In the thrilling new action movie "Atlas," Jennifer Lopez shines as a fearless data analyst who must brave her deepest fears to safeguard the fate of mankind during an epic intergalactic mission. The film, set to premiere globally on Netflix on May 24, showcases Lopez's transformation from romantic comedy icon to action heroine.
As Atlas Shepherd, a brilliant yet socially distant data analyst who harbors a deep mistrust of artificial intelligence, Lopez embarks on a journey that tests her mettle and pushes her boundaries. When she joins a daring mission to capture a rogue robot warrior, she finds herself stranded on a distant planet, forced to rely on the same technology she fears to save the future of humanity.
"I loved that this is a big sci-fi action movie, but at its core, it's a story of friendship — and a love story, in a way," Lopez told Netflix Tudum. "I always see everything as a love story, but this is a different kind of love between two beings who connect in disastrous circumstances and teach each other how to be more human."
Simu Liu stars as Harlan, the AI terrorist Atlas must defeat, who turns out to be her estranged brother. Their confrontation is filled with emotional tension and action-packed sequences that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Sterling K. Brown, Gregory James Cohan, and Lana Parrilla round out the cast, playing crucial roles in the mission to save humanity. Brown stars as Colonel Banks, the commanding officer of the mission to GR39, while Cohan and Parrilla play Atlas' AI companion Smith and her mother Val Shepherd, respectively.
The film is a thrilling blend of sci-fi adventure and emotional drama, with Lopez's powerful performance at the helm. "Atlas" promises to be a must-watch for fans of action movies and Lopez alike, as she takes her acting career to new heights with this exciting new role.