Wild Cards – Season 2 Episode 6

Published: Feb 19 2025

As the curtains rise on this thrilling episode of Wild Cards, Max Mitchell (portrayed by Vanessa Morgan) finds herself engrossed in a video clip of Jonathan Ashford (Martin Sheen), discussing the intricacies of deception. Suddenly, Chief Li reaches out to Max, summoning her to a meeting. Cole Ellis (played by Giacomo Gianniotti) interjects with startling news: a murder has occurred on a secluded island just offshore, the victim being none other than Serena Pendragon. Max immediately recognizes the telltale mark of the Harksmoor Family, reminding everyone of the mysterious disappearance of Alistair Harksmoor seven years prior. Despite his boat being discovered adrift, Alistair's body remained elusive.

Wild Cards – Season 2 Episode 6 1

Olive, the coroner (Manuela Sosa), adds an eerie twist by mentioning the island's supposed haunting. Though Max remains skeptical, Cole advocates for maintaining an open mind. They soon find themselves on the eerie shores of the island. Derwood (Nikolai Witschl), the caretaker, welcomes them with a grim task: showing them Serena's lifeless body, stabbed through the chest. Olive estimates the time of death to be around 2 a.m. Derwood insists he heard and saw nothing unusual, as he was out gathering firewood to prepare for a potential power outage.

The team splits up, combing the island for clues—a knife and footprints. From the house emerges Dorothy Harksmoor (Barbara Wallace), an elderly woman who boldly declares that Alistair murdered Serena. Clara (Gabrielle Rose), the housekeeper, gently ushers Dorothy back inside, reminding her not to wander alone. Clara confides in Max that Dorothy, once sharp-minded, has been declining mentally in recent weeks. The island is currently hosting Dorothy's stepchildren and granddaughter for a weekend visit. At the time of Serena's demise, only six souls inhabited the island.

Derwood excuses himself to fetch more wood, leaving Max to ascend the stairs with Clara and Dorothy. Dorothy's fragile state becomes evident when she slaps Max's hand away as she tries to grab a chocolate. In a private moment, Clara unfolds Dorothy's desperate plea to Serena: to know if Alistair had finally found peace.Serena reiterated all the conventional remarks, while Clara remained puzzled by Dorothy's abrupt fear of Alistair. Dorothy, convinced that Alistair harbored resentment towards her, had impulsively invited Serena to reside with them permanently. It was well-known that Alistair had once indulged in an expensive brand of cigars, and Clara insisted that she had detected that telltale aroma in recent times.

Max engaged Ellis in a discussion about the case, leading them to interview Holly Hawksmoor, portrayed by Lydia Campbell, and Gil Hawksmoor, played by Vincent Tong. Holly was eager for a swift resolution, as she had an open house scheduled on the mainland the following day. Gil gently reminded her that there were matters of greater significance than a real estate transaction, noting that it had been precisely seven years to the day since their father had vanished at sea. Legally, he could only be declared deceased as of today.

Ivy, played by Faith Wright, chuckled at Gil and Holly's somber demeanor, challenging her mother with a sarcastic query about whom she was trying to deceive. The conversation soon escalated into a heated argument among them. Cole suggested to Max that they adopt a divide-and-rule strategy.

In a private moment, Holly confided in Max, revealing that despite being a fraudster, Serena had brought solace to Dorothy's troubled heart.Max inquiries about Holly's whereabouts around 2 a.m. this morning, prompting her to claim she was nestled comfortably in bed, lost in slumber, aided by a sleeping pill that ensured undisturbed rest. Meanwhile, Cole engages in conversation with Gil, who confesses his insomnia has plagued him since taking charge of the family business. Despite his waking state, Gil asserts he heard nothing unusual, reasoning that Serena's dismissal would have been imminent upon Dorothy's demise, rendering her murder now redundant.

