As the newscaster delved into the tragic passing of Professor Xavier and the intricate relationship between humans and mutants, a shocking scene unfolded. A young boy, Roberto da Costa, a mutant hailing from the lush lands of Brazil, was abruptly abducted. Despite his frantic attempts to bribe his captors with money, they were unmoved, their greedy eyes fixed solely on their sinister intentions.
Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning from the heavens, Storm and Bishop crashed into the dim warehouse, their fists flying in furious retaliation against the kidnappers. Cyclops, too, burst through one of the walls, his optic blast dancing gracefully as he deflected the criminals' blows and sent them flying. But the situation quickly escalated as one of the villains revealed a monstrous sentinel hand and activated it with a sinister laugh. Cyclops and Roberto barely escaped the blast, their hearts pounding in their chests.
In a flash, two of the kidnappers managed to seize Cyclops, thinking they had rendered him helpless by removing his visor. But to their surprise, he merely opened his eyes and effortlessly took them out, revealing his powerful optic blast once again.
The next morning, at the mansion, Scott reprimanded Gambit and Rogue for their absence during the mission. As he spoke, his brow furrowed in concern over the revelation that the Friends of Humanity had access to Sentinel weaponry. Suddenly, the door swung open, and Professor Xavier entered the room, but it was revealed to be Morph, playing a prank as he agreed with Rogue and Gambit's decision. Jean, too, appeared and gently reminded everyone that they must set a positive example for their new guest.
Beast, Jubilee, Storm, and Scott tried their best to engage Roberto and seek his assistance, but he seemed disinterested, eager only to leave this place. After complaining about the lack of excitement, Jubilee took him to the Danger Room, hoping to spark his interest. Yet, he remained apathetic, refusing to unleash his powers. Wolverine's sudden appearance only scared him further, sending him fleeing from the room.
Meanwhile, Dr. Cooper sat with Scott and Jean, her voice filled with concern as she revealed that Bolivar Trask was missing and she had no clue who was responsible for the Sentinel weaponry. The arrival of Xavier's death certificate added to Scott's already frayed nerves. Jean, however, reached out to him, gently reminding him that they had a future together, despite the challenges ahead. She knew it would be difficult to stay on the team with a baby on the way, but they would find a way. Suddenly, Jubilee interrupted their conversation, her face pale as she relayed that Logan had scared Roberto away.
Thanks to Wolverine's keen sense of smell, he and the other X-Men tracked Roberto to a bustling club. As the rest searched for the missing boy, Wolverine confided in Morph that he had sensed Jean's intention to leave the team due to her unborn child. Jubilee stumbled upon da Costa, and they briefly indulged in a dance, but Logan interrupted, urging them to depart promptly.
Scott and Storm interrogated Henry Gyrich, seeking information on Trask's whereabouts. They even offered to commute ten years of his sentence, but Gyrich refused, insisting that humans merely pretend to be tolerant because, deep down, they fear that tolerance leads to extinction. Realizing he wouldn't cooperate, Scott instructed Jean to delve into Gyrich's mind.
With Cerebro's assistance, Jean effortlessly probed Gyrich's thoughts and discovered Trask's hiding place. Suddenly, however, someone invaded her mind, plunging her into a surreal vision. She beheld her unborn child amidst hundreds of graves in a desolate landscape. As a menacing master mold emerged, Jean could only embrace her son and close her eyes as it wrought destruction.
All the X-Men, except Jubilee and Roberto, converged on the Sahara Desert, where Trask was in hiding. Unexpectedly, a sentinel slammed into their ship, forcing everyone to leap into the air. Rogue, Morph, and Storm caught those unable to fly, while Scott used his telekinetic blast to cushion their falls.
Trask's master mold spawned numerous Sentinels, but the X-Men banded together to destroy them. As the numbers seemed overwhelming, Storm whipped up a hurricane and unleashed bolts of lightning, decimating scores of robots in an instant. Finally, Gambit amped up Wolverine's claws, slicing through the final machine with ease.
Meanwhile, Jubilee extended an invitation to Roberto to join the X-Men. Hesitantly, he revealed his power, transforming into a form of solar energy. None in his family knew about this ability, and he was clueless about how to disclose it. Roberto confessed that he couldn't be an X-Man when he couldn't even embrace himself. Before departing, however, he handed Jubilee his card.
After the dust settled from the fierce battle, Scott hatched a clever plan to ease the tension and bring a moment of levity to the group. He proposed a friendly game of basketball, inviting everyone to join in the fun and share some lively chatter. However, before the first whistle could be blown, Beast's keen senses picked up an unexpected intrusion, prompting them all to converge on the Professor's sanctum.
To their surprise, Magneto stood there, his presence as imposing as ever. With a confident stride, he declared that according to Charles's last will and testament, everything within that room, including the X-Men themselves, now belonged to him. The revelation hung in the air, casting a shadow over their plans for relaxation and celebration.