Episode 6 of "Zero Day" kicks off with Alex confronting Dreyer and the Congressional allies who have sided with him. Their cunning plan—orchestrating Zero Day to expose the nation's vulnerabilities, unite the populace, and present a novel governance proposal—has taken a dark turn. Alex is overwhelmed with panic, realizing how drastically the scheme has veered off course, particularly with Mitchell's unanticipated creation of the commission and its assignment to George. Alex considers coming clean but is subtly coerced by Dreyer, who hints at the opposition from their sinister collaborators. Desperate, she dials her parents, intending to confess all.
Just then, Dreyer pulls another Zero Day blackout, but this time, it lingers longer, plunging the nation into deeper chaos. The commission, clued into the malware, races against time to restore power. George's security detail warns of an assassination plot, urging an immediate evacuation amidst a riotous mob encircling his gate. Fists fly, guns blaze, and Molotov cocktails explode, but fortunately, the CIA arrives in the nick of time, dispersing the crowd.
While Sheila seeks refuge at Valerie's, Jeremy reveals a stunning revelation: Dreyer has ordered George's assassination. They devise a plan to exploit this by falsely announcing George's demise, confident that they stand alone with Mitchell, opposed by numerous Zero Day collaborators within the government.
George, piecing together the puzzle, seeks out Alex, who breaks into tears. She confesses her earnest intentions to fix the system through Zero Day, never foreseeing the lethal consequences. Desolate and uncertain, she leans on George for comfort as he envelops her in an embrace.
Elsewhere, Dreyer publicly mourns George's supposed demise while subtly positioning himself as the next commissioner. His triumph is fleeting as George confronts him head-on. Dreyer acknowledges defeat but threatens that exposing him would also implicate Alex. He proposes a compromise: George should retire quietly at term's end and frame Kidder for Zero Day.
The commission succeeds in restoring power, and the White House declares the investigation concluded, with George poised to unveil its findings at a press conference. As he drafts the report, both Sheila and Mitchell plea with him to scapegoat Kidder. Sheila, haunted by the fear of losing another child, blames herself and Alex for the failure. Mitchell, on the other hand, fears societal collapse if the public loses faith in their government. She appeals to George's compassion, reminding him of his selfless withdrawal from reelection to shield his illegitimate daughter, Lily.
Is Proteus a tangible reality? When George hallucinates the image of his son and discovers a Proteus bug nestled within the bird feeder, he caves in to the illusion. Dreyer, meanwhile, breathes a sigh of relief as his tarnished reputation edges toward redemption. Valerie dives into an investigation of the peculiar bug but finds no anomalies to suggest anything otherworldly. George's physician posits that the hallucinations and memory blanks could equally stem from the overwhelming stress he's enduring. Valerie concurs, arguing that be it Proteus or stress, the ordeal has culminated.
However, prior to the hearing, Alex deposits a letter for George, setting the stage for an unexpected revelation. As Alex's findings are unveiled at the press conference, haunting lyrics from 'Who Killed Bambi' flash across the prompter, compelling him to acknowledge his absent presence in his son's life. He resolves to rectify this by fulfilling Alex's wishes.
Does George bare the truth to the world? He reads her letter aloud, unmasking Dreyer, fellow congressmen, and Alex herself. Alex has surrendered herself, leaving Sheila with a sorrowful countenance. Mitchell is astounded when George declares the commission's conclusion but assures that the President will relentlessly pursue justice. Dreyer fumes, accusing George of betraying their nation. Yet, George views this as a pivotal moment to rectify wrongs and salvage America.
The public lauds George for his moral stance, even if it means implicating his own flesh and blood. Upon returning home, George finds Sheila absent, prompting him to incinerate all unfinished drafts of his memoir, recognizing that his work is far from done. The following dawn, he alters his routine, embracing a new jogging path, marking the conclusion of Zero Day Episode 6 with a sense of renewal and purpose.