Ivy confides in Max, revealing that both Gil and Holly harbored fears of Serena's intentions to seize control of the finances through Dorothy. Max remarks that everyone stands to leave the island as millionaires, yet Ivy declares she would trade all the wealth for just one more day with her beloved grandfather. Clara shares with Cole the widespread dislike for Dorothy among the family, stemming from her usurpation of Alistair's affections and home after the demise of his first wife, who couldn't bear children. The children, Gil and Holly, adopted by Alistair, harbored resentment towards Dorothy as a result.

Derwood lambasts the offspring as a group of spoiled individuals, always returning home when their funds are depleted. He further enlightens Max about the kids' disparaging remarks towards Serena, both in secret and openly. In the weeks preceding her death, Serena had even restricted their access to Dorothy. Derwood harbors the belief that the Hawksmoor family is under a curse.

Their discourse is interrupted by the arrival of Dick Hemmings, the lawyer, played by Malcolm Stewart, who announces his presence for the reading of the will. Olive informs Cole that her team has completed its preliminary investigation and will transport the body for a comprehensive examination. She estimates Serena was stabbed sometime between 1 and 3 a.m., yet the murder weapon remains elusive. Oliver promises to update Cole with further details.

As Cole discusses the murder weapon and other crime specifics with Max, Dick begins the will reading, highlighting the fact that only Dorothy's fingerprints could unlock the safe, capturing Holly's impatience with a gentle nudge to expedite the process.As Dorothy unlatches the safe, the group's eyes widen in anticipation, revealing a potential murder weapon nestled within. Gil quickly identifies it as his father's fishing knife, a sentimental relic now shrouded in suspicion. Clara, Derwood, Gil, and Holly attempt to crack the safe's secrets, but to no avail. Ivy is next in line, her fingers tracing the dial with hope, yet even her efforts fall short. Max suggests Dick give it a try, but the safe remains resolutely closed, mocking their attempts. The loss of cell service only deepens the mounting tension.

The reading of Alistair's will resumes in the dining room, a solemn atmosphere thick with unspoken truths. To Gil, Holly, and Ivy's disbelief, Alistair has bestowed nothing upon them, believing he had pampered them excessively. Instead, his entire estate is bestowed upon Dorothy, a trust Dick validates by revealing Alistair's confidence in her integrity.

As Cole and Max ascend the stairs, an unsettling voice echoes through the house, mingled with Dorothy's desperate cries for an intruder to vacate her space. She insists Alistair's restless spirit haunts her, his anger palpable. Max suspects foul play, theorizing a hidden speaker might amplify these spectral whispers. Dorothy's terror is genuine, her claims of Alistair's murderous intent chilling. Cole's discovery of a speaking horn fuels this hypothesis, and his descent into the basement confirms the device's functionality.

In the basement's concealed depths, Cole uncovers a grim revelation: skeletal remains, lacking an arm, tucked behind a brick facade. Max and Cole conjecture these are the remains of Alistair, noting a metal fragment lodged between the ribs, possibly the tip of a knife. They relay this grim news to the others, Dick reminding them the will stands firm. Clara bursts into the room, the news hitting her hard. Dick mentions a conservatorship clause, suggesting he should take charge should Dorothy be deemed mentally incompetent. Clara flees, driven by an urgent theory.

Outside, Clara weeps, her tears masked by a false claim of allergies. She confesses to Max a long-buried secret: her affair with Alistair, a relationship kept hidden from Dorothy. Alistair had planned to divorce Dorothy for Clara, love letters from him serving as proof of their illicit bond. Assuming the role of a psychic, Max consoles Clara, relaying an imagined message from Alistair—a declaration of love tinged with the sorrowful plea for her to move on.Clara reluctantly consents to entrusting the letters to her custody, confident in her transparency. Nearby, Max's attention is drawn to a display of chocolates perched on the dresser. Cole dials Detective Simmons (Michael Xavier) and Detective Yates (Amy Goodmurphy), requesting their assistance in vetting a series of names. Derwood informs Max and Cole that they must spend the night due to treacherous tidal conditions, necessitating an unexpected slumber together.

