In the upcoming blockbuster "Deadpool & Wolverine," Hugh Jackman reprises his iconic role as Wolverine alongside Ryan Reynolds, bringing the superhero saga to a thrilling new level. During a recent conversation with his co-star, Jackman revealed the challenges he faced getting back into superhero shape for the film.
As Wolverine in the Shawn Levy-directed movie, Jackman underwent a rigorous physical transformation, much to the admiration of his longtime friend Reynolds. "The dedication you showed to stunts and choreography was simply breathtaking," Reynolds, 47, praised during their candid chat for People magazine. "It was the first time I'd ever witnessed how invaluable a background in song and dance can be in an action movie."
Reynolds continued to heap praise on Jackman, saying, "Your precision and confidence in those fight scenes were unlike anything I've ever seen. It didn't matter if you were 25, 35, 45, or 55—it was like watching a clinic on stunt work. It was truly one of the most impressive things I've ever witnessed."
Jackman, visibly touched by his friend's words, attributed much of his physical prowess to working closely with stunt coordinator Brian Smrz. The "Greatest Showman" actor revealed that Smrz introduced dance training as a crucial component of preparing for the action sequences, and it paid dividends.
"When I returned to the role, it was pure joy," recalled Jackman, 55. "My body was a bit sore initially, but I was thrilled that it still responded. And I realized how beneficial it was for my mind as well."
However, the "X-Men" star admitted that there were some challenges along the way. "The toughest part...was the food," he confessed to his co-star, describing the difficulties of bulking up for the role. "I have to eat a lot, and for my body type, I'm naturally lean. Getting the right amount of muscle mass was tough. It really did my head in."
Reynolds sympathized with Jackman's struggles, adding, "Yeah, eating five or six meals a day sounds great in theory, but it's not always the most enjoyable type of food. I'm sure some people would envy us, but it's not always as glamorous as it sounds."
Earlier this month, Jackman told Fandango that he had impulsively signed on for the third "Deadpool" movie, forgetting to inform his agent first. "Sometimes in life, things become crystal clear, and when that happens, I've learned to just jump in and seize the moment," he said at the time.