infant's well-being, she confers with her fellow astronauts, pondering how to break the news to Ryong. However, contemplation is brief, as their journey back to Earth beckons. Ryong soon comes to learn of Eve's pregnancy, his concerns heightening as the baby's heartbeat races. Upon hearing the audio recording, he is struck with awe, setting the stage for an exhilarating finale.