X-Men '97 – Season 1 Episode 8

Published: Jun 05 2024

Cable unveils the looming threat of Bastion to the X-Men, revealing him as their new nemesis. This diabolical foe has harnessed the same Techno-Organic Virus that plagues Cable to create the Prime Sentinels - living weapons capable of replicating themselves endlessly. Bastion envisions a "utopian" future where humanity is enhanced, while mutants are relegated to servitude. The cataclysmic events in Genosha serve as the igniting spark for his twisted vision, yet Cable's futile attempts to avert its doom only lead to him being cast back into the past, trapped in a relentless timestream loop.

Suddenly, the X-Men's solemn conversation is interrupted by a startling report - Xavier is alive, and Bastion stands behind the revelation. Kurt offers Jean solace and guidance, helping her navigate the complexities of her relationship with Madelyne. To him, blood ties may be unalterable, but family is a bond chosen with love and understanding. His own brotherhood with Rogue has taught him this valuable lesson.

X-Men '97 – Season 1 Episode 8 1

Meanwhile, Dr. Cooper witnesses Mr. Sinister's shadowy dealings in Bastion's labyrinthine laboratory. As he departs, she turns her gaze to Magneto, offering a heartfelt apology for the horrors that unfolded in Genosha. She confesses her ignorance of the full extent of the calamity, her words falling on deaf ears as the master of magnetism merely opens his eyes, his gaze steely and unyielding.

Trish Tilby ventures to Hank's laboratory, stripped of her usual recording equipment. Her sole purpose is to offer an apology, seeking to mend fences. Hank reveals his unconventional method of tracking the Prime Sentinels - utilizing the remains of Trask's body as a key to unlocking their whereabouts, though progress remains elusive.

Finally, Cable, Jean, and Scott arrive at Bastion's childhood home, encountering the villain's mother, who awaits them with a mixture of sadness and resolve. The elderly woman explains that she must pack her belongings, granting the trio a moment of privacy. As they inspect Bastion's belongings, they uncover a startling revelation - the young Bastion could hear the whispers of machines from his earliest days. It transpires that his father's early exposure to sentinel technology had a profound, intergenerational impact, tainting Bastion from the moment of his birth.Simultaneously, Bastion engaged in conversations with several of his collaborators, Doom and Zemo among them. He confided to Dr. Cooper that the events in Genosha amounted to a form of "time management," as mutants threatened to outnumber humans in the foreseeable future. However, what he revealed next was far more chilling. His laboratory was abuzz with humans undergoing experiments designed to transform them into prime sentinels, blissfully unaware of their fate. Upon returning to their daily lives, they would forget everything about the experiment, leaving them blissfully ignorant.

As Bastion's mother approached the X-Men once again, she abruptly transformed into a sentinel and launched a furious attack. Simultaneously, a similar transformation occurred to numerous other humans, including Trish Tilby and Roberto's butler. Jean and her companions narrowly escaped the house, only to realize that the villain had transformed an entire neighborhood into cyborgs.

As a horde of sentinels converged on Rogue, intent on awakening her and finishing her off, Wolverine arrived on the scene. Alongside Nightcrawler, he wielded three swords, enhanced by his arms and tail, slicing through the robots to protect the young girl. They combined their powers and refused to yield, even as a larger group of robots closed in on them. The battle was fierce and relentless, but the X-Men refused to give up, determined to protect Rogue and save the day.

Jubilee valiantly leaped from the roof, pursued by relentless sentinels. Roberto, without hesitation, took to the skies in a bid to rescue her and flee the advancing machines. But fate dealt them a cruel blow as he crashed into the building where his mother was hosting a festive gathering, unexpectedly revealing his mutant identity to all in attendance.

The sentinels, however, claimed they were not killers of mutants, but rather their salvation. Roberto's mother, selfishly prioritizing her own safety, advised him to comply with the robots' demands.

Meanwhile, Cable, Jean, and Cyclops struggled to evade their pursuers with the blackbird, but their escape plan failed. Desperate, they resorted to a Porsche, with Jean using her telekinesis to navigate while the others fired at the relentless sentinels.

Bastion arrived at the decimated X-Mansion, believing his mission had been accomplished. Even when Mr. Sinister informed him that Dr. Cooper had liberated Magneto, Bastion remained obstinate, insisting it was too late. Little did he know, he had grossly underestimated his foes.

Returning to the lab, Bastion imprisoned Dr. Cooper in an attempt to coerce a confession. She revealed that her time in Genosha had been a haunting déjà vu, a constant replay of tragedies that seemed to lead only to more sorrow. Strangely, the only thought that comforted her was Magneto's assertion that he was right.

Elsewhere, Magneto traveled to the far reaches of the globe and unleashed an electromagnetic pulse of unprecedented strength, enveloping the entire world in its grasp. With a single utterance of "enough," he deactivated all the sentinels, saving his brethren from certain doom.

Later, as Morph praised Magneto for his heroic actions, Wolverine cautioned that they had merely ignited a war. Suddenly, a ship crashed into the mansion, and from its wreckage, Xavier emerged, calling his X-Men to his side, Storm among them.

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