The esteemed veteran actress and renowned "Celebrity Apprentice" contender is set to embark on her directorial journey with a chilling horror film, 'Wineville,' slated for a theatrical release in September 2024. Dark Star Pictures has secured the North American distribution rights for this groundbreaking project, which marks Brande Roderick's directorial debut.
In 'Wineville,' Roderick not only directs but also stars as Tess Lott, a woman who fled her abusive father's clutches as a teenager. Decades later, she returns to her family's vineyard as a single mother following her father's death, intent on sorting out her inheritance. However, her return triggers a series of gruesome revelations and haunting memories that she had left behind, unleashing a murderous legacy that brings violence and death to her doorstep.
Roderick, whose acting credits include notable films like 'The Nannie Diaries,' 'Starsky & Hutch,' and 'Baywatch,' brings a unique perspective to her directorial role. The ensemble cast, featuring Carolyn Hennesy, Texas Battle, Casey King, and Keaton Roderick Cadrez, promises to deliver a thrilling and haunting performance.
'Wineville' was penned by Richard Schenkman, whose credits include 'Mischief Night,' 'Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies,' and 'The Man from Earth.' He also serves as a producer alongside Roderick, Robin DeMartino, and Todd Slater. Drawing inspiration from '70s horror classics like 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'The Last House on the Left,' Roderick aims to pay homage to the era's iconic films while injecting her own vision into the genre she grew up loving.
"With 'Wineville,' I wanted to create a horror film that captured the essence of the '70s, while also telling a compelling story," said Roderick in a statement. "I'm thrilled to be partnering with Dark Star Pictures to bring this terrifying tale to audiences worldwide."
The distribution deal was negotiated by Convoke Media's Slater on behalf of the filmmakers and Michael Repsch on behalf of Dark Star Pictures, ensuring that 'Wineville' will first hit select theaters before its digital release, allowing fans to experience the film's chilling atmosphere in the most immersive way possible.