Once alone, the duo delves into the mysteries of the case, pondering Alistair's bewildering decision to bequeath everything to Dorothy amidst divorce proceedings. Max offers them a selection of the chocolates, and as they peruse the letters together, Max notices a peculiar line inked in neon green amidst Cole's insistence that the letters, now a vibrant red, seem to be expanding before their eyes. Suddenly, the realization dawns on them: the chocolates have been laced.

Max inquisitively asks Cole about his earlier remark about maintaining an open mind, to which Cole solemnly vows not to ridicule his revelation. He unveils a poignant story about Daniel, who, aged five, began sneaking into Cole's bedroom, tormented by the phantom noises emanating from the walls. Cole's compassionate response was to share his bed, and together they uncovered the culprit – a harmless cricket. In moments of sorrow or loneliness thereafter, they'd whisper, "I'll be your cricket," a phrase that transformed into their bond's secret code.

On the fateful day of Daniel's funeral, Cole retreated to his apartment, where a strange noise led him to his bedroom window, where a cricket perched. Max, moved, vows to be Cole's cricket before their lips meet in a tender kiss.

Morning light awakens Max to find Cole hidden beneath the bed. Their blurred recollections prompt a confused discussion about their previous night's events. Cole confirms they were victims of Dorothy's drugged chocolates. United in their mission, they agree to uncover the killer before dwelling on their nocturnal escapades.

Simmons informs Max that their inquiries into the handyman, housekeeper, and children have yielded no results. As for Dick, he's been living aboard his boat in the marina since his separation.The marina manager revealed that Dick's boat was conspicuously absent from its dock on the fateful night of the murder. He recounted witnessing Dick departure at one o'clock and his subsequent return only in the predawn hours. Upon inspecting Dick's vessel, they discovered recordings of Dick and Alistair's legal discussions, cleverly spliced together by Dick himself. Cole remarked that the amalgamated voices bore an uncanny resemblance to those emanating from Dorothy's chamber.

Max confronted Clara regarding the chocolates laced with drugs, to which Clara clarified that Dick had been sending them for years. Upon examination, they uncovered a minute perforation at the base of each confectionery. It transpired that Serena had also inquired about these chocolates prior to her untimely demise.

Meanwhile, Cole and Max embarked on a search for the hidden recorder. Max imparted to Cole that Serena's curiosity about the chocolates preceded her tragic end, sparking suspicions that Dick might also be implicated in Alistair's fate. Gathering everyone together, Max and Cole orchestrated a psychic ruse, with Max assuming the guise of Alistair's voice, guided by Cole's rhythmic knocking.

Pretending to channel Alistair, Max declared his presence to seek justice, promptly accusing Dick of murdering Serena with the very blade that nearly claimed Alistair's life. Dick vehemently denied any wrongdoing, shifting the blame onto Dorothy, claiming she had slain Alistair upon discovering his intentions to divorce her, subsequently imploring him to tidy up the grim aftermath. Cole interjected, revealing that Serena had deduced Dick's plan to declare Dorothy incompetent, paving the way for him to seize control of their estate.

Dorothy, in turn, lambasted Dick for ruining everything. The tension culminated in a frenetic altercation, culminating in Dorothy and Dick being apprehended in handcuffs. In the aftermath, Max and Cole conferred with Clara, who learned that the will Dick had read aloud was a forgery. Max disclosed the contents of Alistair's love letters, revealing his intentions to marry Clara and bestow upon her the sole beneficiary status.

Once they were alone, Cole insisted that they needed to address what had transpired, refusing to turn a blind eye to the incident. They came to a mutual understanding, deciding to leave the past behind and preserve their friendship. Meanwhile, Max harbored the belief that Cole was responsible for Alistair's cigar smoke, despite Cole's denial.

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