Episode 1 of "Who Killed Sara" unfolds with a seemingly harmless parasailing escapade, a serene dreamscape that swiftly metamorphoses into a sinister nightmare. Sara's tranquility shatters as she realizes the horror unfolding before her eyes—the straps give way, and she's plunged into a fateful freefall, her screams of terror echoing through the waters as she descends into darkness. These haunting memories linger like a specter over Alex, incarcerated and counting the days until his freedom.
Blessed with exemplary conduct, Alex's release arrives sooner than expected, the dawn of his liberation set at 8 AM sharp the very next morning. His eyes narrow with determination as he inquires whether the Lazcano clan is aware of his impending exit. If they weren't, they soon will be, for Alex's heart is consumed by a burning desire for vengeance.
Exiting the prison gates, Alex marches towards home, fueled by a searing mix of remorse and despair. His mind reels with flashbacks, each one peeling back layers of the past, revealing the truth about his bond with Sara—siblings, united in tragedy. The Lazcanos' ominous silence forced Alex to bear the brunt of Sara's demise, a burden he refuses to shoulder alone. He blames Rodolfo Lazcano, convinced that the deliberate severing of Sara's harness was a sinister act of sabotage.
Armed with a key smuggled from within the prison walls, Alex unlocks a safety deposit box, revealing a treasure trove of cash. This financial cushion emboldens him as he sets to work, meticulously reorganizing his abode and meticulously plotting his revenge. As he delves into piles of files, his gaze falls upon a scanned image of Sara, her radiance dimmed by the revelation that she was pregnant at the time of her untimely death.
Meanwhile, Rodolfo Lazcano embarks on a morning jog, his mind elsewhere, a clear indication that his bedchamber holds no allure for him and Sofia. It's a pivotal day for him, as he prepares to ascend the throne of the casino as its new CEO. On the rooftop, Cesar, the patriarch, arrives in a helicopter, descending with an air of authority. However, his mood darkens upon learning of Alex's release. He commands his assistant to tighten security, fully cognizant of the storm Alex's vengeance threatens to unleash.
Alex orchestrates his move with precision, dispatching a message to Rodolfo amidst a daring feat – he has unfathomably breached the casino's surveillance system, his gaze piercing through the screens to the family huddled together. Without hesitation, he infiltrates the feeds, his face emerging as a stark reminder, promising retribution. He acknowledges Rodolfo's ascension with a sarcastic congratulations, painting a grim picture that this revelation marks merely the dawn of a storm.
As the transmission abruptly ends, Cesar's resolve hardens, rejecting Rodolfo's gentle nudge to reconcile with his former ally. Instead, he embarks on a personal quest for resolution, fueled by the echoes of the past.
Flashbacks unravel, revealing a lone voice of dissent within the family's ranks – Chema, the lone warrior who stood against Alex's sacrificial lamb fate. This revelation aligns eerily with Alex's receipt of a cryptic text, its origin shrouded in anonymity. The message whispers a shocking truth: Rodolfo wasn't Sara's murderer; they were both pawns in a twisted game.
But before the words can fully sink in, chaos descends. Gunfire erupts like a tempest in the living room, raining down bullets as Alex collapses, a target in the crosshairs of an unseen assassin. The air thickens with the scent of danger, and the stakes are raised higher than ever before.